CDZ Pandemic Personalities?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have noticed two distinct personality types emanating from the current pandemic. Both types are egocentric, but with completely different orientations. The first type values self-opinions over the opinions of others, while the second type values the opinions of others (e.g., "experts") over their own opinions. This disparity seems to reflect differing levels of self-confidence and a concomitant wish to control the actions of others. Ironically, those with greater self-confidence are more willing to let others follow their own opinions, while those with less self-confidence are less willing to do so.

What do you think causes these disparities?
I have noticed two distinct personality types emanating from the current pandemic. Both types are egocentric, but with completely different orientations. The first type values self-opinions over the opinions of others, while the second type values the opinions of others (e.g., "experts") over their own opinions. This disparity seems to reflect differing levels of self-confidence and a concomitant wish to control the actions of others. Ironically, those with greater self-confidence are more willing to let others follow their own opinions, while those with less self-confidence are less willing to do so.

What do you think causes these disparities?

peanut butter and jelly
I have noticed two distinct personality types emanating from the current pandemic. Both types are egocentric, but with completely different orientations. The first type values self-opinions over the opinions of others, while the second type values the opinions of others (e.g., "experts") over their own opinions. This disparity seems to reflect differing levels of self-confidence and a concomitant wish to control the actions of others. Ironically, those with greater self-confidence are more willing to let others follow their own opinions, while those with less self-confidence are less willing to do so.

What do you think causes these disparities?

I disagree. Self-confidence in your subjective assessment here seems to describe the individual we all know and have met, one bearing many different faces but similar voices, known in these modern times as: the fence-sitter. The modern fence-sitter claims to not only sit on a fence choosing no side, even in the most pressing of current national and global issues, but also hides himself away on an island, mid-stream; a place from which he believes he can hurl condescending wisdom at both sides while staying bone dry and far out of the currents of controversy and any arising imminent danger.

Alas, the modern fence-sitter is delusional. In fact he has caught himself up within an infinite loop of delusion, false confidence, and a complex of superiority wherein by choosing to not choose any side at all he is somehow the wisest one in "all this" whatever situation or infighting. Nothing could be farther from true. In choosing to sit the fence between polarizing issues of the day, the fence-sitter has neither absolved himself of the sins of his side choosing brethren, nor has he (as he believes he's done) abstained from taking sides in any human conflict. Rather, the fence-sitter is most fanatical and dangerous of all involved parties in any issue, as he prefers to watch and is entertained by, the plight of his true-believer fellow human beings, and he is content to aid neither side nor gain the alliance of any side. Thus, when one side or the other "comes" for him on his make-believe island he finds himself alone and without hope of survival.

No one I know who denies the efficacy or truth of the novel coronavirus lacks even a modicum of self-confidence. On the contrary, COVID deniers are men and women who have, after careful observation and investigation of related events in their local areas, reached the conclusion that they must trust their own senses over and above 24/7 cable news reports. Further, where many of us deniers have gathered to share our notes the concatenated data are stunning.
If there are two different types, I see them as insecure and secure. The insecure are driven by fear and he need to conform. The secure aren't. The insecure seek to squash small business as a sacrifice that will somehow keep the fear away. The secure are logical and rational. The insecure think the virus somehow won't get you if you are shopping at Walmart, blocking traffic, looting or toppling statues.

The secure think the insecure are fucking idiots.
I have noticed two distinct personality types emanating from the current pandemic. Both types are egocentric, but with completely different orientations. The first type values self-opinions over the opinions of others, while the second type values the opinions of others (e.g., "experts") over their own opinions. This disparity seems to reflect differing levels of self-confidence and a concomitant wish to control the actions of others. Ironically, those with greater self-confidence are more willing to let others follow their own opinions, while those with less self-confidence are less willing to do so.

What do you think causes these disparities?
I don't think there are many of those disparate personality types because I believe most folks are smarter than that. Most folks try to seek out facts, which is really a hard prospect these days with such a highly politically charged media. Heck, even our search engines are biased now we are finding out. So called 'experts' don't even agree anymore. What we are left with is to become personally responsible for doing our own research and then, comparing what we find and making our own decisions. The smart thing to do is to seek out disparate opinions.
What we are left with is to become personally responsible for doing our own research and then, comparing what we find and making our own decisions.
I agree with everything you said except for "making our own decisions." That is no longer permitted in our country.
It is possible to stand back and view the bumbling incompetence of both major political party's.
My personal opinion may be that as the virus kills & damages more & more people a person like BETSY DEVOS hired to lead the nations school system said ...".That we must open the schools Because ONLY .02% of children are likely to die." THAT'S ABOUT 15 THOUSAND CHILDREN. so you may be able to understand I cant get behind any cult, & wish some form of sanity would overtake us all.
It is possible to stand back and view the bumbling incompetence of both major political party's.
My personal opinion may be that as the virus kills & damages more & more people a person like BETSY DEVOS hired to lead the nations school system said ...".That we must open the schools Because ONLY .02% of children are likely to die." THAT'S ABOUT 15 THOUSAND CHILDREN. so you may be able to understand I cant get behind any cult, & wish some form of sanity would overtake us all.
Sorry, it was days a go, and from an interview with a lady who's name I don't remember. Will try and look it up & post it.
Devos was on Fox twice, CNN ,once plus interview I cant find. so cant confirm exact words, She directly said with threat of loss of funds that schools had to open, and she hoped their would only be a small loss of effected (my words) dead children.
Devos was on Fox twice, CNN ,once plus interview I cant find. so cant confirm exact words, She directly said with threat of loss of funds that schools had to open, and she hoped their would only be a small loss of effected (my words) dead children.
So you are relaying what someone said she said, have no context and changed the meaning of 'effected' (which btw should be 'affected') to 'dead children.' Tell me why anyone should believe you.
This may help.
There are 5 kinds of people.

Ones who don't drive.
Ones who don't see the turtle crossing the road and kill it.
Ones who try to avoid hitting the turtle.
Ones who try to hit it on purpose.
Ones who stop and catch the turtle.

No I just made that up. Sorry.
I have noticed two distinct personality types emanating from the current pandemic. Both types are egocentric, but with completely different orientations. The first type values self-opinions over the opinions of others, while the second type values the opinions of others (e.g., "experts") over their own opinions. This disparity seems to reflect differing levels of self-confidence and a concomitant wish to control the actions of others. Ironically, those with greater self-confidence are more willing to let others follow their own opinions, while those with less self-confidence are less willing to do so.

What do you think causes these disparities?

I think behind our masks we are either leaders or followers. Leaders think for themselves, do the research and inform others. Followers basically the opposite.
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It is possible to stand back and view the bumbling incompetence of both major political party's.
My personal opinion may be that as the virus kills & damages more & more people a person like BETSY DEVOS hired to lead the nations school system said ...".That we must open the schools Because ONLY .02% of children are likely to die." THAT'S ABOUT 15 THOUSAND CHILDREN. so you may be able to understand I cant get behind any cult, & wish some form of sanity would overtake us all.

INFLUENZA has a higher death rate among children than COVID-19. :290968001256257790-final:

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