CDZ Five Coming Disruptive Technologies That We Mustt Plan For


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?
Probably right but people living a 1000 years, might be an exaggeration.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?

Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

That sounds like a horror plot to me. Why the heck would I want to live that long? Why would anyone want to live that long? That's horrific.
Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

That sounds like a horror plot to me. Why the heck would I want to live that long? Why would anyone want to live that long? That's horrific.
I'm going to put off death as long as I can, assuming I''m reasonably healthy. That being said, if I ever get to the point in which I will never be able to get out of bed and use the shitter on my own then I will be ready to assume room temperature.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.
Petroleum in outer space?
Probably right but people living a 1000 years, might be an exaggeration.
I agree for us currently living; however, with advances in genetic engineering there may be some children of this century that have the potential of living hundreds of years.
Probably right but people living a 1000 years, might be an exaggeration.
I agree for us currently living; however, with advances in genetic engineering there may be some children of this century that have the potential of living hundreds of years.
Hundreds of years is probably doable, but not a thousand years.
Probably right but people living a 1000 years, might be an exaggeration.
I agree for us currently living; however, with advances in genetic engineering there may be some children of this century that have the potential of living hundreds of years.
Hundreds of years is probably doable, but not a thousand years.
You and I will not live to see it for sure.
Look for a federal mandate that all androids be black.
Be free agents - un-owned by anyone though wards of the government.
Be paid three times the minimum wage.
Get to vote 2x in each election in reparation for something or other.
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1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.
Petroleum in outer space?

Yes, things like charcoal exist in C type asteroids. That is not petroleum itself but could be converted into petroleum and various other petro products. Also methane exists in some of the C type asteroids as well, if I recall correctly.

1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.
Petroleum in outer space?

From Space Dinosaurs.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?

1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

We must control the high ground of space. Hence . . . the Space Force.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

For the foreseeable future AI is probably limited by material and energy physics. That said, cybernetic limbs, optical systems and muscles sound like lots of fun. No one seems to have realized in 300,000 years how the human mind is the ultimate AI. Instead, science is too caught up in reproducing a machine equivalency. Seems kind of redundant.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

Again, the limitations of what we can do with machine animation and materials and power sources will likely keep this one squarely in the remote controlled drone category for some time to come. Sounds hypocritical perhaps, but men should only, ever be the ones to kill other men . . . never autonomous machines. It's a species thing.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

Been there, done that. As a werewolf I've been alive for twice that long. Just kidding. Or am I? But seriously, unless I get to go around chopping off heads with several thousand year-old swords proclaiming, "there can be only one," then I'm not interested.

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?

Well, 3D printers require mass mined/constructed/refined materials manufacturable only by a large, planned economy so . . . ? Perhaps in just a few years we'll be 3D printing human beings from Earth to Mars and Mars to extrasolar worlds. Sounds funky cool. I like it.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?

Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

That sounds like a horror plot to me. Why the heck would I want to live that long? Why would anyone want to live that long? That's horrific.

And you still would have things not checked off on the Honeydoo list.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?

Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

That sounds like a horror plot to me. Why the heck would I want to live that long? Why would anyone want to live that long? That's horrific.

And you still would have things not checked off on the Honeydoo list.

Exactly. Oh that would be terrible to be in your 980s, and still have some old bat saying "Did you clean out the garage yet Earl?"
The benefits of all that will be reserved for the top 1%'ers, like everything else is today. The rest of us will be allowed to die off or be killed by any number of means, probably diseases the top can be vaccinated against. Of course, the 1%ers quite possible will kill each other off to be the only Masters left, eat themselves same as the lunatic left is doing. Noam Chomsky was not always wrong about the 'winners' eventually cannibalizing themselves when there is nobody else left to plunder. He's now finding out how right he was, as the vile little sociopathic monsters he worked to create his whole life now come after his hypocritical ass.

Many journalists and media figures responded to the letter with derision, singling out those who had signed. The Columbia Journalism Review’s Mathew Ingram called some of the signers “aging wankers” and “thin-skinned right-wing attention hogs.” (RELATED: J. K. Rowling Faces Deluge Of Attacks From LGBTQ Community Over Transgender Tweet)

“I see only a collection of spineless liberals who never spoke out when cancel culture came for conservatives but now express concern when it’s affecting the intelligentsia,” said Human Events editor Ian Miles Cheong. “And how do they respond? With mild chiding, as if the far left are children to be scolded.”


NASA Teases ‘Psyche,’ A Robot To Explore An Asteroid Worth More Than Our Global Economy
NASA is about to begin building its latest spacecraft. Called “Psyche” it will explore a 140 miles/226 kilometers-wide asteroid called “16 Psyche.” Today it’s passed a major milestone.
Why is NASA going to ‘16 Psyche?’
Located in the Solar System’s main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, metal-rich 16 Psyche is thought to be the exposed metallic iron, nickel and gold core of a protoplanet. Most asteroids are rocky or icy.
The Psyche mission is part of NASA’s Discovery Program of low-cost robotic space missions.
16 Psyche’s core is tantalisingly similar to Earth’s, which means that it could be the heart of a dead planet that lost its rocky outer layers or suffered from violent collisions.
The metals that make-up this one-of-a-kind asteroid could, according to some, be worth $10,000 quadrillion.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.

2) Strong AI will either liberate us by removing ignorance and inefficiencies in our various systematic process like economics, job hunting and open source 3D printing codes, or it could become our Master if allowed to operate without human control protocols. We need to do more than fear porn on the topic.

3) Androids will be the new servants of the Brave New World of Tomorrow. Sound too good to be true? Well, the Oligarchs will introduce the new technology in a manner that will fuck everyopne over unless we discuss how to introduce it in a human friendly way and not let the Oligarchs monopolize them.

4) Life Extension is a reality. Some of us alive now may very likely still be alive in 3000 AD. How will this impact Social Security and various other programs whose success depends on us having shorter lives?

5) Voluntary labor/barter economy will be a huge cornucopia of wealth all made by individual people and a system of barter and specialization will in all likelihood evolve that will initially be a sub economy but will morph into the predominate economy as employment shrinks. How can we safegaurd the ability of people to access 3D printer designs and share them with the general public?
I had to stop at water on an asteroid. There is none known. I have a toilet full anyway. No need for an asteroid.
1) Space mining is perhaps the most important technology we are working on, and it is getting very little emphasis. The wealth that exists in just Near Earth asteroids is in the hundreds of trillsion of dollars in petroleum, water, precious metals and uranium. The nation that dominmates asteroid mining is the nation that will dominate the next three centuries.
Petroleum in outer space?

Yes, things like charcoal exist in C type asteroids. That is not petroleum itself but could be converted into petroleum and various other petro products. Also methane exists in some of the C type asteroids as well, if I recall correctly.

I wonder how much a gallon of gas would be to make from an asteroid?
We never found a viable economic use for the moon. We have no use for something that large, not to mention cannibalizing it would have some dire effects on our ocean tides, biology, etc. Asteroids would have a high cost per pound of transport. It wouldn't be feasible to send humans, so need to 'share' with the masses. Remember 'progress' has so far meant 'socializing the costs while privatizing the profits' throughout history, and with no tax base to even support current infrastructure, counting on a few self-indulgent hipster billionaires to pay for it all isn't likely. If you can't fix current socio-economic problems now, 'Space Stuff' isn't going to save you.

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