Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

Daily Palestinian Propaganda Exposed

Fabricated photos, supposedly showing poverty and destruction in Gaza

There certainly is poverty and destruction in Gaza, brought on predominantly by the actions of Hamas and the other terrorist groups. There is also beauty and opulence there.

Of course, these photos are staged for maximum effect.

If you supposedly are telling the truth why bring in an ad agency with creative directors, a copywriter, and a professional photographer? And what “retouching” was involved? The photos definitely look photoshopped. Take this one for example

The bus and guy look like they were taken from other photos and placed with background scenery that may or may not actually be Gaza. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the bus was taken from a photo of the aftermath of a palestinian suicide bombing in Israel.

This is paid propaganda, plain and simple. I just wonder how much this propaganda campaign cost, who footed the bill, and how many ordinary Gazans that money could have benefited.

Update: As suspected, the bus is not from Gaza – it is a photo taken in Botswana (hat tip: Michal).

Update: Here’s the building from the desk photo

and the background of the couch photo is from Syria (Hat tip: Noah)

Update: Here is the website of the company that put the different images together. As you can see, there is a lot of fakery involved (Hat tip: Noah)

Update: The background of the photo with the desks (to the back left)….also Syria (the photo has been flipped).


As my readers know, I like to expose the stupid things published about Israel in academic papers.

One recent publication was by Saad Amira, of the University of Basel, Switzerland, whose abstract for "The slow violence of Israeli settler-colonialism and the political ecology of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank" in "Settler Colonial Studies" includes,
Here I focus on three aspects of the slow violence of settler colonialism and its relationship to political ecology: the unleashing of wild boars into Palestinian villages and the decimation of seasonal agriculture, the dumping of sewage waste of Israeli settlements onto Palestinian villages, and the curtailment of indigenous centered modes of production and mobility.
When he proposed this research, he also added something about "reinforcing notions of Patriarchal development" but inexplicably that line of research did not make it into his final paper, perhaps because it would have softened his anti-Israel lies.

But the proposal included the "wild boars" theme.

Now think about this for a second. If someone proposes a doctoral thesis based on the truth of wild and false rumors about Israel, and it gets approved by their supervisor, what are the chances that this "academic researcher" will be objective when they write the paper itself? Indeed, the proposal and the abstract are very similar. The conclusions were drawn before the research.

Which is how 99% of "social science" works.

It turns out that this isn't the only academic fraud who mindlessly repeats the most insane antisemitic conspiracy theories, that religious Jewish settlers or the IDF are raising non-kosher and untamable wild boars to release them in Palestinian Arab farms.
In DA Jaber's "Settler colonialism and ecocide: case study of AlKhader, Palestine" - also in Settler Colonial Studies - we are told, "Qasim, an environmental activist, discussed the actions of settlers that cause the deterioration of agricultural lands. For example, the releasing of rabbits and gazelles, which are not native to the agricultural lands of Al-Khader, onto farmlands, ruining the crops, in particular grapevines and Armenian cucumber plants." The footnote says, ". For more on settlers releasing animals on Palestinian agriculture destroying crops and, at times, harming Palestinians, see Jared Eglan, Beasts of War: The Militarization of Animals (Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press, 2015), 99; Ma’an News Agency ‘10-year-old Palestinian Girl Attacked by Wild Boar Near Jenin’, May 2017."

Waziyatawin writes in "Malice Enough in their Hearts and Courage Enough in Ours: Reflections on US Indigenous and Palestinian Experiences under Occupation," Settler Colonial Studies (2012) that "people of Awarta described the theft of their sheep and goat herds, the confiscation, theft or destruction of their olive trees and the introduction of destructive wild boars" by settlers.

I only saw skepticism in a 2019 book, "Companions in Conflict: Animals in Occupied Palestine," by Penny Johnson, who realized immediately that the "settlers spread wild boar" story was insane:

If only most academics has any intellectual honesty as Johnson does.

I wonder if any academic press would allow this research into the bias of academic research to be published.

(full article online)


Anti-Israel Fauxtography of the Day

Palestinian Street post their anti-Israel photo of the day

“Author unknown” – but lying tactics very well known.


This is actually a photo from Turkey, where there were bad fires in July 2021.

The fact the haters are constantly lying like this says it all, not only about the vitriol
and allegations directed at us, but their entire bogus narrative.


Anti-Israel Fauxtography of the Day: Family Thais Edition

Anti-Israel propaganda Facebook page Olive Palestine recently posted this photo and caption, which went semi-viral:


They seem to have found it from fellow anti-Israel propagandists QNN, who posted the same a month earlier, with similar results:


What struck me when I first saw this photo is how the house does not look Israeli at all. A Google image search reveals why – this is a photo above Ben Shemen Forest, showing the Israel-Thailand Friendship House.

Thai Pagoda Pavilion in Ben Shemen Forest – The Thai Pavilion is a spectacular spectacle in the middle of the forest. The pavilion was given as a gift to the people of Israel from the people of Thailand as a token of friendship in honor of the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel’s independence and 50 years from the coronation of the king of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej. This is one of three pagodas in Israel. It is designed as a traditional Thai temple made of wood and marble in shades of gold, red and white.
The building is located at a point overlooking the hills of Modiin Forest. A fence surrounds the compound to guard it. The place is open only by prior arrangement for fear of destruction.
See also here.

So either the propagandists knowingly used this photo, which is not of Ramla at all, or did it mistakenly because they are not so familiar with what they claim is their “beloved” land after all. Either way, it speaks volumes they did so.

Update: I have written about Ramla before:

Ramla was established by Suleiman Ibn ‘Abd al-Malik as the capital of Jund Filistin (the army or military district of Palestine), and was the only “civilian” city that was built by the Muslims in the Land of Israel and Syria.

And as Mordechai Kedar writes:
After Palestine was occupied by the Muslims, its capital was Ramlah, 30 miles to the west of Jerusalem, signifying that Jerusalem meant nothing to them.

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Linda Sarsour to Guide Teens To "Violence-Free" Relationships


Yesterday I posted about Linda Sarsour announcing the upcoming release of a version of her memoir for young readers. It turns out this is not her only activity related to addressing young people; A group called End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin has announcedits annual Teen Summit in June, with Sarsour as one of its keynote speakers.

The Teen Summit is End Abuse’s largest training, developed by and for young people. It brings together youth, parents, educators, activists, and mentors from across Wisconsin and the surrounding area to learn about individual and community healing, anti-violence work centering those most impacted, and imagining violence-free futures. The event encourages honest reflection and discussion of issues that impact young people. Supportive opportunities for participants to reflect and learn through identity groups and creative expression are woven throughout the Summit.
Educational speakers, youth-led workshops, artistic performances that include spoken word, and featured keynotes will offer attendees interactive experiences that align with the summit’s theme of ‘rEVOLutionary ACTS.’ This year’s keynotes are 21-year-old activist, organizer, and documentarian Melissa Denizard; political activist and former Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour; and Queer Black writer, organizer, and Black Masculinities scholar Nalo Zidan. These thought-leaders will guide this impactful event that lays foundations for young people’s participation in creating violence-free relationships and communities.
“Prevention work is at the heart of ending violence,” said End Abuse Executive Director Monique Minkens. “1 in 4 youth are impacted by dating violence, and far more are impacted by violence related to race, class, gender, and sexual identity. The Teen Summit offers young people resources for identifying both harmful and healthy relationship dynamics, and chances to build friendships with peers and youth activists that are part of building a violence-free future.”

The idea of Sarsour guiding young people in creating violence-free relationships and communities is akin to having an avowed pyromaniac address a crowd on fire prevention.



Sarsour hugging Rasmeah Odeh, convicted of the murder of 2 students.

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Some Surprisingly Accurate Arab Propaganda

Once in a while, Pal-Arab propaganda actually gets it right, albeit inadvertently:


Their cause can very much be likened to a crying child, who can only
think of himself, at a time when someone else is hurting.


Anti-Israel Propaganda Fail of the Day

A group calling themselves Scottish Jews Against Zionism are the latest to try hijack the Russian-Ukraine war and make it all about their beloved “Palestine” and the big, bad Israelis (hat tip: Michal):


The Sky News report they included (top right) deals with the death of a palestinian Arab woman and her baby. If you look inside the report itself, you will see how Gaza’s (Hamas-run) health ministry alleged they were killed in an Israeli airstrike:

Gaza’s health ministry said the pregnant woman, 37, was severely wounded in an Israeli airstrike that hit a home in east Gaza City, and died later in hospital.Advertisement
The 14-month-old girl, Seba Abu Arar, was killed in the strike, it said.

But even the desperately anti-Israel Human Rights Watch
admitted the latter (as I posted weeks after the incident):

A little over a month ago, I posted how a 14-month-old palestinian toddler and her pregnant mother likely died as a result of a palestinian rocket that misfired within Gazan territory. I based this on a number of things, and my suspicions were strengthened when I saw the Palestinian Center of Human Rights (PCHR) did not even blame Israel.
Now Human Rights Watch (HRW) have released a report that pretty much confirms it.
In addition, a Palestinian rocket that landed inside of Gaza was most likely responsible for the deaths of a pregnant Palestinian mother of nine and a 14-month-old toddler.

On May 4, a munition struck the al-Zaytoun neighborhood in eastern Gaza, killing Falastin Abu Arar, a 38-year-old mother of nine, and her 14-month-old niece, Siba Abu Arar. The Gaza Health Ministry included both on a list of people killed by Israeli airstrikes, but the Israeli military said that it did not conduct the lethal strike.
Human Rights Watch was unable to investigate the strike for security reasons and Israel’s repeated denial of permits to Gaza for foreign researchers. A field worker with a Palestinian organization who visited the site said that unlike at other sites, Palestinian authorities quickly removed remnants of munitions and described damage that make it more likely that the strike came from an errant Palestinian rocket.

In other words, these so-called Scottish Jews Against Zionism included in their post
the propaganda equivalent of a misfired palestinian rocket.

Oh, by the way, there is a very big chance they are not Scottish Jews at all.

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Mehdi Hasan’s Really Uncomfortable Moment​

MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan is one of those who cannot resist bashing Israel at every available opportunity, automatically assuming the Russian invasion of Ukraine has provided him with fodder
to continue doing so.

Thus it's especially relevant to see Ukrainian MP Ivanna Klympush not only quote former
Israeli PM Golda Meir, but clearly compare the Arab imperialist wars to Russia:


Linda Sarsour to Guide Teens To "Violence-Free" Relationships


Yesterday I posted about Linda Sarsour announcing the upcoming release of a version of her memoir for young readers. It turns out this is not her only activity related to addressing young people; A group called End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin has announcedits annual Teen Summit in June, with Sarsour as one of its keynote speakers.

The idea of Sarsour guiding young people in creating violence-free relationships and communities is akin to having an avowed pyromaniac address a crowd on fire prevention.



Sarsour hugging Rasmeah Odeh, convicted of the murder of 2 students.

Remember when Linda Sarsour was just an ordinary

white girl from New York City?

She later found it politically expedient to refer to herself as a “woman of color”,
even to the point of having bad photoshop jobs portray her as “dark”:


Years later, and her transformation is complete: Linda Sarsour is now officially Black!


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