Pakistan’s Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record 122.4

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
As long as Goofy Turds like skookerasbil continue to post "It's cold in cleveland" posts, I'll continue to post much bigger WEATHER events.
This one much more significant. A Global record for the month.
Morons like him most post minor weather events as he is Incapable of debate or discussion. NO CLIMATE, NO Charts, NO data, history etc.

Pakistan’s Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record
On Monday, the city of Nawabshah reached 122.4 degrees Fahrenheit, causing heatstroke, power outages and general misery
Pakistan's Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record | Smart News | Smithsonian


By Jason Daley
MAY 3, 2018
Haroon Janjua at The Guardian.

While the forecast called for a little heat in the city of 1.1 million people, meteorologists didn’t anticipate the record-setting temperatures. “We have issued forecasts about the extreme heat in Sindh province but were not expecting a world record in the month of April,” Ghulam Rasool, director general of the Pakistan Meteorological Department tells Janjua.

As Christopher Burt, an expert on weather extremes, tells Jason Samenow at The Washington Post, the latest temperature is the highest in April “yet reliably observed on Earth in modern records.”
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Lemme look this up on my handy chart:

Warming = Global Warning
Cooling = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat
As long as Goofy Turds like skookerasbil continue to post "It's cold in cleveland" posts, I'll continue to post much bigger WEATHER events.
This one much more significant. A Global record for the month.
Morons like him most post minor weather events as he is Incapable of debate or discussion. NO CLIMATE, NO Charts, NO data, history etc.

Pakistan’s Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record
On Monday, the city of Nawabshah reached 122.4 degrees Fahrenheit, causing heatstroke, power outages and general misery
Pakistan's Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record | Smart News | Smithsonian


By Jason Daley
MAY 3, 2018
Haroon Janjua at The Guardian.

While the forecast called for a little heat in the city of 1.1 million people, meteorologists didn’t anticipate the record-setting temperatures. “We have issued forecasts about the extreme heat in Sindh province but were not expecting a world record in the month of April,” Ghulam Rasool, director general of the Pakistan Meteorological Department tells Janjua.

As Christopher Burt, an expert on weather extremes, tells Jason Samenow at The Washington Post, the latest temperature is the highest in April “yet reliably observed on Earth in modern records.”

So was it the 2PPM added since last year that caused temperature to spike to 122F? Is that the new average temperature for planet Earth? Is that what the lab work confirms?
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April for them.

Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"

No it's not....assholes. :bye1::bye1:

We can't do dick about it so go find a new hobby!!
When I worked in Saudi Arabia fixing their F-15s, inside the hanger, the temperature would be 120 degrees. We had to cover the doors with camo, because we couldn't allow civilians to see what we were doing in there, but it sure restricted air flow. I would get 3rd degree burns on my arms if let my arms come in contact with the metal for too long. But the money that was tax free, made it worth the pain.
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April for them.

Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"

No it's not....assholes. :bye1::bye1:

We can't do dick about it so go find a new hobby!!
When the wind would change from coming out of the desert and then came over the Arabian Gulf, the temperature in the Hanger would drop to 100 degrees, but then the humidity would go up to 70%. By the end of the workday, you clothes would be soaked....We would jump into a pool, just to dry off.
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April
Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"
Pot calling the kettle black. Don't we hear the same from the denialists everytime it snows? All it proves is that there are some people who are just as dumb. Weather and climate aren't the same thing and hot weather in Pakistan or cold weather in the Midwest are nothing to write home about.
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April for them.

Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"

No it's not....assholes. :bye1::bye1:

We can't do dick about it so go find a new hobby!!
When I worked in Saudi Arabia fixing their F-15s, inside the hanger, the temperature would be 120 degrees. We had to cover the doors with camo, because we couldn't allow civilians to see what we were doing in there, but it sure restricted air flow. I would get 3rd degree burns on my arms if let my arms come in contact with the metal for too long. But the money that was tax free, made it worth the pain.
/----/ First of all, thank you for your service. I'm just curious, didn't they have ACs in Saudi Arabia? Even if they only cooled the hanger down to 90 degrees?
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April
Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"
Pot calling the kettle black. Don't we hear the same from the denialists everytime it snows? All it proves is that there are some people who are just as dumb. Weather and climate aren't the same thing and hot weather in Pakistan or cold weather in the Midwest are nothing to write home about.

Except s0n....your post makes no sense. We skeptics can and do post up threads about extreme temperatures both hot and cold.... because our side is winning.

Oh and the whole weather isn't climate campaign has been a huge flop....the evidence is astounding. Time for your side to come up with a plan B :hello77:
Again the climate k00ks don't get it.

The research shows clearly that people's perception of the weather is based on their assessment of the local climate. In the US where people freeze their balls off 8 months out of the year, the apathy about calling their representative to do something about climate change couldn't be more pronounced. The climate k00ks have been coming off the rails for 25 years every time there's a heat blip somewhere in the world. And what has changed on energy policy? Dick.... because the public doesn't care. As long as the nutsack warmers are being used 8 months out of the year they're not going to lift a finger for the wallet. 100 % certainty. :2up:

If they're not going to open their wallet the consensus science doesn't matter:cul2::cul2::cul2:
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April for them.

Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"

No it's not....assholes. :bye1::bye1:

We can't do dick about it so go find a new hobby!!
When I worked in Saudi Arabia fixing their F-15s, inside the hanger, the temperature would be 120 degrees. We had to cover the doors with camo, because we couldn't allow civilians to see what we were doing in there, but it sure restricted air flow. I would get 3rd degree burns on my arms if let my arms come in contact with the metal for too long. But the money that was tax free, made it worth the pain.
/----/ First of all, thank you for your service. I'm just curious, didn't they have ACs in Saudi Arabia? Even if they only cooled the hanger down to 90 degrees?
The managers sure did in their office, but they wouldn't leave the doors open and share with us lower level peons. Our only air conditioning was 1 open door and the wind blowing through the hanger out the other door...
Again the climate k00ks don't get it.

The research shows clearly that people's perception of the Weather is based on their assessment of the local Climate.
No MORON. People's perception of the Climate is based on their local Weather.

You MORON, you still don't know the difference. In fact you have 100% Upside Down.
You are so ******* Stupid.

AND you open a Duplicate thread on Pakistan's 122 this morning
You mental defective.
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Again the climate k00ks don't get it.

The research shows clearly that people's perception of the weather is based on their assessment of the local climate.
No MORON. People's perception of the Climate is based on their local Weather.

You MORON, you still don't know the difference. In fact you have 100% Upside Down.
You are so ******* Stupid.

AND you open a Duplicate thread on Pakistan's 122 this morning
You mental defective.

Yeah but that's the sentiment of those who embrace the established narrative of the religion. But that whole line is not resonating it all in the real world.... it's an internet message board phenomenon s0n. Sorry to burst your bubble. To the public, weather and climate of the exact same thing... you may not like that but that's the way it is. Volumes of evidence to support that..... only those in deep with the religion have their heads exploding over the climate. Nobody else is giving a fuck. :113::cul2::cul2:

And by the way whayt's up with the anger s0n? IDK.... bad optics. Anger screams, " losing!"
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Another single day warm event and the warmists go bananas over despite that it is IRRELEVANT!


Except s0n....your post makes no sense. We skeptics can and do post up threads about extreme temperatures both hot and cold.... because our side is winning. Oh and the whole weather isn't climate campaign has been a huge flop....the evidence is astounding. Time for your side to come up with a plan B
Your side has to come up with more than lame trolling. You've got nothing to backup your argument other than flames, the "findings" of highly paid energy company spokespeople and the fact that scientists work on grants, as if the money involved were as much of a reason to lie as the amounts raked in by their company mouthpieces who don't have to do research, just talk. Give me a break, winning?!?! In your mind, perhaps. :rolleyes:
so that's where all of our heat went. it got sucked up by the Pakistanis.
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April
Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"
Pot calling the kettle black. Don't we hear the same from the denialists everytime it snows? All it proves is that there are some people who are just as dumb. Weather and climate aren't the same thing and hot weather in Pakistan or cold weather in the Midwest are nothing to write home about.
so what is the purpose of this thread?

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