2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?

Conservative from Georgia

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2018
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
Nope, best Summer ever in The Valley....We might have had a dozen days in the 90s the whole Summer. A bit dry for a while but that's over with now.

Yes Sir, I'm looking forward to azure blue skies and temps the low 80s the rest of the week then it's supposed to cool-off just in time for archery season....Pretty much normal for us.

Pro-Tip......Don't live in areas that are a testament to man's arrogance (and his unpreparedness) and you will be just fine. ;)
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
And we are going into an ice age. Not good we’re getting hotter when we’re supposed to b getting colder.

Even if you dont believe in man made climate change. Pollution is taking 3 years off our lives. If it’s getting hotter that number will probably go up too.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.

Ahhhh, the fake conservative spewing more lies.


And no, there is no concern. But if you feel so strongly about it then I suggest you get rid of all of your electrical devices, sell any motorized vehicles you may have and only eat that which you personally grow or collect.

You are clearly a wuss, so you can't hunt so that will limit your protein intake.

I give you a month. Then you won't be here to fret any longer.
Despite the Climate Change religion's efforts to tie every ill that befalls us to CC they come in at #10 (4%) on the top concerns of Americans.

It's folly to allow 4% of the population to tie the rest of us down.
Let's say that I am gullible enough to accept the Left's description of global warming, and that it's largely caused by human activity.

Here are some facts that might cause me not to accept the alarmists prescription:

  • NO MATTER WHAT is done in the U.S. and other advanced countries, it will have NO EFFECT on the climate for at least a hundred years. Because the third world and the developing world will be exploiting every form of carbon fuel they can get their hands on...and they SHOULD do that, because it saves lives by the millions.
  • EVEN THE EXPERTS who are monitoring the Paris Climate Accords say that if every country meets every commitment they have made - and even the non-commitments from China and India - it will only result in about a half a degree Celsius change in global temperatures by the turn of the century.
  • As the climate continues to warm, mankind will be devising engineering and other practical solutions to the changes in climate. It's happening already. Does anyone really think that Manhattan will be under water in a hundred years? Miami? Even New Orleans and Venice? Ain't happening. Engineering and practical solutions will be devised and implemented.
So tell me again why I have to adjust my thermostat, buy an electric car, live in a more-efficient condo, and on and on and on. Why are governments cooking the books so that we will have to pay more and more for gas and fuel (and everything else as a result)?

They want us to endure real pain NOW, in order to decrease the theoretical pain that our grandchildren MIGHT have to endure in a hundred years. It makes no sense.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
Nope. Just another mild summer in our neck of the woods. We call it "weather" here. BTW, instead of trying to saddle the world with a guilt trip--why don't you end the destruction of rain forests in the Amazon and New Guinea. I guess the concept of a filter is beyond your comprehension. SMFH.

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