Pacific Northwest Needs to Be About 32% Minority’s...They Will Turn

What the problem is with the Pacific Northwest and a state like Minnesota is that they are too White. Influx about 32% illegals and minorities to their fucking states. Shit will turn for them.
ICE agents accuse Oregon mayor of abetting 'Abolish ICE' protesters

The behavior of Portland's mayor represents a possible scenario pattern nationwide, however implausible or unlikely, for an actual Revolution in the United States. For the moment, mayors in more than one city have so far rejected compliance with federal law enforcement agencies. But what happens when some future executive policy or event results in the Left calling for direct action to resist or change it? Will more mayors and even governors call on their police forces to either stand down or fight against federal policy? This behavior by Portland's mayor sets yet another nationally dangerous precedent of borderline treason and open rebellion against our federal level government, and should be punished to the full extent of the law.
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