Zone1 Our Gods......What We Believe...Where are Faith Lives.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2019
I want to thank the many posters on USMB for your Faith and Beliefs.
This is about Faith and Belief, NOT HATE. Don't bring HATE into this message.

Tonight, such posters have clarified many of my thoughts and beliefs.
I'm very thankful for your input. I truly am, I have NEW Faith.
I have accepted MY God.

I have struggled with the death of a child, and this child believed and had faith in a God.
Much More than I did, after HIS DEATH, I blamed his GOD. Wrong or Right.

Why did HIS GOD, which he himself believed in so much, let him pass?
At age 11, I have No idea which God my Son Believed in. Bless Him. RIP. Cancer Sucks.
18 Years Later, and much confusion.......tonight I believe I have reached clarity.
Not YOUR clarity, just MY clarity.

I'm just thankful that I now have clarity. My Clarity.
We are FREE to choose. I understand I'm free to Choose.
I Have My God, possibly different than yours or my Sons.
But it is MY God.
I LOVE my God.
I have posted about there being NO God. That is a FACT.
But tonight, I found MY GOD.

Will I see MY SON again after I pass, I certainly BELIEVE we will meet again.
His God and My God may be different, or in fact the same, no one Knows in this LIFE.

Be LOVING for what we have on this Earth.
We Humans are special, we have been given a GIFT.
A Goldilocks Planet Full Of Life.
The GIFT of life on this Planet of Earth. Mix the letters.........HEART.

Tonight I have NEW faith in humans and believe that MY GOD may or may not be the same as your GOD. And that's OK.

I love You my Son, our Gods will unite.

Faith is a gift. Sometimes that gift comes with unimaginable pain. I am happy for you that you found your faith this Thanksgiving.
Faith is a gift. Sometimes that gift comes with unimaginable pain. I am happy for you that you found your faith this Thanksgiving.
I accept your belief.
I'm seeing it all differently now.

The POTUS now nor the POTUS future really cannot affect my life.
I have fallen into this previous trap, and NOW I am free.
So happy for you Winco. My child died as an adult. So hard to accept. But Good and goodness are, was, and ever will be.

I hope you find that center of balance and sense of content very soon.
You do not need Faith to be human and not to hate .

But if Cultists gain strength with their quaint beliefs that is OK .
I want to thank the many posters on USMB for your Faith and Beliefs.
This is about Faith and Belief, NOT HATE. Don't bring HATE into this message.

Tonight, such posters have clarified many of my thoughts and beliefs.
I'm very thankful for your input. I truly am, I have NEW Faith.
I have accepted MY God.

I have struggled with the death of a child, and this child believed and had faith in a God.
Much More than I did, after HIS DEATH, I blamed his GOD. Wrong or Right.

Why did HIS GOD, which he himself believed in so much, let him pass?
At age 11, I have No idea which God my Son Believed in. Bless Him. RIP. Cancer Sucks.
18 Years Later, and much confusion.......tonight I believe I have reached clarity.
Not YOUR clarity, just MY clarity.

I'm just thankful that I now have clarity. My Clarity.
We are FREE to choose. I understand I'm free to Choose.
I Have My God, possibly different than yours or my Sons.
But it is MY God.
I LOVE my God.
I have posted about there being NO God. That is a FACT.
But tonight, I found MY GOD.

Will I see MY SON again after I pass, I certainly BELIEVE we will meet again.
His God and My God may be different, or in fact the same, no one Knows in this LIFE.

Be LOVING for what we have on this Earth.
We Humans are special, we have been given a GIFT.
A Goldilocks Planet Full Of Life.
The GIFT of life on this Planet of Earth. Mix the letters.........HEART.

Tonight I have NEW faith in humans and believe that MY GOD may or may not be the same as your GOD. And that's OK.

I love You my Son, our Gods will unite.

So sorry to hear about your loss.

Just know that for the person of faith, the hardest thing to come to terms within regard to your faith is why is their death and suffering.

How can you explain why people suffer and die and somehow come to terms with it if there is a loving God?

However, for the person without faith, it is far worse. How do you explain everything else?

When faced with suffering, I always remember Christ praying before going to the cross. Time and time again he implores the Father to spare him the cross, but got no answer. He was in such duress, he began to sweat drops of blood, but again, no answer. Silence. He had to go through with it.

And when on that cross, to his left and to his right someone was up their suffering and dying with him. All 3 had but one fate, and that was to die that day. However, in the midst of their suffering the man on his left inexplicably reached out in faith to Jesus saying, "Remember me in heaven", to which Jesus told him he would be accepted. However, the man on his right cursed at him saying if he really was the Son of God to get them the f#ck DOWN!!

Really, that is the human condition. Those are our only real options, so why not choose hope, a hope of someday escaping this world of death and suffering and be reunited with our loved ones? Really, hope is all we have.
I want to thank the many posters on USMB for your Faith and Beliefs.
This is about Faith and Belief, NOT HATE. Don't bring HATE into this message.

Tonight, such posters have clarified many of my thoughts and beliefs.
I'm very thankful for your input. I truly am, I have NEW Faith.
I have accepted MY God.

I have struggled with the death of a child, and this child believed and had faith in a God.
Much More than I did, after HIS DEATH, I blamed his GOD. Wrong or Right.

Why did HIS GOD, which he himself believed in so much, let him pass?
At age 11, I have No idea which God my Son Believed in. Bless Him. RIP. Cancer Sucks.
18 Years Later, and much confusion.......tonight I believe I have reached clarity.
Not YOUR clarity, just MY clarity.

I'm just thankful that I now have clarity. My Clarity.
We are FREE to choose. I understand I'm free to Choose.
I Have My God, possibly different than yours or my Sons.
But it is MY God.
I LOVE my God.
I have posted about there being NO God. That is a FACT.
But tonight, I found MY GOD.

Will I see MY SON again after I pass, I certainly BELIEVE we will meet again.
His God and My God may be different, or in fact the same, no one Knows in this LIFE.

Be LOVING for what we have on this Earth.
We Humans are special, we have been given a GIFT.
A Goldilocks Planet Full Of Life.
The GIFT of life on this Planet of Earth. Mix the letters.........HEART.

Tonight I have NEW faith in humans and believe that MY GOD may or may not be the same as your GOD. And that's OK.

I love You my Son, our Gods will unite.

during my many chemo sessions i met and observed many children. leukemias seemed most prevalent but it was heartbreaking every time. time will dull the pain but i'm afraid you will always remember that child, hopefully the good times.
18 Years Later, and much confusion.......tonight I believe I have reached clarity.

that was 18 years ago ... your loss.

surly your new belief was not found from reading a book - not all losses are related to the heavens by everyone.

reaching plateaus seems the goal throughout who are fortunate enough to reach them.

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