Zone1 Young people now among the most antisemitic

Or never let it get to war to start with. Chamberlain wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check he couldn't cash.

Instead, the world plunged into total war, ending with the USSR taking eastern Europe, China, North Korea, much of Africa when the Britsh and French empires collapsed. This is a good thing by you?
The acquisition of new land and soil for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages...

For Germany, therefore, the only possibility of carrying out a sound territorial policy was to be found in the acquisition of new soil in Europe proper. Colonies cannot serve this purpose since they do not appear suitable for settlement with Europeans on a large scale...

If one wanted land and soil in Europe, then by and large this could only be achieved at Russia's expense...

For such a policy, however, there was only one single ally in Europe: England

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich"

The mortal enemy of our nation, France, relentlessly throttles us and robs our strength. We must undertake every sacrifice which may help bring about a nullification of the French drive for European hegemony.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume II, Chapter XIV, "Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy"


If the United States and Great Britain had avoided fighting Nazi Germany, Germany would have conquered the mainland of Europe. An additional four million Jews would have been killed. I doubt you would mind that JoeB131. Decent people would.

After World War II the British calculated that the cost of maintaining the British Empire was greater than the rewards of maintaining it. Because the British gave their colonies independence, the vast majority of those colonies joined the British Commonwealth, and remain friendly to Great Britain.

Because the United States and Great Britain fought Germany, democracy was preserved for Western Europe. Since the fall of the Soviet Union democracy has spread to the border of Russia. I think that was worth fighting for.
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You would negotiate with literal HITLER but you don’t think the Palestinians should negotiate with Israel. Palestinians aren’t “oppressed” they are terrorists who don’t want to negotiate or have peace with your evil JOOS.

It depends what we were negotiating.

Hitler actually had a legitimate point about the Danzig Corridor. But the British and French insisted on a war they were incapable of fighting because the collapse of Czechoslovakia after Munich made them look bad.

The British and French tried to play Hitler and Stalin off against each other until Hitler became an actual threat to them. Then they went begging Stalin for help and gave away half of Europe to get it.

This has nothing to do with the Palestinians refusing to negotiate with the Zionist Squatters who stole their land.
If the United States and Great Britain had avoided fighting Nazi Germany, Germany would have conquered the mainland of Europe. An additional four million Jews would have been killed. I doubt you would mind that JoeB131. Decent people would.

Nobody at the time cared about the Jews, either. We turned away thousands of Jews trying to leave Europe. Hitler's original plan was to deport all Europe's Jews to - wait for it - Palestine. The British blocked that because the jews they already transplanted there were pissing off the Arabs.

After World War II the British calculated that the cost of maintaining the British Empire was greater than the rewards of maintaining it. Because the British gave their colonies independence, the vast majority of those colonies joined the British Commonwealth, and remain friendly to Great Britain.
Actually, you are really confused. The crown jewel of the British Empire was India. That's where the UK was making most of it's money, looting India. Churchill hated Gandhi more than he hated Hitler. After India became independent (after Churchill tried to do backsies on his promise for independence), most of the rest of the empire followed suit.

Because the United States and Great Britain fought Germany, democracy was preserved for Western Europe. Since the fall of the Soviet Union democracy has spread to the border of Russia. I think that was worth fighting for.

At the cost of 70 million dead? I don't think so.
What else would you like to praise Hitler for?

But we should have negotiated with HITLER….
How is pointing out a legitimate complaint "praising".

The people living in Danzig were Germans. The people living in the Sudetenland were Germans.

(After the war, these people were ethnically cleansed, of course.)

The Western allies were fine with negotiating with Hitler because they were shitting their pants over Stalin exporting Communism all over the world through the Comintern.

In fact, the official name of the Axis was "The anti-Comintern pact".
How is the Danzig corridor a remotely realistic reason to justify leaving the NAZI in power?
Okay, alternative history time. The British tell the Polish Colonels to cede the Danzig Corridor. They do it. Hitler has no cause to start the war.

Problem solved. True, Mussolini might have gone off on his own adventures, as did the Japanese. But it wouldn't have turned into a World War.
This has nothing to do with the Palestinians refusing to negotiate with the Zionist Squatters who stole their land.
The Jews initially bought land. When they were attacked they fought back and conquered land.

This is what the Palestinians are like:


Honor Killing Among the Palestinians​

by James Emery

In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers...

"I was forced to marry my cousin," laments a young Palestinian woman. "I hated him. He beat me and humiliated me in front of his family and friends. But what could I do? If I had fled, I would have been killed."...

Women are killed by their fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, cousins, or sons...

Critics claim honor killings are sanctioned by the educated elite, who pass laws that enable murderers to get off with little or no punishment...

Even when apprehended, murderers serve little or no jail time because honor killings are accorded special status in the courts. Men convicted of premeditated murder may be imprisoned for as little as three to six months. Upon their release, friends and relatives treat them like celebrities. Ahmed, a Palestinian boy who killed his teenage sister because she refused an arranged marriage, was commended upon his release from jail. Neighbors showered him with compliments, and his father called him a hero for restoring the family honor...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent...

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male "guardian" -- father, brother, uncle, or cousin -- may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child. Last year, seventeen-year-old Afaf Younes was killed by her father, who had allegedly been sexually molesting her. Afaf had tried to escape his sexual abuse by running away, but she was caught and returned to her father. He then shot her in the name of honor.

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. "She made a mistake," said one of her male cousins. "She had to pay for it."

What else would you like to praise Hitler for?

But we should have negotiated with HITLER….
I have had JoeB on and off ignore, largely because I get curious and want to know what anti-Jew rant he comes up with.

But now my disgust for him is much greater than any curiosity, and I just leave him on ignore. But it’s quite telling we have Democrats who brag how tolerant they are of minorities, and how Republicans are the bigots, and then we leftists like Joe who prove it’s the opposite.

I hope he goes to hell.
That's their culture. We should mind our own business.

(The Palestinians are actually relatively secular compared to the rest of the Islamic World, but don't let that stop the liars.)
The Israelis are people like us. The Palestinians are not.
I have had JoeB on and off ignore, largely because I get curious and want to know what anti-Jew rant he comes up with.

But now my disgust for him is much greater than any curiosity, and I just leave him on ignore. But it’s quite telling we have Democrats who brag how tolerant they are of minorities, and how Republicans are the bigots, and then we leftists like Joe who prove it’s the opposite.

I hope he goes to hell.
Jew who supports genocide says what?
No one denies that what happened on October 7 was bad.

But what the Israelis are doing is an overreaction.
The Palestinians have been trying to massacre Israelis as long as there has been an Israel. The Gazans started launching rockets at Israeli civilians within days of the Israeli pullout of Gaza, Hezbollah has been launching rockets at Israeli civilians for decades. October 7th was just the final straw. How would you react if the Canadians were launching hundreds of rockets across lake Michigan at Chicago every month?
And look how well that turned out! Oh, wait, no, we ended up with Communism dominating half the world and the British Empire collapsing. Maybe they should have negotiated a peace.

Hamas isn't Nazi Germany. It's a bunch of people who have been radicalized by 70 years of foreign occupation.
That only happened because an old and sick FDR had been convinced that "Uncle Joe" Stalin would abide by the agreements between the USSR and the WAllies. No one else would have allowed the Soviets to maintain any territory outside their 1940 borders.
Or never let it get to war to start with. Chamberlain wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check he couldn't cash.

Instead, the world plunged into total war, ending with the USSR taking eastern Europe, China, North Korea, much of Africa when the Britsh and French empires collapsed. This is a good thing by you?

You can't be an "independent state" if the Zionists can cut off your power and water any time they feel like it.

The only reason why Bibi tolerated Hamas in Gaza was because it allowed him to avoid negotiating with the legitimate Palestinians government of Abbas.
Yes you can. All you have to do is take some of the HALF TRILLION dollars of aid given to your country in the last decade and build your own water desalination and power plants instead of depending on charity from the people you publicly announce that you want to exterminate.
Okay, alternative history time. The British tell the Polish Colonels to cede the Danzig Corridor. They do it. Hitler has no cause to start the war.

Problem solved. True, Mussolini might have gone off on his own adventures, as did the Japanese. But it wouldn't have turned into a World War.
Are you kidding? The Danzig Corridor was a pretext for war. Cede it to Hitler and he would have demanded something else; that was his pattern. He wanted Eastern Europe, Ukraine and the Western Soviet Union as room for expansion of the German State. He wasn't hiding his endgame. As long as Hitler remained in power WWII was inevitable. He was going to either attack France or the USSR. His plan was to go to war in 1945 when he had finished building up the German military and had finished Plan Z which would have given a much more balanced and powerful navy.

The only European country he didn't want to conquer was the UK.
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The Palestinians have been trying to massacre Israelis as long as there has been an Israel. The Gazans started launching rockets at Israeli civilians within days of the Israeli pullout of Gaza, Hezbollah has been launching rockets at Israeli civilians for decades. October 7th was just the final straw. How would you react if the Canadians were launching hundreds of rockets across lake Michigan at Chicago every month?
I'd first ask if they had a legitimate complaint.

They don't, but the Palestinians clearly do.

Yes, the Palestinians have been fighting back against Zionist occupation since they started stealing their land in the 1930's.

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