Oooops!! 300 scientists say NOAA rigging temperature data!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
More bad news for the global warming k00ks..............:funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface:

Hundreds of scientists sent a letter to lawmakers Thursday warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

Violation of the "Data Quality Act"..................fAiL...........but we sorta all knew this was going on, right!!!:2up::eusa_dance:

How weak? The same people who are saying every day "the science is settled" have to screw with the data!!! Whats up with that?:gay:
Amazing isn't it.. 300 credentialed scientists, working in the field, are calling out the liars at NOAA.. Most of the list are people who are feed up with the crap data and bastardization of the raw data.
Hey Billy....but the this off DRUDGE yesterday. One of the top stories on the page!! 30 million hits/day and over 1 billion/month. Then when you see a poll like the recent Pew poll on voter concerns and global warming at the very bottom, it makes sense why nobody is giving a shit.
300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon dioxide released by human activities, wish to record our support for the efforts of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology to ensure that federal agencies complied with federal guidelines that implemented the Data Quality Act,” some 300 scientists, engineers and other experts wrote to Chairman of the House Science Committee, Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith.

Truly amazing how 300 'scientists, engineers, economists, and others' become 300 credentialed scientists. Probably a couple of senile old bats with credentials, and 298 'others'.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“As has been acknowledged by numerous scientists, the engine intake data are clearly contaminated by heat conduction from the structure, and as such, never intended for scientific use,” wrote climate scientists Dr. Patrick J. Michaels and Dr. Richard S. Lindzen of the libertarian Cato Institute on the in the science blog Watts Up With That. “Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable.”

Ah yes, Lindzen again. The fellow that took tobacco company money to testify in front of Congress as to the harmlessness of cigarettes.
300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon dioxide released by human activities, wish to record our support for the efforts of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology to ensure that federal agencies complied with federal guidelines that implemented the Data Quality Act,” some 300 scientists, engineers and other experts wrote to Chairman of the House Science Committee, Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith.

Truly amazing how 300 'scientists, engineers, economists, and others' become 300 credentialed scientists. Probably a couple of senile old bats with credentials, and 298 'others'.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“As has been acknowledged by numerous scientists, the engine intake data are clearly contaminated by heat conduction from the structure, and as such, never intended for scientific use,” wrote climate scientists Dr. Patrick J. Michaels and Dr. Richard S. Lindzen of the libertarian Cato Institute on the in the science blog Watts Up With That. “Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable.”

Ah yes, Lindzen again. The fellow that took tobacco company money to testify in front of Congress as to the harmlessness of cigarettes.

Yep....anybody who disagrees with the established narrative of the AGW alarmists are fake scientists!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
More bad news for the global warming k00ks..............:funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface:

Hundreds of scientists sent a letter to lawmakers Thursday warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

Violation of the "Data Quality Act"..................fAiL...........but we sorta all knew this was going on, right!!!:2up::eusa_dance:

How weak? The same people who are saying every day "the science is settled" have to screw with the data!!! Whats up with that?:gay:
Shut up. Despite the obvious fact temps are warming and weather is going haywire...Who are you trying to kid here?
300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon dioxide released by human activities, wish to record our support for the efforts of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology to ensure that federal agencies complied with federal guidelines that implemented the Data Quality Act,” some 300 scientists, engineers and other experts wrote to Chairman of the House Science Committee, Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith.

Truly amazing how 300 'scientists, engineers, economists, and others' become 300 credentialed scientists. Probably a couple of senile old bats with credentials, and 298 'others'.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“As has been acknowledged by numerous scientists, the engine intake data are clearly contaminated by heat conduction from the structure, and as such, never intended for scientific use,” wrote climate scientists Dr. Patrick J. Michaels and Dr. Richard S. Lindzen of the libertarian Cato Institute on the in the science blog Watts Up With That. “Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable.”

Ah yes, Lindzen again. The fellow that took tobacco company money to testify in front of Congress as to the harmlessness of cigarettes.

Just like your list you like to post old rocks, that include notable climatologist in the American pediatrics society and trout fishermen of America??????
More bad news for the global warming k00ks..............:funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface:

Hundreds of scientists sent a letter to lawmakers Thursday warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

Violation of the "Data Quality Act"..................fAiL...........but we sorta all knew this was going on, right!!!:2up::eusa_dance:

How weak? The same people who are saying every day "the science is settled" have to screw with the data!!! Whats up with that?:gay:
Shut up. Despite the obvious fact temps are warming and weather is going haywire...Who are you trying to kid here?

More bad news for the global warming k00ks..............:funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface:

Hundreds of scientists sent a letter to lawmakers Thursday warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

Violation of the "Data Quality Act"..................fAiL...........but we sorta all knew this was going on, right!!!:2up::eusa_dance:

How weak? The same people who are saying every day "the science is settled" have to screw with the data!!! Whats up with that?:gay:
Shut up. Despite the obvious fact temps are warming and weather is going haywire...Who are you trying to kid here?
Fact = the Earth has been cooling for billions of years.

More bad news for the global warming k00ks..............:funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface: :funnyface:

Hundreds of scientists sent a letter to lawmakers Thursday warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

Violation of the "Data Quality Act"..................fAiL...........but we sorta all knew this was going on, right!!!:2up::eusa_dance:

How weak? The same people who are saying every day "the science is settled" have to screw with the data!!! Whats up with that?:gay:
Shut up. Despite the obvious fact temps are warming and weather is going haywire...Who are you trying to kid here?

Im no scientists so Im not trying to kid anyone. But rigging data to make it fit the AGW alarmist established narrative is clearly ghey. And they say "the science is settled". Then why screw around with the data? Doesn't pass the smell test!:2up:
What the hell is the global warming almarmist agenda? Deniers astound me. Man made global climate change is real as your grannie. I AM your grannie.
I saw this name about 5 down on this list.....and did not bother reading any further:

"BELL, Larry: Launched the research and education program in space architecture at the University of Houston and author of Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax."
I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon dioxide released by human activities, wish to record our support for the efforts of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology to ensure that federal agencies complied with federal guidelines that implemented the Data Quality Act,” some 300 scientists, engineers and other experts wrote to Chairman of the House Science Committee, Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith.

Truly amazing how 300 'scientists, engineers, economists, and others' become 300 credentialed scientists. Probably a couple of senile old bats with credentials, and 298 'others'.

300 Scientists Want NOAA To Stop Hiding Its Global Warming Data

“As has been acknowledged by numerous scientists, the engine intake data are clearly contaminated by heat conduction from the structure, and as such, never intended for scientific use,” wrote climate scientists Dr. Patrick J. Michaels and Dr. Richard S. Lindzen of the libertarian Cato Institute on the in the science blog Watts Up With That. “Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable.”

Ah yes, Lindzen again. The fellow that took tobacco company money to testify in front of Congress as to the harmlessness of cigarettes.

Yep....anybody who disagrees with the established narrative of the AGW alarmists are fake scientists!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Its kind of funny that they call those who expose their deceptions anti-science, when science has always looked to multidisciplinary review for a full look at scientific works.. But somehow they think only their pals should have a say.. The hypocrisy is stunning..

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