one nation, under god

It never bothered my parents. Then again they were never really involved in school matters. It doesn't bother me. I think some atheists are just as intolerant as the dogma followers.
Same ole same ole. Just another pathetic Socialist/Progressive farce. I hope they lose and then have to pay all of the Court costs. This is just a stupid drain on our already strained & limited Court resources. I really do hope these assholes are counter-sued to recover the costs.
this is a funny bit from Chris Rock (the show) about the pledge...

[ame=]Everybody Hates Chris - running for class president speech - YouTube[/ame]
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ACTON (CBS) – The Pledge of Allegiance is becoming a sore subject in the Acton-Boxborough school district, all because of the words “under God.”

“Atheists and Humanists do not accept the notion of God,” says attorney David Niose.

An Acton family, who is atheist and chooses to remain anonymous, is suing the school district claiming they are discriminating against their children during the pledge. They want the words “under God” taken out

Acton Family Wants “Under God” Removed From Pledge Of Allegiance « CBS Boston


so the christians should counter sue, if "Under God" were taken out that could be perceived as the rights of Christians being discrininated against. How damn hard is it for someone to just skip letting the ghastly word "god" pass through their lips?
so the christians should counter sue, if "Under God" were taken out that could be perceived as the rights of Christians being discrininated against. How damn hard is it for someone to just skip letting the ghastly word "god" pass through their lips?
Exactly. And if their children are not popular because they do not say two words, the parents dealt that hand. Removing the words and ordering none of the children to say them is as dictatorial as forcing every child to recite them.
If it's just a word, then you have no problem with it being taken out, correct?

I would have a problem with it taken out by or to please a small minority.

Why if it's just a word? What's the reason matter if it's just a word? Would taking out the word "the" somewhere to please those who type up the song offend you? Or is the word god more important in the pledge to you?

Don't act stupid. I made my statement on where I stand on the issue, it was simple and easy enough to understand. You want to make more of it than it's worth. I'm not going to play the stupidity game with you.

The words mean what the individual wants them to mean.

The 2 words should be removed if the majority wants them removed.

The 2 words should not be removed to please a small minority.

Should I define each word in those 3 lines for you?
Jesus fucking christ people it's a word.

I have to ask, what does the word God mean to you as an individual?

If it means nothing then why are you worried about saying it?

If it means the Omnipresent Master Being that rules over all of the universe then say it loud and proud.

The point here is that the words mean what you as an individual want them to mean.

I was taught the pledge with the words under God in it and I say it that way at least once a month.

What it means to me is my own business. Nothing to go to court over and waste our time with........

so then you have no problem with gays being married, because marriage is "just a word".....

I love these type of threads....Love them, you fucks make it too easy.

Just a word? Then why are the Gays fighting so hard over it? Do try to stay on topic....

We are not fighting over "the word", we are fighting for equal rights...if you give us equal rights yet call it something different, we can live with that. But no one has done that yet, have they?
Same ole same ole. Just another pathetic Socialist/Progressive farce. I hope they lose and then have to pay all of the Court costs. This is just a stupid drain on our already strained & limited Court resources. I really do hope these assholes are counter-sued to recover the costs. complain about the drain on our court resources but you want them to counter-sue.
it was inserted during the cold war.

last time i checked, the cold war was over.

And on days like today, godless assholes seem to think they won.

i may be, no, i am an asshole, but i'm not godless.

it's more than a little amusing to see those who are having a cow over the bc mandate just gloss over this because it's not their ox being gored.

if the positions were flipped, the whine would drown out a 757 at start up :lol:
Jesus fucking christ people it's a word.

I have to ask, what does the word God mean to you as an individual?

If it means nothing then why are you worried about saying it?

If it means the Omnipresent Master Being that rules over all of the universe then say it loud and proud.

The point here is that the words mean what you as an individual want them to mean.

I was taught the pledge with the words under God in it and I say it that way at least once a month.

What it means to me is my own business. Nothing to go to court over and waste our time with........

it probably feels a little different if you're six years old and the only one in the class not saying it.

it's needlessly divisive, imo.
Most of us believe in God.Most of us believe Unalienable Right's, come from God. Do we hide in our closets with that belief or exercise it? This is not so much a Sect Issue, where we are divided. The exceptions are rare. To state One Nation Under God, surely has motives more relevant than offending Non Believers. I think it is more a question of tolerance. That and Who's tolerance of Whom?

it's easier to be tolerant when you're getting your way, imo.

if the purpose of the pledge is to unite us, why insert a reference to god, which divides us, however unevenly?

Don't worry. I don't think being united is ever going to happen again. Not as long as you dividers are busy trying to persecute Christians..

persecute? :rofl:

cry me a river
Jesus fucking christ people it's a word.

I have to ask, what does the word God mean to you as an individual?

If it means nothing then why are you worried about saying it?

If it means the Omnipresent Master Being that rules over all of the universe then say it loud and proud.

The point here is that the words mean what you as an individual want them to mean.

I was taught the pledge with the words under God in it and I say it that way at least once a month.

What it means to me is my own business. Nothing to go to court over and waste our time with........

so then you have no problem with gays being married, because marriage is "just a word".....

I love these type of threads....Love them, you fucks make it too easy.

Just a word? Then why are the Gays fighting so hard over it? Do try to stay on topic....

It's not a word, it's equality. I don't care if you call it cabbage fucking soup...just make it equal.
Socialists/Progressives are such assholes. All that snotty hateful Anti-Christian stuff has gotten so old and tiresome. This lawsuit is such Bullshit. I really do hope these people are made to reimburse the community when they lose. It's ridiculous & frivolous.
it was inserted during the cold war.

last time i checked, the cold war was over.

And on days like today, godless assholes seem to think they won.

i may be, no, i am an asshole, but i'm not godless.

it's more than a little amusing to see those who are having a cow over the bc mandate just gloss over this because it's not their ox being gored.

if the positions were flipped, the whine would drown out a 757 at start up :lol:

You could be half right..... if indeed there is no god. :lol:
And on days like today, godless assholes seem to think they won.

i may be, no, i am an asshole, but i'm not godless.

it's more than a little amusing to see those who are having a cow over the bc mandate just gloss over this because it's not their ox being gored.

if the positions were flipped, the whine would drown out a 757 at start up :lol:

You could be half right..... if indeed there is no god. :lol:

i'm at least half right as it is, einstein

keep swinging
Current case law maintains that ‘under god’ is Constitutional, that Congress’ intent was secular, and not intended to promote religion.

Pledge of Allegiance in Schools Ruled Constitutional on Appeal - Bloomberg

Of course children can not be compelled to say the pledge, nor may they be punished for wishing to opt out. See:

This can prove problematic for a child, needless to say, as already pointed out. But the suit is likely to fail, unfortunately.
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I'll kill two birds with one stone here, the Pledge stays, and the gays get civil unions and equal rights.

Now can we get on with the business of saving the fucking country??
Socialists/Progressives are such assholes. All that snotty hateful Anti-Christian stuff has gotten so old and tiresome. This lawsuit is such Bullshit. I really do hope these people are made to reimburse the community when they lose. It's ridiculous & frivolous.

You moron. You are aware that it was a socialist the got "under God" in the pledge?

Socialism is not atheism, anymore than conservatism is Christianity.

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