One big thing that confuses about Islam and perhaps someone can explain it.

In Islam "God does not eat nor is he fed".
it takes a really dull mind to see "sacrifice" of animals or various foods as the "feeding of GAWD". In fact----"religious sacrifice" of food items and
ESPECIALLY animals is an issue of economics
It is my understanding that Muslims accept the books of the Law as holy writ.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Exodus 20 v 4

They seem to take scripture more literally than most Christian denominations.
No. Muslims do not accept the Old Testament
One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?
It's because Mohammed was a woman.
it takes a really dull mind to see "sacrifice" of animals or various foods as the "feeding of GAWD". In fact----"religious sacrifice" of food items and
ESPECIALLY animals is an issue of economics

Muslims reject blood sacrifice because God changed Abraham's mind re sacrificing Isaac.
Muslims reject blood sacrifice because God changed Abraham's mind re sacrificing Isaac.
you WAX idiotic, suradie. How so you and your fellow islamo nazis DEFINE "blood sacrifice" in view of the FACT that muslims LAUD the murder of anyone who reject YOUR concept of ALLAH?
you WAX idiotic, suradie. How so you and your fellow islamo nazis DEFINE "blood sacrifice" in view of the FACT that muslims LAUD the murder of anyone who reject YOUR concept of ALLAH?

Nope.. They reject all blood sacrifice.
Muslims reject blood sacrifice because God changed Abraham's mind re sacrificing Isaac.

that, or - paterfamilias - rocking the boat in the 1st century was not such a good idea either ... a misprint of course, the commandment wasn't from the deity.
Under Islam, making images for the sake ofworship is blasphemy, its a type of idolism, like how Catholics pray to statues of saints , as if the saints were god.

Muhammed believed that making images of him would lead to this type of idolism. This is why its considered blasphemy. They took it a step further than he did himself. He didn't think it was wrong in and of itself, but that it would lead to people revering him on the same level as god. They took that to mean images themselves are idolism.
oh, a sacrifice to the deity ... howabout a friendly advice to humanity - unfulfilled, maybe it was the scribe that saw the pending doom to their own life to write the passage otherwise.

sorry, the metaphysical can change minds - sortof a scarry thought unto itself ... christian.

Its a weird story.. Abraham didn't hesitate or argue or negotiate so you might think sacrificing a child was normal.

In any case, Muslims take it to mean God forbid all blood sacrifice forever.
Under Islam, making images for the sake ofworship is blasphemy, its a type of idolism, like how Catholics pray to statues of saints , as if the saints were god.

Muhammed believed that making images of him would lead to this type of idolism. This is why its considered blasphemy. They took it a step further than he did himself. He didn't think it was wrong in and of itself, but that it would lead to people revering him on the same level as god. They took that to mean images themselves are idolism.

Yes, best explanation........... Thanks. They don't do markers in cemeteries either
Its a weird story.. Abraham didn't hesitate or argue or negotiate so you might think sacrificing a child was normal.

In any case, Muslims take it to mean God forbid all blood sacrifice forever.

there are different versions, yours is not the norm, antiquity if nothing else was spiritual and it was commanded - where is the "changed" their mind. the christian version is oddly still - paterfamilias in actual practice. blood or not. too bad.

who's kidding who for the muslim version. in practicality.
there are different versions, yours is not the norm, antiquity if nothing else was spiritual and it was commanded - where is the "changed" their mind. the christian version is oddly still - paterfamilias in actual practice. blood or not. too bad.

who's kidding who for the muslim version. in practicality.

Maybe you should read the Koran for yourself. Its very clear that the Sacrifice of Abraham story means God forbid all blood sacrifice in their beliefs. Why would you think they believe otherwise? You don't believe the Christmas turkey is a blood sacrifice for sins, do you?
Nope.. Muhammed is not considered divine.. Muslims don't believe that God has children. They also do not believe that blood sacrifice ameliorates sin.

Muslims believe they're Allah's children,
the only reason you have to ridicule it,
because of an Oedipus complex...

As much as with your reference to sacrifice offering as 'feeding G-d',
not even the Pagans thought that, but that's the only intellectual
level, at which Islamists can target the subject today.

That might work 1400 years ago,
tells a lot of the target market,
along the years of Islam...

Then the Jewish state liberated Jerusalem...

and who knows then what,
if also with those children
returns their prophecy,
awake in all?

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Muslims believe they're Allah's children,
the only reason you have to ridicule it,
because of an Oedipus complex...

As much as with your reference to sacrifice offering as 'feeding G-d',
not even the Pagans thought that, but that's the only intellectual,
at which Islamists can target the subject today.

That might work 1400 years ago,
tells a lot of the target market,
along the years of Islam...

Then the Jewish state,
liberated Jerusalem...

and who knows then what,
if also with those children
returns the prophecy,
awake in all?

What's gonna be
with Islam>?

All humans are God's children.. What do you mean Oedipus complex? What does that have to do with anything?

What is your problem? Jews no longer practice blood sacrifice for the atonement of sin.

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