Old Lady Shut Down Another One Of My Threads...She's Trying To Tell Us That The Rioters Aren't Dangerous


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I started a thread yesterday using a post on Twitter that a Dallas store owner was murdered by rioters. Her proof that he wasn't dead was a story that used a photo from before the attack as proof he wasn't dead. At this point nobody knows anything about this guy....but we do know that he was being called an attacker when he should have been deemed a victim.

They claimed he was welding a machete...when in fact all he had in his hand was a leather scabbard. Old Lady said I was posting lies when in fact she was posting lies. He didn't have a machete.

All I can say is I'm glad what little she found about this guy took her all day. For some crazy reason she's supporting the violence and trying to give everyone the impression that this rioting isn't dangerous. Not enough of a body-count I guess. That's some crazy shit people. As long as they aren't murdering people.....then everything's fine.

Well....yesterday a retired cop was murdered by looters outside of his pawn shop. As long as the media doesn't show the body the real threat cannot be that serious.


She said I start threads Every Day that are fake. This in itself is a lie. I don't start threads that are fake.....if anything I start threads based on the same information everyone else has available to them. Sometimes the story is fake....but at least I can admit to them being fake when we discover that. Unlike people like Old Lady that still spreads lies about Trump being a Russian Asset or colluding with Russians. I don't edit my material like the media and try to mislead people by staging events like the media. I only start threads from what is available.

So Old Lady, kiss my ass. BTW, rightwinger is notorious for spreading fake news.....why don't you go after him for once.
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I started a thread yesterday using a post on Twitter that a Dallas store owner was murdered by rioters. Her proof that he wasn't dead was a story that used a photo from before the attack as proof he wasn't dead. At this point nobody knows anything about this guy....but we do know that he was being called an attacker when he should have been deemed a victim.
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They claimed he was welding a machete...when in fact all he had in his hand was a leather scabbard. Old Lady said I was posting lies when in fact she was posting lies. He didn't have a machete.

All I can say is I'm glad what little she found about this guy took her all day. For some crazy reason she's supporting the violence and trying to give everyone the impression that this rioting isn't dangerous. Not enough of a body-count I guess. That's some crazy shit people. As long as they aren't murdering people.....then everything's fine.

Well....yesterday a retired cop was murdered by looters outside of his pawn shop. As long as the media doesn't show the body the real threat cannot be that serious.

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She said I start threads Every Day that are fake. This in itself is a lie. I don't start threads that are fake.....if anything I start threads based on the same information everyone else has available to them. Sometimes the story is fake....but at least I can admit to them being fake when we discover that. Unlike people like Old Lady that still spreads lies about Trump being a Russian Asset or colluding with Russians. I don't edit my material like the media and try to mislead people by staging events like the media. I only start threads from what is available.

So Old Lady, kiss my ass.
Like a virus that kills people and you don't get to see the body so you think it's a fake virus created by Dems to bring down Trump?
I started a thread yesterday using a post on Twitter that a Dallas store owner was murdered by rioters. Her proof that he wasn't dead was a story that used a photo from before the attack as proof he wasn't dead. At this point nobody knows anything about this guy....but we do know that he was being called an attacker when he should have been deemed a victim.
View attachment 344873

They claimed he was welding a machete...when in fact all he had in his hand was a leather scabbard. Old Lady said I was posting lies when in fact she was posting lies. He didn't have a machete.

All I can say is I'm glad what little she found about this guy took her all day. For some crazy reason she's supporting the violence and trying to give everyone the impression that this rioting isn't dangerous. Not enough of a body-count I guess. That's some crazy shit people. As long as they aren't murdering people.....then everything's fine.

Well....yesterday a retired cop was murdered by looters outside of his pawn shop. As long as the media doesn't show the body the real threat cannot be that serious.

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She said I start threads Every Day that are fake. This in itself is a lie. I don't start threads that are fake.....if anything I start threads based on the same information everyone else has available to them. Sometimes the story is fake....but at least I can admit to them being fake when we discover that. Unlike people like Old Lady that still spreads lies about Trump being a Russian Asset or colluding with Russians. I don't edit my material like the media and try to mislead people by staging events like the media. I only start threads from what is available.

So Old Lady, kiss my ass.
Like a virus that kills people and you don't get to see the body so you think it's a fake virus created by Dems to bring down Trump?

or all that completely imaginary 'police brutality' all the sniveling violent criminals cry about and their faggot lovers parrot on the innernetz.
It is we 'no wingers' that have no support.

I agree. I'm amazed at all the alleged 'right wingers' here who have been outing themselves as GOP shills no more honest than their left wing partners are lately. Some were good at faking being independent thinkers, but in an election year it's hard to keep the front up, I guess.
Old Lady or Coyote? Old lady has no mod powers
But her whining and bitching shut down two threads on this subject.
I figure this selective outrage is turning USMB into a clown show.
All of those threads over Russian Collusion still are out there. Even after it has been totally debunked now.
The lie is still being circulated and used as a talking-point by Joe Biden......and the media has been using this lie to inflame their supporters into committing violent acts.
So let's be fair...maybe somebody needs to do some house cleaning on this forum and erase everything that proved to be false instead of being selective about it.
Or....I have a better idea....stop being so woke and only censoring what offends Democrats. Leave it out there and let everyone decide for themselves what the truth is.
It isn't Mud's fault that he parrots every chain email and story that crosses his Facebook feed. Taking the time to investigate and verify would get in the way of starting numerous threads daily. :lol:
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Okay folks....does this look like a machete...or does it look like a scabbard? Since when have machetes had brass rings holding them together?
He ran at people he knew were willing to fight him with a scabbard? Stupid should never be rewarded. Not sure he deserved death, but ... Gun is a better option... Then it's likely he wouldn't even have to attack. Just show it.

I'm sorry guys... But this looks to me as lefties killing lefties.
o please like both sides dont play the mods....

there is a difference between protesters and rioters....

No, there isn't; they're just racists and criminals all out fo rthe same thing. Some just provide cover, is all.

while murder is murder

Nobody, but nobody, is protesting any murders, they're protesting the arrests of violent criminals and thieves.

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