Ok Democrats: What's your story?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
It had better be a good one.

"Former President Barack Obama confidently told reporters on his way out of a Tuesday press conference that Democrats have "got a story to tell" but just need "to tell it" when asked about the party's troubles as the midterm election approaches.

The comments from Obama come amid indications that the upcoming election will result in a Republican victory as gas prices skyrocket, the southern border swells, and President Joe Biden's approval ratings fall."

Obama on Midterms: Dems Have 'Got a Story to Tell, Just Got to Tell It'

t had better be a good one.

"Former President Barack Obama confidently told reporters on his way out of a Tuesday press conference that Democrats have "got a story to tell" but just need "to tell it" when asked about the party's troubles as the midterm election approaches.

The comments from Obama come amid indications that the upcoming election will result in a Republican victory as gas prices skyrocket, the southern border swells, and President Joe Biden's approval ratings fall."

Here's the story I would like them to tell.

"President Biden inherited an economy in ruins, a country in flames (literally) and in less than a year and a half, he has created 7 million new jobs, brought unemployment down to 3.6%. He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine, and got us out of a 20 year mess in Afghanistan. "

But since the American Public has the memory of a Goldfish, they've forgotten just how crazy the GOP is.

They'll get a very unforutnate reminder next year.
Here's the story I would like them to tell.

"President Biden inherited an economy in ruins, a country in flames (literally) and in less than a year and a half, he has created 7 million new jobs, brought unemployment down to 3.6%. He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine, and got us out of a 20 year mess in Afghanistan. "

But since the American Public has the memory of a Goldfish, they've forgotten just how crazy the GOP is.

They'll get a very unforutnate reminder next year.

Cool story Bro.
Here's the story I would like them to tell.

"President Biden inherited an economy in ruins, a country in flames (literally) and in less than a year and a half, he has created 7 million new jobs, brought unemployment down to 3.6%. He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine, and got us out of a 20 year mess in Afghanistan. "

But since the American Public has the memory of a Goldfish, they've forgotten just how crazy the GOP is.

They'll get a very unforutnate reminder next year.
Need to add a few more fairy princesses and some unicorns to make it a story that really sells.
The story tells itself. The election was stolen for a drooling, stuttering shit clown that has caused more damage to the country in 1 year than the kenyan muzzie faggot did in 8 years. The regime can be summarized in 1 event, namely when it shit its pants in the elevator at the Vatican. Pretty much sums it up.

The beatdown these lying mother fuckers are poised to take in Nov will be of biblical proportions. Voting integrity needs to be installed with fatal consequences for election theft. Something like this stammering fuck disaster cannot ever happen again.

biden entire planet.jpg
It's very interesting, very interesting indeed, when Democrats take credit for good things that happen in the economy when they are "in power," but oddly, they can't point to a single thing that they did to make those things happen.

What has any Democrat ever done to create a real job (in the private sector)? Nothing. What has any Democrat ever done to bring the deficit under control? Nothing. To bring inflation under control? Nothing. To reduce energy costs? Nothing. To constrain an avalanche of illegal immigration? Nothing.

Get the picture?

If Soetoro has a "story to tell," it will be just that: fiction.
The story tells itself. The election was stolen for a drooling, stuttering shit clown that has caused more damage to the country in 1 year than the kenyan muzzie faggot did in 8 years. The regime can be summarized in 1 event, namely when it shit its pants in the elevator at the Vatican. Pretty much sums it up.

The beatdown these lying mother fuckers are poised to take in Nov will be of biblical proportions. Voting integrity needs to be installed with fatal consequences for election theft. Something like this stammering fuck disaster cannot ever happen again.
Awww... does it still hurt? Awww... Here ya go...

Trump Butt Hurt Balm.jpg
It had better be a good one.

"Former President Barack Obama confidently told reporters on his way out of a Tuesday press conference that Democrats have "got a story to tell" but just need "to tell it" when asked about the party's troubles as the midterm election approaches.

The comments from Obama come amid indications that the upcoming election will result in a Republican victory as gas prices skyrocket, the southern border swells, and President Joe Biden's approval ratings fall."

Obama on Midterms: Dems Have 'Got a Story to Tell, Just Got to Tell It'

It's a fucking story alright. Exercise victimization to hide from the Democrats ongoing & historic failures. The worst the Democrats prove to be the more RACIST everyone else must be.
Here's the story I would like them to tell.

"President Biden inherited an economy in ruins, a country in flames (literally) and in less than a year and a half, he has created 7 million new jobs, brought unemployment down to 3.6%. He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine, and got us out of a 20 year mess in Afghanistan. "

But since the American Public has the memory of a Goldfish, they've forgotten just how crazy the GOP is.

They'll get a very unforutnate reminder next year.
Fuck you're dumb & consistently wrong on ALL counts. Change your avatar Joe, it's not a good representation for you at all. But this sure is.

The story tells itself. The election was stolen f
Hahahaha.........And Donnie "Two Timer" stomped his feet, and went home to watch his MAGA MOB and Storm Troopers who really cared about his loss, as they fought to overturn the fair and free election and install their Fascist Leader as President.
Here's the story I would like them to tell.

"President Biden inherited an economy in ruins, a country in flames (literally) and in less than a year and a half, he has created 7 million new jobs, brought unemployment down to 3.6%. He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine, and got us out of a 20 year mess in Afghanistan. "

But since the American Public has the memory of a Goldfish, they've forgotten just how crazy the GOP is.

They'll get a very unforutnate reminder next year.
One lie followed by another. First, our economy under Trump was booming until the virus. No one, especially a mutt like Biden could have changed the outcome when dealing with an unknown.
Second, Biden creating 7 million NEW jobs is laughable at best. Jobs that were lost due to the virus and just being refilled. Biden and his woke administration are a jobs killer.
Third, Biden just followed Trump's lead in getting us out of Afghanistan and he eventually made a mess out of it just like everything else he has mucked up.
One lie followed by another. First, our economy under Trump was booming until the virus.

Actually,no, we were already going into recession when Covid hit. 2019 saw a steady economic decline due to corporate debt and Trump's trade war.

No one, especially a mutt like Biden could have changed the outcome when dealing with an unknown.

except other countries faced the same virus and they had much better results. Because they didn't have a malignant narcissist in charge who was worried the top doctor was getting better press than he was.

Second, Biden creating 7 million NEW jobs is laughable at best. Jobs that were lost due to the virus and just being refilled. Biden and his woke administration are a jobs killer.

Usually it takes YEARS for jobs to come back... Biden did it in one.

Third, Biden just followed Trump's lead in getting us out of Afghanistan and he eventually made a mess out of it just like everything else he has mucked up.

Which begs the question, why didn't Trump get us out on his watch? Oh, that's right because the minute we left, what happened would have happened, no matter who was in charge.
Actually,no, we were already going into recession when Covid hit. 2019 saw a steady economic decline due to corporate debt and Trump's trade war.

except other countries faced the same virus and they had much better results. Because they didn't have a malignant narcissist in charge who was worried the top doctor was getting better press than he was.

Usually it takes YEARS for jobs to come back... Biden did it in one.

Which begs the question, why didn't Trump get us out on his watch? Oh, that's right because the minute we left, what happened would have happened, no matter who was in charge.

God help us and this country if people like you continue to support far-left socialist administrations. You are so brainwashed that you can't even find any legitimate reason to criticize an obviously compromised, incompetent, so-called leader of the free world. What this country now needs is a conservative, benevolent dictator hell-bent on extermination.
God help us and this country if people like you continue to support far-left socialist administrations. You are so brainwashed that you can't even find any legitimate reason to criticize an obviously compromised, incompetent, so-called leader of the free world. What this country now needs is a conservative, benevolent dictator hell-bent on extermination.

Yes, you sound totally sane when you talk about Extermination

It had better be a good one.

"Former President Barack Obama confidently told reporters on his way out of a Tuesday press conference that Democrats have "got a story to tell" but just need "to tell it" when asked about the party's troubles as the midterm election approaches.

The comments from Obama come amid indications that the upcoming election will result in a Republican victory as gas prices skyrocket, the southern border swells, and President Joe Biden's approval ratings fall."

Obama on Midterms: Dems Have 'Got a Story to Tell, Just Got to Tell It'

Every time it's glaringly evident that their policies suck, they claim that they have that "messaging problem"....SSDD.

The message from the voters this fall will be clear to everyone but them.....YOU SUCK!

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