Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"
You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"


I challenged you to prove one iota wrong. You can't.

I proved my assertions correct, and yours wrong!


What you "proved" was that your bar is set so low (how low is it?) you actually posted links to Answers.com and Whirled Nuts Daily with a straight face.

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"


I challenged you to prove one iota wrong. You can't.

I proved my assertions correct, and yours wrong!


What you "proved" was that your bar is set so low (how low is it?) you actually posted links to Answers.com and Whirled Nuts Daily with a straight face.

Fuck off, Pogo. I can sprint circles around you. Sorry.

Attack the source fallacy? Really? That's what you have?

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) - Springhole.net
You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.

>> Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. << --- Elaine Franz Parsons, " "Midnight Rangers: Costume and Performance in the Reconstruction-Era Ku Klux Klan". p. 816​
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You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.
However when it was created it was created by Democrats, specifically because the Republicans, who won the war, were bringing in black Republican politicians and setting them up in the deep south, where they exerted power over the Democrats who were not allowed to hold office.

The new politicians and carpetbaggers were corrupt and criminal, and the KKK was formed to protect the democrats from them.

History. It's awesome. Go back to mumbling and playing with yourself.
You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.

But they needed one so they chose the Democratic Party more like Nazism!

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.
But they needed one so they chose the Democratic Party more like Nazism!

Klan didn't dabble in politics until the abovementioned Simmons lost (or sold out) control of his Klan in the 1920s. Then they worked with Democrats in the South, Republicans in the North, mid-Atlantic, midwest and west, and if necessary non-partisans like Charles Bowles who almost got elected mayor of Detroit.

Famous Klan Republicans include Clarence Morley (Gov, Colorado), Ed Jackson (Gov, Indiana), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep, ME), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Rice Means (Sen, CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR) and a slew of lower local offices including the city council of Anaheim.

Go ahead. Look 'em up.
My grandmother stopped 3 klan from hanging her daddy in a barn with a butcher knife.

Good for her.
Klanners are pretty goddam stupid. You can't hang somebody with a butcher knife.

You lose motivation to hang somebody when you realize you're gonna die if you do, bitch.

I make joke on your syntax. It flew right over your hood.

She told them "I'll cut ya suckas" and they dropped the rope and ran!:anj_stfu: There would have just been two bodies someone lied to you! Klan didn't leave many witnesses. Just sayin!

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.

However when it was created it was created by Democrats, specifically because the Republicans, who won the war, were bringing in black Republican politicians and setting them up in the deep south, where they exerted power over the Democrats who were not allowed to hold office.

The new politicians and carpetbaggers were corrupt and criminal, and the KKK was formed to protect the democrats from them.

History. It's awesome. Go back to mumbling and playing with yourself.

Wrong again Sugartits. You see, in 1865 there was no such thing going on. Tennessee wasn't even part of the United States. It was military-occupied territory. And before the war was over it was Confederacy, which had no political parties at all. So in 1865 Tennessee there were no elections, there were no politicians, there were no parties.

Tell me more about this "history" while I get my rhetorical baseball bat.
My grandmother stopped 3 klan from hanging her daddy in a barn with a butcher knife.

Good for her.
Klanners are pretty goddam stupid. You can't hang somebody with a butcher knife.

You lose motivation to hang somebody when you realize you're gonna die if you do, bitch.

I make joke on your syntax. It flew right over your hood.

She told them "I'll cut ya suckas" and they dropped the rope and ran!:anj_stfu: There would have just been two bodies someone lied to you! Klan didn't leave many witnesses. Just sayin!

I see my syntax joke has flown over two Illiterati.

It's gotta be the hoods.
Good opportunity for local Republicans to hand out voter registrations

Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?

You too are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..
It was not a function of the party
It was a function of the southern culture

Actually, there were as many Triple K'sters during the their heyday in the North as in the south.

Expect a lot of promotion of the event from CNN who will be flying in news contributor Dave Duke to give his analysis. My guess is that there will be at least 2 weeks of promotion for the event.

But it will go for naught. Montgomery County and the State of Ohio isn't controlled by leftards, and they will keep the dozen KKK folks and the Antifa mobs separated by at least 150 yards and everyone will go home in one piece. Much to CNN's dismay.
Good opportunity for local Republicans to hand out voter registrations

Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?

You too are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..
It was not a function of the party
It was a function of the southern culture

Actually, there were as many Triple K'sters during the their heyday in the North as in the south.

Actually there were more.

>> The Klan of the 1920s 'enrolled more members in Connecticut than in Mississippi, more in Oregon than in Louisiana, and more in New Jersey than in Alabama,' wrote historian Stanley Coben. Over half a million Klansmen lived in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Klan-backed candidates, all running on platforms both dry and xenophobic, were elected governor in Oregon, Colorado, and Kansas. In Detroit a Klan candidate whose name wasn't even on the ballot was nearly elected mayor in an avalanche of write-in votes. << Klan and the Anti-Saloon League

In Indiana (home base of the group in the OP article) it was estimated that one-third of the state's adult male population was Klan.
My grandmother stopped 3 klan from hanging her daddy in a barn with a butcher knife.
I dont know the story behind it, but my Grand father on my moms side detested the KKK. I asked him about them once, and he spit and said 'Dont ever ask me about that gutter trash again, son.' When he was mad he would call me son sometimes.

Never found out why he hated them so much.
First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.
But they needed one so they chose the Democratic Party more like Nazism!

Klan didn't dabble in politics until the abovementioned Simmons lost (or sold out) control of his Klan in the 1920s. Then they worked with Democrats in the South, Republicans in the North, mid-Atlantic, midwest and west, and if necessary non-partisans like Charles Bowles who almost got elected mayor of Detroit.

Famous Klan Republicans include Clarence Morley (Gov, Colorado), Ed Jackson (Gov, Indiana), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep, ME), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Rice Means (Sen, CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR) and a slew of lower local offices including the city council of Anaheim.

Go ahead. Look 'em up.

Total fucking bullshit. The Klan was hanging elected black Republican Congressmen in the 1870s.

Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy 1871 Congressional Testimony Documents

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