Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.

There is a heatwave in southern Europe. Who would have thought, in the middle of summer, that the countries of choice for sun-loving holidaymakers are enjoying warm weather? Greece is hot; Spain and Italy, too. On the beautiful island of Sicily, where average summer temperatures exceed 38°C, the mercury has barely risen by a few millimetres. Judging by media reporting, though, you might think of this short-lived heatwave as the Apocalypse. The headlines Europe burns, Hellish, Italy swelters, give the impression that something unprecedented in human history is about to destroy southern Europe.

We really need to tone down the apocalyptic rhetoric. I think some people need to take a moment. Their histrionic reactions likely come from being over-exposed to the sun, which has caused a kind of exaggerated hysteria. Yes, it's hot. Parts of Greece, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, and Turkey have reached up to 40C and in Sardinia, it even rose to 46C. According to an article in Forbes, 2022 was the 'hottest summer on record' for Europe with temperatures as high as 33C in France, the highest in the past century. Should I believe it? Given the doom and gloom which Global Climate Activism is spreading, I am sceptical. According to the Meteorological Office, in August 1946, a temperature of 47C was recorded in Seville. High temperatures are part of European culture; that's why the Spaniards take a siesta during the day.

To further emphasise the sense of damnation, the heat wave was nicknamed 'Cerberus'. This references Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem The Inferno, the first part of the Divine Comedy. Through 33 cantos presented in the first person, it documents Dante's journey through the nine circles of Hell with the aid of Virgil, the Roman poet. Symbolically, the poem conveys an individual's spiritual path to God, and the Inferno in particular highlights the acceptance and rejection of sin. Cerberus, an enormous, three-headed dog, is present at the third circle of Hell to ruthlessly tear apart sinners who attempt to flee from damnation. This creature is central to the ugly concept of eternal suffering as highlighted in the poem.

Naturally, the next heatwave will be named Charon (pronounced [Kah-ron], not Karen), after the ferryman who carries the souls of the dead to Hades in Dante's epic poem. It conjures the image of a punishing inferno as if the heatwave is a fiery cleansing of those who have sinned. The name is as powerful as Charon himself, who used a sledgehammer to part the living from the dead.
Numbers you IDIOT! ("will prevent that")
Valid, meaningful numbers might. It's a shame you don't have any
Learn some basic math.
I've had Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra and Mathematical Physics. Will that do?
Then learn some basic science.
I have a bachelor's degree in ocean engineering. Will that do?
CO2 in the dry part of the Earth's atmosphere is one part of 2,500
CO2 is a well mixed gas. It is essentially 420 ppm everywhere. Should I assume that by "dry part of the Earth's atmosphere", you actually mean the stratosphere?
(400ppm = 400/1,000,000)
Ooo... tricky. But you left out " = 1/2500"
Hence one part of CO2 will not transfer equally and fully to the other 2,499 parts of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, etc.
I missed the part where you actually demonstrated that to be true. However, it's not particularly relevant. Roughly half the IR radiated by CO2 in the atmosphere heads up towards space. The other half heads down, towards the surface. IR that strikes the surface will be absorbed and will increase the surface temperature. The surface was constantly transferring thermal energy to all the atmospheric components through conduction and convection.
It will be barely able to transfer a portion of it's "heat" to one other part, leaving 2,498 parts unaffected by it.
Except via the surface of the planet.
Ignorant idiots like you are a danger to humanity and our future.
Well, one of us is.
I've had Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra and Mathematical Physics. Will that do?
That is above basic math, it’s possible to have basic math problems and like you’re accustomed to doing not directly responding. So you. Presidents your condescending nature
That is above basic math, it’s possible to have basic math problems and like you’re accustomed to doing not directly responding. So you. Presidents your condescending nature
Was that supposed to actually mean something?
Was that supposed to actually mean something?
Sure, You can’t ever just answer a question without your ego interfering.

When someone asks for the time, we don’t need to know how to make a clock
Sure, You can’t ever just answer a question without your ego interfering.
If you go back and examine your post, you will find no question marks. Ergo, no question was asked. If you do so, I might well answer.
When someone asks for the time, we don’t need to know how to make a clock
Quite the witticism. I have no idea how or where it applies, but it's clever as fuck on its own.
If you go back and examine your post, you will find no question marks. Ergo, no question was asked. If you do so, I might well answer
It wasn’t my post! I merely explained who you are! Again, you don’t have the ability to answer basic questions! The time comment explains what you do! I get you have no clue
It wasn’t my post! I merely explained who you are! Again, you don’t have the ability to answer basic questions! The time comment explains what you do! I get you have no clue
I have no idea to what post you're referring. I've gone back several pages and seen no unanswered questions, aimed at me or otherwise. It was nice to see the posts from Mindful, though. I had not caught them before now.
I have no idea to what post you're referring. I've gone back several pages and seen no unanswered questions, aimed at me or otherwise. It was nice to see the posts from Mindful, though. I had not caught them before now.
You really aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? I said, you answer a question like what time is it with how to build a clock
For clarity ... an idealized Blackbody radiator surface is DEFINED as emitting the same amount energy it absorbs ... if anyone doesn't think radiating a surface doesn't raise the temperature, well, they're wrong ... shine a flashlight on a wall with a mirror, see temperature increases? ... same with the Sun ...

The surface doesn't care where the photon comes from ... this was discussed at length here earlier in this thread ... avail yourselves ... carbon dioxide warms the Earth's surface ... like the dirt or water ... Meteorology 201 ...
So have I ... which of the four do we use to map Navier-Stokes Equations into Stress Tensor Solution sets? ... fucking coward, which she'll not answer because she's lying ...
Your constant need to try to prove you've taken such things despite your failure to do even basic math here paints a picture I doubt you wanted seen
For clarity ... an idealized Blackbody radiator surface is DEFINED as emitting the same amount energy it absorbs ... if anyone doesn't think radiating a surface doesn't raise the temperature, well, they're wrong ... shine a flashlight on a wall with a mirror, see temperature increases? ... same with the Sun ...

The surface doesn't care where the photon comes from ... this was discussed at length here earlier in this thread ... avail yourselves ... carbon dioxide warms the Earth's surface ... like the dirt or water ... Meteorology 201 ...
dude, if it emits the same energy as it absorbs and it absorbed the radiation from the surface, how does it make it warmer than it was?

BTW, the light from the flashlight is hotter than the wall.
dude, if it emits the same energy as it absorbs and it absorbed the radiation from the surface, how does it make it warmer than it was?

Right ... it takes time for energy to be absorbed ... and it takes time for energy to be re-emitted ... during this time, the energy has to exist, and it does as kinetic energy of the surface ... the measure of this kinetic energy is defined as temperature (something our Little Girl doesn't understand) ... there's a link earlier in this thread that gives this time value at approximately 1/2 second ...

Stefan-Boltmann's Law states that this temperature is dependent on the intensity of the incoming irradiation (= outgoing irradiation) ... the temperature and distance of the flashlight is the sole determiner of the temperature increase of the wall ... the same as the temperature and distance to the Sun is the sole determiner of a blackbody surface ...

Indeed ... the Earth's surface is hotter than outer space ... energy flows from the surface to outer space any and all ways she can ...

BTW, the light from the flashlight is hotter than the wall.

"An electric current heats the filament to typically 2,000 to 3,300 K (1,730 to 3,030 °C; 3,140 to 5,480 °F), well below tungsten's melting point of 3,695 K (3,422 °C; 6,191 °F). Filament temperatures depend on the filament type, shape, size, and amount of current drawn. The heated filament emits light that approximates a continuous spectrum. The useful part of the emitted energy is visible light, but most energy is given off as heat in the near-infrared wavelengths."

-- Wikipedia ... so it's got to be true ...
Right ... it takes time for energy to be absorbed ... and it takes time for energy to be re-emitted ... during this time, the energy has to exist, and it does as kinetic energy of the surface ... the measure of this kinetic energy is defined as temperature (something our Little Girl doesn't understand) ... there's a link earlier in this thread that gives this time value at approximately 1/2 second ...

Stefan-Boltmann's Law states that this temperature is dependent on the intensity of the incoming irradiation (= outgoing irradiation) ... the temperature and distance of the flashlight is the sole determiner of the temperature increase of the wall ... the same as the temperature and distance to the Sun is the sole determiner of a blackbody surface ...

Indeed ... the Earth's surface is hotter than outer space ... energy flows from the surface to outer space any and all ways she can ...

"An electric current heats the filament to typically 2,000 to 3,300 K (1,730 to 3,030 °C; 3,140 to 5,480 °F), well below tungsten's melting point of 3,695 K (3,422 °C; 6,191 °F). Filament temperatures depend on the filament type, shape, size, and amount of current drawn. The heated filament emits light that approximates a continuous spectrum. The useful part of the emitted energy is visible light, but most energy is given off as heat in the near-infrared wavelengths."

-- Wikipedia ... so it's got to be true ...
The flashlight filament is warmer than the wall
Which sun? ... there's billions upon billions out there ... all of them beaming out light in all directions ... we can still find photons from the CMB epoch, you know, in the microwave bands ...
so now you don't even know the sun. wow, clementine, you be getting stupider by the day in here.

BTW, if there are billions of suns, then those billions also warm our surface on inputs.

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