OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
As we've done in the past for elections and hearings, there will ONE OFFICIAL thread for comments, opinions, updates on tomorrow's hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee.. After closing, moving, or merging over 200 threads these past 5 days on the topic -- we're out of patience. Other threads will be closed. Repeat violators will be warned.

This thread will be OPENED by 10AM tomorrow morning. Maybe earlier. All threads between now and then will be merged and placed in the "Senate Judiciary Peanut Gallery" thread --- which will CLOSE when this thread opens. Use that one now -- if you can't wait.

DO NOT POST other threads on this until Friday. And those MAY still be subject to merge and warnings if folks are STILL not complying with using existing open threads on the topic.
No victim no crime. Therefore she cant be an accessory.

Or a victim.

You can’t make this shit up folks, you really can’t.
You can be a victim without being an accessory.

Then she’s lying. Not helping your case much.
Not my case and I'm confident she is telling the truth. 6 people and counting.
Avenatti forgot to mention that Ford's lawyer Katz is connected to Julie Swetnick?
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Wow! Whats the chances of a lawyer knowing another lawyer? Yeah thats kind of suspicious. :laugh:
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Wow this is serious business, if true.

So serious she isn’t even claiming he raped her. Just that she attended parties where sluts got rammed and Brett was standing around at a party.
Because you know, everyone at a party is guilty if drunk sluts get nailed.

From what her attorney said, she wasn't aware of what went on in the rooms except when she got raped, and yes we do not know if Kavanaugh or Judge raped her , just they were there.

Did she report this “rape” to police?
You tell me if any of this sounds believable...

For starters, Julie Swetnick is three years older than Brett Kavanaugh and was in college already when she was supposedly attending all of these "rape parties" with the 15 year old Kavanaugh! Do any of you gals who went away to college remember going back to ANY parties thrown by 15 year old kids? Yeah, college girls LOVE to hang out with high school guys!

But here's the hardest thing to buy. Supposedly Julie keeps going to these Brett Kavanaugh "rape parties"...ten in all...even though she's much older than he is...and EVERY TIME SHE GOES SOME CHICK GETS RAPED? Then eventually...OMG...Julie gets raped!!! Yeah...THAT sounds plausible! Because as we all girls LOVE hanging out at high school "rape parties"!

Are you kidding me? Is this the best that the Democrats could come up with? Seriously? That's some pathetic shit!
There is no way in the world that this Swetnick is showing up to testify to anything...she'd get taken apart!
You tell me if any of this sounds believable...

For starters, Julie Swetnick is three years older than Brett Kavanaugh and was in college already when she was supposedly attending all of these "rape parties" with the 15 year old Kavanaugh! Do any of you gals who went away to college remember going back to ANY parties thrown by 15 year old kids? Yeah, college girls LOVE to hang out with high school guys!

But here's the hardest thing to buy. Supposedly Julie keeps going to these Brett Kavanaugh "rape parties"...ten in all...even though she's much older than he is...and EVERY TIME SHE GOES SOME CHICK GETS RAPED? Then eventually...OMG...Julie gets raped!!! Yeah...THAT sounds plausible! Because as we all girls LOVE hanging out at high school "rape parties"!

Are you kidding me? Is this the best that the Democrats could come up with? Seriously? That's some pathetic shit!

Even high school girls don't like hanging out with high school boys.

Yeah that is really stupid......keep witnessing others getting raped and keep coming back until she does too. SMH
Or a victim.

You can’t make this shit up folks, you really can’t.
You can be a victim without being an accessory.

Then she’s lying. Not helping your case much.
Not my case and I'm confident she is telling the truth. 6 people and counting.
Avenatti forgot to mention that Ford's lawyer Katz is connected to Julie Swetnick?
View attachment 218758
View attachment 218760
Wow! Whats the chances of a lawyer knowing another lawyer? Yeah thats kind of suspicious. :laugh:

If your confident she’s telling the truth, as you stated above, then when do you suppose she will be arrested?

Because, if she is telling the truth, she failed to report, as an adult, more than 20 individual cases of child rape. Which, by the way, is a crime in and of itself.

And, maybe even worse is that her attorney, an officer of the court and a mandatory reporter, has also failed to file a police report. even though he has a sworn affidavit from a witness to more than 20 individual cases of child rape.

Tsk, tsk

And at the same time, her only thing implicating the Judge is that she thinks he was there?

Oh, and we are to take the word of someone who has confessed to witnessing more than 20 child rapes, and turned a blind eye on each?

I would hate to be her. I would hate to be her attorney, or her friends that she unwittingly associated with child rape.

But most of all, I’d hate to be the party that put her up to this.

Remember, there is no statute of limitations in that State for rape.

Damn, there might be a Red Wave after all.

She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
That is how investigations start.....alleged misconduct
Three women so far

Why give this guy a lifetime appointment at this time?
How could the FBI possibly have missed this much inappropriate conduct by Kavanaugh in their SIX investigations?

Because it never happened? DUH!
You tell me if any of this sounds believable...

For starters, Julie Swetnick is three years older than Brett Kavanaugh and was in college already when she was supposedly attending all of these "rape parties" with the 15 year old Kavanaugh! Do any of you gals who went away to college remember going back to ANY parties thrown by 15 year old kids? Yeah, college girls LOVE to hang out with high school guys!

But here's the hardest thing to buy. Supposedly Julie keeps going to these Brett Kavanaugh "rape parties"...ten in all...even though she's much older than he is...and EVERY TIME SHE GOES SOME CHICK GETS RAPED? Then eventually...OMG...Julie gets raped!!! Yeah...THAT sounds plausible! Because as we all girls LOVE hanging out at high school "rape parties"!

Are you kidding me? Is this the best that the Democrats could come up with? Seriously? That's some pathetic shit!

Even high school girls don't like hanging out with high school boys.

Yeah that is really stupid......keep witnessing others getting raped and keep coming back until she does too. SMH

They aren't even from high schools that socially interacted together! Nobody from Kavanaugh's high school seems to know who Julie Swetnick IS! Yet she keeps showing up at their parties...over and over?

The more you look at this allegation the more holes it has in it!

Ms. Swetnick seems to have money issues. It might be time to look into whether she's been financially "compensated" in any strange ways lately!
You tell me if any of this sounds believable...

For starters, Julie Swetnick is three years older than Brett Kavanaugh and was in college already when she was supposedly attending all of these "rape parties" with the 15 year old Kavanaugh! Do any of you gals who went away to college remember going back to ANY parties thrown by 15 year old kids? Yeah, college girls LOVE to hang out with high school guys!

But here's the hardest thing to buy. Supposedly Julie keeps going to these Brett Kavanaugh "rape parties"...ten in all...even though she's much older than he is...and EVERY TIME SHE GOES SOME CHICK GETS RAPED? Then eventually...OMG...Julie gets raped!!! Yeah...THAT sounds plausible! Because as we all girls LOVE hanging out at high school "rape parties"!

Are you kidding me? Is this the best that the Democrats could come up with? Seriously? That's some pathetic shit!

Even high school girls don't like hanging out with high school boys.

Yeah that is really stupid......keep witnessing others getting raped and keep coming back until she does too. SMH

They aren't even from high schools that socially interacted together! Nobody from Kavanaugh's high school seems to know who Julie Swetnick IS! Yet she keeps showing up at their parties...over and over?

The more you look at this allegation the more holes it has in it!

Ms. Swetnick seems to have money issues. It might be time to look into whether she's been financially "compensated" in any strange ways lately!

She better get a ton of cash, an adult failing to report child rape (and she failed a minimum of 20 times in her confession) in a State without a Statute of Limitations on rape, is in serious deep shit!
The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

To Feinstein, who held the info back until after the hearings concluded.

To her therapist
Four other witnesses came out yesterday saying she had told them the story

Very true and still worthless since NONE of them are first hand witnesses of the alleged event. Have you heard of the HEARSAY rule that makes such support useless in court?

Since DR. Ford named FOUR people as witnesses including a long time female friend as being there, but those same people all say under oath as never being in the party she alleges happened.

From CNN,

"1) Simply put, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” said (2) Mark Judge in a September 18 letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said he did not recall the party and never saw Brett Kavanaugh act in the matter Ford describes.

(3) Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.”


DR. Ford is running on empty.
Let’s hear the testimony tomorrow as well as the two other women

We've seen most of the actual "evidence" now. All the hearings will be is a circus.
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

And they're suspiciously well-crafted around providing any details AND providing any grounds for perjury or slander charges.

Exactly, it's all innuendo and passing recollections.
There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

To Feinstein, who held the info back until after the hearings concluded.

To her therapist
Four other witnesses came out yesterday saying she had told them the story

Very true and still worthless since NONE of them are first hand witnesses of the alleged event. Have you heard of the HEARSAY rule that makes such support useless in court?

Since DR. Ford named FOUR people as witnesses including a long time female friend as being there, but those same people all say under oath as never being in the party she alleges happened.

From CNN,

"1) Simply put, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” said (2) Mark Judge in a September 18 letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said he did not recall the party and never saw Brett Kavanaugh act in the matter Ford describes.

(3) Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.”


DR. Ford is running on empty.
Let’s hear the testimony tomorrow as well as the two other women
I highly doubt she shows.

She has to show now. The question is will she get through the questioning without having a breakdown.

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