Obama's Speech Today Was SPOT ON!!


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Umm "those of us who are most vulnerable" Pay no Federal Taxes WOW ya that was spot on :clap2:
I ain't sharing your sacrifice. Nor do I ask you to share mine. Pay your own fucking way through life. I am not up for 'redistribution'.
MY profits are my profits. I'm the one who created the business plan, took out the loan, worked 80 to 100 hours a week and took all the risk. I did it to make a profit. I hired you because MY business was a success and I need help to satisfy the demand. I'm trading you a wage for your time and ability. Make no mistake that you somehow shared the risk and are due a larger portion of MY profits. Taking money from me for having initiative and giving it to you for showing up on time is NOT shared sacrifice. I have no obligation to give you more and you have no right to it. Go start your own damn business.
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The debt is too large for gimmicks

ALL Areas must be up for scrutiny including taxes, social security, the military, entitlements.....

GOP wants to balance the budget on Medicare, Planned Parenthood and Public TV
Umm "those of us who are most vulnerable" Pay no Federal Taxes WOW ya that was spot on :clap2:

Massive deductions sure do have a way of taking those tax liabilities down to nothing, don't they?
Obama declared "Class Warfare" and "We Are All Serfs Of The Collective" as his 2012 Campaign Themes.

And he's now blaming Reagan along with BOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!
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We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Yeah you kinda lost me here because you imply that "the rich" need to pay their fair share as if "the poor" are paying taxes. This is what is known as "buying votes." Vote for me and I'll give you "the poor" something for nothing. Being there are more poor people than rich it's not as if Obama has to deliver on this, it's simply meant to make you think "fuck yeah!" and then vote for Obama.
I didn't listen to his speech today. But i am certain that it was centered on raising taxes on the people who make the most.

News flash....They already pay their fair share. If you want to raise taxes it should be the same as a tax cut.

across the board

But that won't happen because anyone who does that will not be re-elected.

I've said it many times. Cut every single payment, every single appropriations, every check that the Federal Government writes by 10%. That includes my retirement. And I won't have a problem with that as long as everything is cut.
I disagree. His proposals are absurd and meaningless. Punishing Taxpayers for his spending mess is just wrong. Blaming Taxpayers for Government spending us $15 Trillion into Debt really is unjust. Raising Taxes on those "Evil" Rich People is just more sad Community Organizer Class Warfare Bullshit. The Dummies really love that stuff but it's only being used to divide the People. Get spending under control first. Prove to the People that the Government can spend properly and balance the Budget. Taxpayers should not be left holding the bag on this one. They did nothing wrong. The Government created this awful mess and now they need to be held accountable. Blaming those "Evil" Rich People isn't gonna cut it.

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