Obama's Speech Today Was SPOT ON!!

We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Umm "those of us who are most vulnerable" Pay no Federal Taxes WOW ya that was spot on :clap2:

The top 1% of the job creators are already paying 38% in federal income taxes. 47% of citizens pay NOTHING, and if they are "entitled" to earned income, actually receive refunds of the "taxpayer's money." Real fair. When did raising taxes in a recession EVER stimulate the economy?

I can attest to this fact. Me and the wife had a very bad year last year. Most of My income was untaxed (paid as an independent contractor). I just had my taxes done, fully expecting to owe to both Federal and State. Thanks to my 2 kids and the EIC I was shocked to find out I am getting 5700 Dollars back from the FED and 600 from the State. Which is even more shocking to me considering we only paid in 1100 dollars in withholding. Which means the Government is giving us 4600 Dollars we never paid in.

No wonder were in debt. Yeah I know what some of you libs will say, I should send it back if I feel that way. Well screw that. I feel I can do more good for the economy spending that money myself, than the Government every could. So while I can see the unsustainable of a tax system like this. I will be keeping my refund :)
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Umm "those of us who are most vulnerable" Pay no Federal Taxes WOW ya that was spot on :clap2:

The top 1% of the job creators are already paying 38% in federal income taxes. 47% of citizens pay NOTHING, and if they are "entitled" to earned income, actually receive refunds of the "taxpayer's money." Real fair. When did raising taxes in a recession EVER stimulate the economy?

I can attest to this fact. Me and the wife had a very bad year last year. Most of My income was untaxed (paid as an independent contractor). I just had my taxes done, fully expecting to owe to both Federal and State. Thanks to my 2 kids and the EIC I was shocked to find out I am getting 5700 Dollars back from the FED and 600 from the State. Which is even more shocking to me considering we only paid in 1100 dollars in withholding. Which means the Government is giving us 4600 Dollars we never paid in.

No wonder were in debt. Yeah I know what some of you libs will say, I should send it back if I feel that way. Well screw that. I feel I can do more good for the economy spending that money myself, than the Government ever could. So while I can see the unsustainable of a tax system like this. I will be keeping my refund :)

Some roofer is going to be in a work for a few days because of that refund! :)
Great idea....and we could roll taxes back to where they were in 2001. That would save $2 trillion off the national debt

Yup, you do realize that would be massively cutting entitlement spending yes? Military too but holy fuck do you believe for a second, a moment, a blink of an eye that the "left" would agree with you? You would be slaughtered and be made out as a neocon, just like you have done to many of us.

I know it is impossible but we need a bipartisan group to make the cuts. How about we assign the Republicans to cut $1 trillion from the military and the Dems to cut $1 trillion from social programs?
Tax increases go across the board to all taxpayers.

First, I can't believe I'm hearing you talk like this, this has to be a trick...

Next, I agree, but lets do the cuts first and see what happens. I say cuts first because not lowering or raising taxes is natural, kind of like cutting military and cutting entitlement spending.

Then, I have to know… RW, why the sudden and epic size change? I mean I’m totally on board but wtf, where did this come from?
I know it is impossible but we need a bipartisan group to make the cuts. How about we assign the Republicans to cut $1 trillion from the military and the Dems to cut $1 trillion from social programs?
Tax increases go across the board to all taxpayers.
Fine....Except no tax increases.

The feds take in $2.2 trillion already...That's more than enough.
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Going off that picture it looks like the Democrat party is about 96% white... Rtard would go nuclear and have a fit, LOL
The debt is too large for gimmicks

ALL Areas must be up for scrutiny including taxes, social security, the military, entitlements.....

GOP wants to balance the budget on Medicare, Planned Parenthood and Public TV

I guess you missed this-

Just as we must find more savings in domestic programs, we must do the same in defense. Over the last two years, Secretary Gates has courageously taken on wasteful spending, saving $400 billion in current and future spending. I believe we can do that again. We need to not only eliminate waste and improve efficiency and effectiveness, but conduct a fundamental review of America’s missions, capabilities, and our role in a changing world. I intend to work with Secretary Gates and the Joint Chiefs on this review, and I will make specific decisions about spending after it’s complete.

so your turn, ss? medicare..?
The debt is too large for gimmicks

ALL Areas must be up for scrutiny including taxes, social security, the military, entitlements.....

GOP wants to balance the budget on Medicare, Planned Parenthood and Public TV

I agree, everything should be up for cuts. You comment about the GOP, but Obama thinks he is going to balance the budget by cutting the Military and raising taxes on the rich.

Not very realistic either.

I don't agree...

Obama says he will fix the budget by cutting military and adding taxes on the rich when in a room full of press, however Obama starts wars and expands other wars while extending the Bush tax cuts when it comes to policy... So, Obama says one thing and literally does the polar opposite.
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We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Yet he handed several $trillion to the wealthiest corporations in the world, who created the financial mess, had their best year on record in 2009 - right smack in the worst of the crises - and are continuing to make tremendous profits still today by borrowing free money from the government and charging regular folks $trillions in interest, and then depend on the government to bail out the bad loans they made.

Wake up.
The debt is too large for gimmicks

ALL Areas must be up for scrutiny including taxes, social security, the military, entitlements.....

GOP wants to balance the budget on Medicare, Planned Parenthood and Public TV

I guess you missed this-

Just as we must find more savings in domestic programs, we must do the same in defense. Over the last two years, Secretary Gates has courageously taken on wasteful spending, saving $400 billion in current and future spending. I believe we can do that again. We need to not only eliminate waste and improve efficiency and effectiveness, but conduct a fundamental review of America’s missions, capabilities, and our role in a changing world. I intend to work with Secretary Gates and the Joint Chiefs on this review, and I will make specific decisions about spending after it’s complete.

so your turn, ss? medicare..?

They'll shit their pants if you you want to end finding for Planned Parenthood, CPB/NPR/PBS or National Endowment for the Arts....What do you think will happen if anything is done structurally to recast those money pits?
The debt is too large for gimmicks

ALL Areas must be up for scrutiny including taxes, social security, the military, entitlements.....

GOP wants to balance the budget on Medicare, Planned Parenthood and Public TV

I agree, everything should be up for cuts. You comment about the GOP, but Obama thinks he is going to balance the budget by cutting the Military and raising taxes on the rich.

Not very realistic either.
I don't agree...

Obama says he will fix the budget by cutting military and adding taxes on the rich when in a room full of press, however Obama starts wars and expands other wars while extending the Bush tax cuts when it comes to policy... So, Obama says one thing and literally does the polar opposite.
...While on the official Campaign Trail...[NOT that he ever left it since he was Immacculated mind you]...
S O S D D...
The debt is too large for gimmicks

ALL Areas must be up for scrutiny including taxes, social security, the military, entitlements.....

GOP wants to balance the budget on Medicare, Planned Parenthood and Public TV

I guess you missed this-

Just as we must find more savings in domestic programs, we must do the same in defense. Over the last two years, Secretary Gates has courageously taken on wasteful spending, saving $400 billion in current and future spending. I believe we can do that again. We need to not only eliminate waste and improve efficiency and effectiveness, but conduct a fundamental review of America’s missions, capabilities, and our role in a changing world. I intend to work with Secretary Gates and the Joint Chiefs on this review, and I will make specific decisions about spending after it’s complete.

so your turn, ss? medicare..?

They'll shit their pants if you you want to end finding for Planned Parenthood, CPB/NPR/PBS or National Endowment for the Arts....What do you think will happen if anything is done structurally to recast those money pits?

Fits of RAGE followed up by a torrent of TEARS?
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Going off that picture it looks like the Democrat party is about 96% white... Rtard would go nuclear and have a fit, LOL

But he'll take comfort in the prospect that 94% of them might be scientists.
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I like this shot he took at that little weasel Paul Ryan:

"There’s nothing courageous about asking for sacrifice from those who can least afford it and don’t have any clout on Capitol Hill."

Yep...Obama really went to town on his ass.

We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I like this shot he took at that little weasel Paul Ryan:

"There’s nothing courageous about asking for sacrifice from those who can least afford it and don’t have any clout on Capitol Hill."

Yep...Obama really went to town on his ass.


When are YOU gonna get off WELFARE...BOY?
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Obama's speech is worth it even if it just to watch the far right rabid lunatic fringers writhe...


Or see them show what a bunch of crybabies they are:

House Republicans recoiled Wednesday evening from President Obama's speech on America's budget woes. After spending most of the week pre-empting the address, and rejecting its expected calls for tax increases on wealthy Americans, Republicans endured a broad and severe critique of their vision for the country.

Their responses thus edged beyond substance into the realm of personal grievance. Indeed, they implied that the speech may have poisoned the well so much that working together where common ground exists might now be impossible.

"I missed lunch for this?" complained Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chair of the House GOP conference, at a Capitol press conference shortly after the address.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) attacked the partisan bent of the speech, then characterized it as "a political broadside from our campaigner in chief."

GOP: Obama's Speech So Partisan We'll Never Reach Budget Agreement | TPMDC

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