Obama’s Failure to Adequately Respond to the 2008 Crisis Still Haunts American Politics Today, after it created and led to the rise of Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

from the article, which i agree with:

For parts of the United States’ liberal intelligentsia, the election of Donald Trump was (and still is) an enigma: a kind of one-off rupture in space and time, unexplainable by the laws that typically govern the universe. One possible explanation of these omissions is that a more honest grappling with the financial crisis and its implications inevitably also involves a reckoning with the record of the Obama administration — a reckoning simply too uncomfortable for some to undertake.

When it comes to the financial crisis of 2008–9, the story told by senior officials in the Barack Obama administration was quite literally that the corporate greed and malfeasance at the root of the collapse couldn’t be prosecuted because no one was actually responsible. “The buck still stops nowhere,” as attorney general Eric Holder put it in 2014: “Responsibility remains so diffuse, top executives so insulated, that any misconduct [can] be considered more a symptom of the institution’s culture than the result of the willful actions of any single individual.” This explanation certainly pleased the country’s leading bankers. But it has also proven mightily convenient for leading Democratic figures themselves, who had appropriately devised the perfect chin-stroking rationale for their own refusal to attack the crisis at its roots or put the interests of average people ahead of Goldman Sachs’s bottom line.

That meltdown, it turns out, isn’t just the economic crisis itself but also the institutional response to it — a response that is deeply interwoven with both the Democratic collapse of 2016 and the continued rise of the extreme right

the meltdown of 2009 is this generation’s pivotal moment. Not the bank failures or the stock market crash in 2008. Those were obviously disasters. But the political disaster that came after. Our government stopped working for its citizens during a moment of profound crisis. We need to unbury this moment, to reexamine it. Because the failure of government then gave us the world we live in now.
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"I am agnostic in terms of the models that solve these problems. . . . If the only way to solve a problem is structural, institutional change, then I will be for structural, institutional change. If I think we can achieve those same goals within the existing institutions, then I am going to try to do that, because I think it’s going to be easier to do and less disruptive and less costly and less painful." - Barack H Obama

If you were going to deliberately custom engineer a machine that takes hope and turns it into cynicism, you couldn’t design it more perfectly than this: a president saying cheery things on TV and in news conferences, while a government program hurts people, funnels them into them into a court system that’s a bear trap, all while siphoning a pile of money to bankers and finance types who lit the economy on fire
So if Obama gave rise to Trump, guess what Joe Biden is going to give rise to?

Hold on a second. I need to go ask my wife if she'll starch my brown shit and polish my hobnailed boots. I think they're coming back in style soon.

the election of Donald Trump was (and still is) an enigma: a kind of one-off rupture in space and time, unexplainable by the laws that typically govern the universe
Who says pathological Dems have no sense of humor? The forces that led to the outsider winning in 2016 are lining up to do the same in '24. In fact, it begins to look as though even Dominion machines can't save their sorry asses this go round. With nearly a majority of DEMOCRATS admitting the nation is on the wrong track - 71% of Americans in total - this train wreck isn't going to be stopped or ignored by cheating again.
The thugs in VA are already saying the results will be delayed by 3 days so "absentee" ballots can be tallied. Try stealing another election in this way and I hope this country EXPLODES against your party AND those who still support it.
So if Obama gave rise to Trump, guess what Joe Biden is going to give rise to?

Hold on a second. I need to go ask my wife if she'll starch my brown shit and polish my hobnailed boots. I think they're coming back in style soon.

covid caused crooked states to change election laws illegally along with a back up fraud plan, including an overflowing urinal was Trump's downfall. Thank God he got the vax though so it was a win
I've said for years that the reason for Trump is Obama and Hillary.
I don't buy blaming Obama, as the crash started in September before the election in November and Obama coming into office in January. I do blame the Democrats as a whole and Hillary in particular for the US getting Trump for 4 years. Republicans had a ready-made villain in Hillary, and recent scandal while she was Secretary of State, even if the Republicans in charge could not prosecute any case against her, they could and did hang it her handling around her throat like a dead chicken. With such low approval, the republicans did not have to run anybody worth a crap, so they didn't. Running a person most of the country starts out not wanting, lets the other party play to the lowest common denominator and what starts as somebody just running for the publicity, while dealing with the Russians on building a high-rise hotel in Moscow, right up to accepting the nomination with aid of Russian intelligence and a large multistate add buy, based on shared internal polling, using social media was enough to win the day, and the rest is history. Independent (like me) had no intention of voting for Hillary. Many like me went 3rd party to avoid voting for either of the two horrible candidates.
covid caused crooked states to change election laws illegally along with a back up fraud plan, including an overflowing urinal was Trump's downfall. Thank God he got the vax though so it was a win

I don't think it was Covid that caused them to cheat like that. They just used it as an excuse to show us who they really were and pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Trump exposed the left as being the liars, thieves, rioters. looters, arsonists, and murderers they really are. But nobody ever thought they'd have the balls to try to steal an American Presidential election.

Now we know.
I don't think it was Covid that caused them to cheat like that. They just used it as an excuse to show us who they really were and pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Trump exposed the left as being the liars, thieves, rioters. looters, arsonists, and murderers they really are. But nobody ever thought they'd have the balls to try to steal an American Presidential election.

Now we know.
Amazing how the right thinks the election should have been about liars, thieves, rioter, looters, and arsonists (though none on the ballot) but everybody else thinks it was about getting rid of twice impeached, crooked trump, so they voted him out. Hey, he pardon all his convicted or confessed crooks on the way out and got to throw a trial run insurrection against both houses of Congress. What do you want out of life, direct overthrow of the vote and negating elections you lose?
Amazing how the right thinks the election should have been about liars, thieves, rioter, looters, and arsonists (though none on the ballot) but everybody else thinks it was about getting rid of twice impeached, crooked trump, so they voted him out. Hey, he pardon all his convicted or confessed crooks on the way out and got to throw a trial run insurrection against both houses of Congress. What do you want out of life, direct overthrow of the vote and negating elections you lose?

Dude. Who told you the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots were about Trump? Even though President Trump forced the left to show the world their true colors, Trump wasn't the reason they went off the rails in 2020. Granted they had been going ape shit all the way back to the Occupy Wall Street Movement and before, but they really picked up steam under the banner of the dead negro, George Floyd.
Dude. Who told you the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots were about Trump? Even though President Trump forced the left to show the world their true colors, Trump wasn't the reason they went off the rails in 2020. Granted they had been going ape shit all the way back to the Occupy Wall Street Movement and before, but they really picked up steam under the banner of the dead negro, George Floyd.
You said, referring to the 2020 election "Trump exposed the left as being the liars, thieves, rioters. looters, arsonists, and murderers they really are." That is just not what people were voting about. Majority just did not want trump and his crooks running the country as a country of the crooks, by the crooks and for the crooks.

from the article, which i agree with:

For parts of the United States’ liberal intelligentsia, the election of Donald Trump was (and still is) an enigma: a kind of one-off rupture in space and time, unexplainable by the laws that typically govern the universe. One possible explanation of these omissions is that a more honest grappling with the financial crisis and its implications inevitably also involves a reckoning with the record of the Obama administration — a reckoning simply too uncomfortable for some to undertake.

When it comes to the financial crisis of 2008–9, the story told by senior officials in the Barack Obama administration was quite literally that the corporate greed and malfeasance at the root of the collapse couldn’t be prosecuted because no one was actually responsible. “The buck still stops nowhere,” as attorney general Eric Holder put it in 2014: “Responsibility remains so diffuse, top executives so insulated, that any misconduct [can] be considered more a symptom of the institution’s culture than the result of the willful actions of any single individual.” This explanation certainly pleased the country’s leading bankers. But it has also proven mightily convenient for leading Democratic figures themselves, who had appropriately devised the perfect chin-stroking rationale for their own refusal to attack the crisis at its roots or put the interests of average people ahead of Goldman Sachs’s bottom line.

That meltdown, it turns out, isn’t just the economic crisis itself but also the institutional response to it — a response that is deeply interwoven with both the Democratic collapse of 2016 and the continued rise of the extreme right

the meltdown of 2009 is this generation’s pivotal moment. Not the bank failures or the stock market crash in 2008. Those were obviously disasters. But the political disaster that came after. Our government stopped working for its citizens during a moment of profound crisis. We need to unbury this moment, to reexamine it. Because the failure of government then gave us the world we live in now.

He didn't respond to it?
Are you mad? He dragged the country from the brink of economic oblivion and gave trump the keys to an economic uprising after GWB sold it to wall street with his suicide economics.
Grow up. You know nothing
Dude. Who told you the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots were about Trump? Even though President Trump forced the left to show the world their true colors, Trump wasn't the reason they went off the rails in 2020. Granted they had been going ape shit all the way back to the Occupy Wall Street Movement and before, but they really picked up steam under the banner of the dead negro, George Floyd.
Occupy Wall Street was the second biggest fraud front of Democrats.

from the article, which i agree with:

For parts of the United States’ liberal intelligentsia, the election of Donald Trump was (and still is) an enigma: a kind of one-off rupture in space and time, unexplainable by the laws that typically govern the universe. One possible explanation of these omissions is that a more honest grappling with the financial crisis and its implications inevitably also involves a reckoning with the record of the Obama administration — a reckoning simply too uncomfortable for some to undertake.

When it comes to the financial crisis of 2008–9, the story told by senior officials in the Barack Obama administration was quite literally that the corporate greed and malfeasance at the root of the collapse couldn’t be prosecuted because no one was actually responsible. “The buck still stops nowhere,” as attorney general Eric Holder put it in 2014: “Responsibility remains so diffuse, top executives so insulated, that any misconduct [can] be considered more a symptom of the institution’s culture than the result of the willful actions of any single individual.” This explanation certainly pleased the country’s leading bankers. But it has also proven mightily convenient for leading Democratic figures themselves, who had appropriately devised the perfect chin-stroking rationale for their own refusal to attack the crisis at its roots or put the interests of average people ahead of Goldman Sachs’s bottom line.

That meltdown, it turns out, isn’t just the economic crisis itself but also the institutional response to it — a response that is deeply interwoven with both the Democratic collapse of 2016 and the continued rise of the extreme right

the meltdown of 2009 is this generation’s pivotal moment. Not the bank failures or the stock market crash in 2008. Those were obviously disasters. But the political disaster that came after. Our government stopped working for its citizens during a moment of profound crisis. We need to unbury this moment, to reexamine it. Because the failure of government then gave us the world we live in now.
When it comes to the financial crisis of 2008–9, the story told by senior officials in the Barack Obama administration was quite literally that the corporate greed and malfeasance at the root of the collapse
No, all you have to do is search for the real reason why there was a housing market collapse.

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown - The New American
Andrew Cuomo, current governor of New York and a likely 2016 presidential aspirant, accelerated easy-housing policies and inflated the housing bubble, setting the stage for its collapse.
he meltdown was the consequence of a combination of the easy money and low interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve and the easy housing engineered by a variety of government agencies and policies. Those agencies include the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and two nominally private “government-sponsored enterprises” (GSEs), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The agencies — along with laws such as the Community Reinvestment Act (passed in the 1970s, then fortified in the Clinton years), which required banks to make loans to people with poor and nonexistent credit histories — made widespread homeownership a national goal.
The '08 crisis propelled Barry Hussein into the W.H. When democrats won the majority in congress in Bush's 2nd term Barney Frank became the chairperson of the powerful House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank insisted that Fannie was solvent until it wasn't and it collapsed bringing down the world's economy. Amazingly nobody ever asked Frank what the hell he was doing. It's likely that the collapse of Fannie was planned as the biggest October surprise in history.

from the article, which i agree with:

For parts of the United States’ liberal intelligentsia, the election of Donald Trump was (and still is) an enigma: a kind of one-off rupture in space and time, unexplainable by the laws that typically govern the universe. One possible explanation of these omissions is that a more honest grappling with the financial crisis and its implications inevitably also involves a reckoning with the record of the Obama administration — a reckoning simply too uncomfortable for some to undertake.

When it comes to the financial crisis of 2008–9, the story told by senior officials in the Barack Obama administration was quite literally that the corporate greed and malfeasance at the root of the collapse couldn’t be prosecuted because no one was actually responsible. “The buck still stops nowhere,” as attorney general Eric Holder put it in 2014: “Responsibility remains so diffuse, top executives so insulated, that any misconduct [can] be considered more a symptom of the institution’s culture than the result of the willful actions of any single individual.” This explanation certainly pleased the country’s leading bankers. But it has also proven mightily convenient for leading Democratic figures themselves, who had appropriately devised the perfect chin-stroking rationale for their own refusal to attack the crisis at its roots or put the interests of average people ahead of Goldman Sachs’s bottom line.

That meltdown, it turns out, isn’t just the economic crisis itself but also the institutional response to it — a response that is deeply interwoven with both the Democratic collapse of 2016 and the continued rise of the extreme right

the meltdown of 2009 is this generation’s pivotal moment. Not the bank failures or the stock market crash in 2008. Those were obviously disasters. But the political disaster that came after. Our government stopped working for its citizens during a moment of profound crisis. We need to unbury this moment, to reexamine it. Because the failure of government then gave us the world we live in now.
Our government has never worked for The People, but yeah.

It's obvious to anyone who isn't in the DemoKKKult.
Who says pathological Dems have no sense of humor? The forces that led to the outsider winning in 2016 are lining up to do the same in '24. In fact, it begins to look as though even Dominion machines can't save their sorry asses this go round. With nearly a majority of DEMOCRATS admitting the nation is on the wrong track - 71% of Americans in total - this train wreck isn't going to be stopped or ignored by cheating again.
The thugs in VA are already saying the results will be delayed by 3 days so "absentee" ballots can be tallied. Try stealing another election in this way and I hope this country EXPLODES against your party AND those who still support it.
If the crypto-Nazi Democrats *win* in VA with criminal scum McAwful, they're still cooked.

Democrat Party: Deranged gang of psychopaths.
You said, referring to the 2020 election "Trump exposed the left as being the liars, thieves, rioters. looters, arsonists, and murderers they really are." That is just not what people were voting about. Majority just did not want trump and his crooks running the country as a country of the crooks, by the crooks and for the crooks.

Your lack of insight is astounding. Yes, Trump exposed them for what they are. But the real crooks are the ones who stole the election. And there was no damned "insurgency." You got your demented, incontinent, incompetent President, didn't you?

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