Obama to Congress: I'll Go It Alone


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
Frustrated Obama's message: I'll go it alone

By Tom Curry, National Affairs Writer, NBC News - January 26, 2014

When he stands before lawmakers Tuesday night for his State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama will have a message for the divided Congress that has largely stymied his agenda for the past three years: Fine, I’ll go it alone.

“I’ve got a pen,” Obama has said in the weeks leading up to the speech, “and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.”

Many of Obama’s big policy goals have ended up stranded in limbo between the Democratic-controlled Senate trying to advance his agenda and the Republican-led House bent on stopping him.

And, heading into a midterm election year, he faces lame-duck status unless his party can regain control of the House this November.

Frustrated with the Capitol Hill quagmire, the president is increasingly turning toward the power of the presidency to try to solidify his legacy. Obama has pledged to act, saying, “We are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need.”

"The president sees this as a year of action, to work with Congress where he can and to bypass Congress where necessary," White House press secretary Jay Carney told ABC News Sunday.


Executive orders and directives
Based on what Obama and his aides have said in the run-up to the State of the Union, it’s likely that he will seek to test the limits of what he can do through executive orders and directives to federal agencies.


But congressional Republicans are on a high state of alert for what they see as Obama intrusions on congressional law-making power.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., warned Sunday that “when the executive branch tries to assume the legislative powers, that that's a form of tyranny.”


Frustrated Obama's message: I'll go it alone - NBC Politics


Would you like some Vaseline with that dictatorship?
Obama knows why we have the legislative branch. It's not just some members of congress seeking to stop his agenda, it's all the people who voted for those who seek to stop his agenda. That's why we sent them there.

If both sides can't compromise, then nothing happens. I believe the left has been far more exclusive than the right. One example is Obama and the Dems refusing to negotiate on Obamacare and not even considering several different plans submitted by Repubs.
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So the constitutional lecturer is going to continue to test the limit of the Constitution, I guess the piece of chicago gutter trash is determined to add impeachment to his resume. I just hope congress will oblige him.
Talk about impeachment and 75% of the country rolls its eyes.

ACA is a done deal, ratified by two national elections, passage of the law, and opined on by SCOTUS.

Elections have consequences, folks. We lost.


Let him issue EOs and let's attack the legality of them, which we may very well lose the issue.
If obama intends to go full on dictator he might find himself treated as other dictators have been. Big Moo always did remind me of Imelda Marcos.
This is news? Obama has been doing this for several years already. And the courts are ready to slap him down.
Talk about impeachment and 75% of the country rolls its eyes.

ACA is a done deal, ratified by two national elections, passage of the law, and opined on by SCOTUS.

Elections have consequences, folks. We lost.


Let him issue EOs and let's attack the legality of them, which we may very well lose the issue.

Keep talking that shit, the boy's numbers are in the 30's and falling. If he jumps out and continues to defy the Constitution I hope the house would vote for impeachment. I have no doubt that he would never be convicted in the commie held senate but at this point I would love to see the same asterisk by his name that wild willie has. Both POS's fully deserve it.
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Talk about impeachment and 75% of the country rolls its eyes.

ACA is a done deal, ratified by two national elections, passage of the law, and opined on by SCOTUS.

Elections have consequences, folks. We lost.


Let him issue EOs and let's attack the legality of them, which we may very well lose the issue.

Keep talking that shit, the boy's numbers are in the 30's and falling. If he jumps out and continues to defy the Constitution I hope the house would vote for impeachment. I have no doubt that he would never be convicted in the commie held senate but at this point I would love to see the same asterisk by his name that wild willie has. Both POS's fully deserve it.

You, NotOKTexas, simply have trouble with reality. Rasmussen has BHO at 50%, and that is a poll that has been right more than others the last few years. The House will never vote for impeachment without the Senate on board, and, yes, it is not.

We need to reach out to women and to minorities, and we need to offer a program that will amend ACA to work better in our system.
Talk about impeachment and 75% of the country rolls its eyes.

ACA is a done deal, ratified by two national elections, passage of the law, and opined on by SCOTUS.

Elections have consequences, folks. We lost.


Let him issue EOs and let's attack the legality of them, which we may very well lose the issue.

Keep talking that shit, the boy's numbers are in the 30's and falling. If he jumps out and continues to defy the Constitution I hope the house would vote for impeachment. I have no doubt that he would never be convicted in the commie held senate but at this point I would love to see the same asterisk by his name that wild willie has. Both POS's fully deserve it.

You, NotOKTexas, simply have trouble with reality. Rasmussen has BHO at 50%, and that is a poll that has been right more than others the last few years. The House will never vote for impeachment without the Senate on board, and, yes, it is not.

We need to reach out to women and to minorities, and we need to offer a program that will amend ACA to work better in our system.

Ah yes, flock to the poll that shows Obama the most favorability out of a hundred.

The RCP average has him in the low 40's Jake.
Frustrated Obama's message: I'll go it alone

By Tom Curry, National Affairs Writer, NBC News - January 26, 2014

When he stands before lawmakers Tuesday night for his State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama will have a message for the divided Congress that has largely stymied his agenda for the past three years: Fine, I’ll go it alone.

“I’ve got a pen,” Obama has said in the weeks leading up to the speech, “and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.”

Many of Obama’s big policy goals have ended up stranded in limbo between the Democratic-controlled Senate trying to advance his agenda and the Republican-led House bent on stopping him.

And, heading into a midterm election year, he faces lame-duck status unless his party can regain control of the House this November.

Frustrated with the Capitol Hill quagmire, the president is increasingly turning toward the power of the presidency to try to solidify his legacy. Obama has pledged to act, saying, “We are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need.”

"The president sees this as a year of action, to work with Congress where he can and to bypass Congress where necessary," White House press secretary Jay Carney told ABC News Sunday.


Executive orders and directives
Based on what Obama and his aides have said in the run-up to the State of the Union, it’s likely that he will seek to test the limits of what he can do through executive orders and directives to federal agencies.


But congressional Republicans are on a high state of alert for what they see as Obama intrusions on congressional law-making power.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., warned Sunday that “when the executive branch tries to assume the legislative powers, that that's a form of tyranny.”


Frustrated Obama's message: I'll go it alone - NBC Politics


Would you like some Vaseline with that dictatorship?

Good for him, it's about time. Boehner and McConnell should be hung in effigy for putting themselves and their party over the nations people. I hope they both lose their elections in November.
Talk about impeachment and 75% of the country rolls its eyes.

ACA is a done deal, ratified by two national elections, passage of the law, and opined on by SCOTUS.

Elections have consequences, folks. We lost.


Let him issue EOs and let's attack the legality of them, which we may very well lose the issue.

Keep talking that shit, the boy's numbers are in the 30's and falling. If he jumps out and continues to defy the Constitution I hope the house would vote for impeachment. I have no doubt that he would never be convicted in the commie held senate but at this point I would love to see the same asterisk by his name that wild willie has. Both POS's fully deserve it.

You, NotOKTexas, simply have trouble with reality. Rasmussen has BHO at 50%, and that is a poll that has been right more than others the last few years. The House will never vote for impeachment without the Senate on board, and, yes, it is not.

We need to reach out to women and to minorities, and we need to offer a program that will amend ACA to work better in our system.

Damn, dropped 25% in one post, and still forgetting that only about 35% think your dear leader gutter trash is honest. And women and minorities need to quit listening to your commie lies saying how they are so fragile and can't make it in this big bad world without the commies propping them up. Give me a few trillion in tax money and all the media lies I can muster and I can put anyone in office you want, you commies aren't special.
Frustrated Obama's message: I'll go it alone

By Tom Curry, National Affairs Writer, NBC News - January 26, 2014

When he stands before lawmakers Tuesday night for his State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama will have a message for the divided Congress that has largely stymied his agenda for the past three years: Fine, I’ll go it alone.

“I’ve got a pen,” Obama has said in the weeks leading up to the speech, “and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.”

Many of Obama’s big policy goals have ended up stranded in limbo between the Democratic-controlled Senate trying to advance his agenda and the Republican-led House bent on stopping him.

And, heading into a midterm election year, he faces lame-duck status unless his party can regain control of the House this November.

Frustrated with the Capitol Hill quagmire, the president is increasingly turning toward the power of the presidency to try to solidify his legacy. Obama has pledged to act, saying, “We are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need.”

"The president sees this as a year of action, to work with Congress where he can and to bypass Congress where necessary," White House press secretary Jay Carney told ABC News Sunday.


Executive orders and directives
Based on what Obama and his aides have said in the run-up to the State of the Union, it’s likely that he will seek to test the limits of what he can do through executive orders and directives to federal agencies.


But congressional Republicans are on a high state of alert for what they see as Obama intrusions on congressional law-making power.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., warned Sunday that “when the executive branch tries to assume the legislative powers, that that's a form of tyranny.”


Frustrated Obama's message: I'll go it alone - NBC Politics


Would you like some Vaseline with that dictatorship?

Good for him, it's about time. Boehner and McConnell should be hung in effigy for putting themselves and their party over the nations people. I hope they both lose their elections in November.

And when President Cruz does that you'll be the first calling for his impeachment. Hypocrite.
"...Would you like some Vaseline with that dictatorship?..."
Good for him, it's about time...

Rule by Decree?


Please, tell me you're kidding.

People who are ready to accept Rule by Decree are a danger to the Republic.

It is my hope that all men and women of goodwill, who believe in our Republic and its People, and who come from all walks of life, and from any party, will be appalled by such a prospect.

A true 'emergency decree' (executive order) here-and-there is a necessary evil.

But to apply that same principle to far more commonplace and mundane and everyday governance - or to matters that traditionally require the asset of Congress - is unacceptable.

No excuses... no explanations... no juicy rationalizations... no caveats.

No Rule by Decree - period.

The line gets drawn here - cross it, and face Impeachment.

For such a loathsome approach to governance, we may actually see enough Democrats disgusted by the idea, to actually convict, once the House impeaches.

If those Senators love our country and its People, and the Constitution they're sworn to defend, then they will have no choice but to convict, if Rule by Decree is attempted.

Such a method of governance here is unacceptable.

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