Obama shifts, says he may back offshore drilling


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 23 minutes ago

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Friday he would be willing to support limited additional offshore oil drilling if that's what it takes to enact a comprehensive policy to foster fuel-efficient autos and develop alternate energy sources.

Shifting from his previous opposition to expanded offshore drilling, the Illinois senator told a Florida newspaper he could get behind a compromise with Republicans and oil companies to prevent gridlock over energy.

more ... Obama shifts, says he may back offshore drilling - Yahoo! News

Go figure.:badgrin:
Of course he does. With popular opinion swinging in favor of offshore drilling, it was inevitable that Obama's position too would change.
Hell, as of last month even 51% of eco-crazy Californians favored offshore drilling in the state.
There's this thing called conserving energy....

Nevermind, let's just give Exxon more money.
There's this thing called conserving energy....

Nevermind, let's just give Exxon more money.

Um....did you see the May report on miles driven by Americans or do you just want to spout more mindless donkey shit?
Um....did you see the May report on miles driven by Americans or do you just want to spout more mindless donkey shit?

When Bush was asked if Americans should conserve energy, HE REFUSED TO EVEN SAY THE WORD. Why? Because if might hurt Dick Cheney's Halliburton stock.

Bought By Big Oil
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Friday he would be willing to support limited additional offshore oil drilling if that's what it takes to enact a comprehensive policy to foster fuel-efficient autos and develop alternate energy sources.

Shifting from his previous opposition to expanded offshore drilling, the Illinois senator told a Florida newspaper he could get behind a compromise with Republicans and oil companies to prevent gridlock over energy.
The Associated Press: Obama shifts on offshore oil drilling
When Bush was asked if Americans should conserve energy, HE REFUSED TO EVEN SAY THE WORD. Why? Because if might hurt Dick Cheney's Halliburton stock.

Bought By Big Oil


The $14 billion tax title includes several significant tax incentives for conservation and energy efficiency programs. Provisions include:
• Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction,
• Credit for construction of new energy efficient homes,
• Credit for certain non-business energy property,
• Credit for energy efficient appliances,
• Credit for residential energy efficient property,
• Credit for business installation of qualified fuel cells and stationary microturbine power plants, and
• Business solar investment tax credit.
The Alliance to Save Energy estimates that all of the law’s energy-efficiency provisions will save about 2 quads a year by 2020, reducing the anticipated growth in energy use by that time by about 8 percent.


The Bush energy policy act of 2005.....
Good for him. He is willing to compromise to help America. Something we haven't seen these last eight years.

Lmao...because of 70% of Americans support drilling. It's called political expendience not compromise.
Lmao...because of 70% of Americans support drilling. It's called political expendience not compromise.

Listening to the will of the people.

Something else we haven't seen the last eight years.
Listening to the will of the people.

Something else we haven't seen the last eight years.

Just like FISA right....
or Negotiating without pre-conditions...
or gun control...

He has refined so many of his positions that is hard to even know what his positions really are.
Good for him. He is willing to compromise to help America. Something we haven't seen these last eight years.

Shut up, fool. WTF? You'd be slobbering at the mouth repeating "flip-flopper" every-other-post if this had been a Republican.

Obama got hammered for his ignorant stance and started some damage control pandering. He isn't willing to compromise his belief to help America. He's compromising his integrity for some votes.
Shut up, fool. WTF? You'd be slobbering at the mouth repeating "flip-flopper" every-other-post if this had been a Republican.

Obama got hammered for his ignorant stance and started some damage control pandering. He isn't willing to compromise his belief to help America. He's compromising his integrity for some votes.

Shut up, fool?


Obama is smart enough to do what the people want. Unlike our current president who believes on Wednesday what he believed on Monday, regardless of what happened on Tuesday.
Shut up, fool?


Obama is smart enough to do what the people want. Unlike our current president who believes on Wednesday what he believed on Monday, regardless of what happened on Tuesday.

So I won't find any posts by you calling MCcain a flip flopper right?
So I won't find any posts by you calling MCcain a flip flopper right?

I don't believe so.

I really think the flip flopping charge is pretty bogus. People should be able to change their minds.

I like John McCain. I just don't like how he has sold out. His "agents of intolerence" speech was one of the great moments in American political history.
ST. PETERSBURG — Long an opponent of offshore drilling, Sen. Barack Obama offered encouraging words for a bipartisan energy plan that would permit oil drilling within 50 miles of Florida's west coast.
Florida would have no say over the matter because Senate advocates think the eastern Gulf of Mexico offers the best chance to get more oil and natural gas to market quickly.
Considering new energy plan, Obama softens stance on drilling - St. Petersburg Times

I will not vote for this man and I am really disturbed that so many people that unquestionably followed our government into an unneeded war are now unquestionably following our government into unneeded despoiling of our states.

Fear works its magic on the masses once again.

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