Obama photo when Osama killed, where was a photo when Americans were killed?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Why Can’t We See Photos at White House During Benghazi Attack?

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Three years ago today — the day Navy SEALs found and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan — President Obama, Vice President Biden and other high-ranking administration officials gathered in the White House situation room for updates on the raid. A photo of the group, released by the White House, instantly became one of the most memorable images of Obama’s presidency.
Sharyl Attkisson wants to know why the White House didn’t do the same thing after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.
In an interview with Glenn Beck yesterday, Attkisson, a former CBS News investigative reporter, revealed that she requested White House photos taken as events in Benghazi unfolded more than a year ago — only to be met with silence.

Attkisson: Why Can?t We See White House Photos on Night of Benghazi Attack?
And of course our sensitive ever compassionate President.. where was he the next day?

The American ambassador and three other American officials were murdered. Their bodies were dragged through the streets to a cheering mob. This all happened on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, with the ridiculous pretext that throngs of muslims in two different countries were simultaneously offended over a stupid film no one knew existed. In Libya, at least, the murder of our diplomatic personnel is tantamount to an act of war. Yet, for Obama, the campaign must go on.
This morning, the White House announced that Obama will continue with today's campaign schedule. He leaves this afternoon for Vegas, to attend a fundraiser for his reelection. Those mourning the loss of their loved ones, who died in service to their country, will take little comfort in the knowledge that, as President, Obama is so committed...to his own reelection.
Ambassador Murdered, Obama Going to Vegas for Fundraiser

And NOW the idiot Democrats trying to find ANYWAY to spin away from this disgusting display of politicization
"GOP making fundraising off Benghazi"... seem to forget Obama the day after went on a political fundraising trip!
Why Can’t We See Photos at White House During Benghazi Attack?

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Three years ago today — the day Navy SEALs found and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan — President Obama, Vice President Biden and other high-ranking administration officials gathered in the White House situation room for updates on the raid. A photo of the group, released by the White House, instantly became one of the most memorable images of Obama’s presidency.
Sharyl Attkisson wants to know why the White House didn’t do the same thing after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.
In an interview with Glenn Beck yesterday, Attkisson, a former CBS News investigative reporter, revealed that she requested White House photos taken as events in Benghazi unfolded more than a year ago — only to be met with silence.

Attkisson: Why Can?t We See White House Photos on Night of Benghazi Attack?

I have heard (but am too lazy to go verify it at the moment) that the situation room group photo you shared again had been "staged" after the fact.

Why Obumbler's handlers didn't recommend the same for the Benghazi clusterfuck is probably related to their desire to afford Obumbler some version of "plausible deniability."
Bush had seven years to have such a photo taken. In Bush's own words "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". That was the President of the US speaking of a man that had masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.
Bush had seven years to have such a photo taken. In Bush's own words "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". That was the President of the US speaking of a man that had masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

osama was marginalized; BY BUSH; and not a threat. he wasnt a concern for Bush because Bush always had people tracking osama. that is how obama was able to get him. he didnt start all over and find osama; obama buiilt off the system that was already in place; no matter how much you want to embarrass yourself thinking otherwise
Bush had seven years to have such a photo taken. In Bush's own words "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". That was the President of the US speaking of a man that had masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

clinont had EIGHT YEARS; to put in place policies that would prevent people from coming here and knocking down the World Trade Center like they TRIED TO DO IN CLINTON'S FIRST YEAR.
instead EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE HIJACKERS that went on to comitt 9-11 came here on clinton's watch; and were ALREADY IN PLACE; POLTTING AND PLANNING UNOTICED by clinton when he handed over the country to the incoming Bush

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I heard it was photoshopped

and I believe it

It was. It was photo-shopped.

Look at how small his head is. Even compared to those sitting in back of him. He also looks hunched over and small compared to people around him who are actually smaller than he is.

Also, listen to remarks from his paramour, Reggie the body man Love

Love: Obama Played Cards During Osama Raid; 'I Can?t Watch This Entire Thing,' Obama Said | The Weekly Standard

Skip to the 5:45 mark of this video. It's been scrubbed by youtube. Funny how that happens, huh?

It is also available here...

Original Video of Obama Aide Admitting President?s Card-Playing During Bin Laden Raid Deleted from YouTube | Video | TheBlaze.com

dimocraps are lying, deceptive, corrupt scum. ALL of them
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Bush had seven years to have such a photo taken. In Bush's own words "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". That was the President of the US speaking of a man that had masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

clinont had EIGHT YEARS; to put in place policies that would prevent people from coming here and knocking down the World Trade Center like they TRIED TO DO IN CLINTON'S FIRST YEAR.
instead EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE HIJACKERS that went on to comitt 9-11 came here on clinton's watch; and were ALREADY IN PLACE; POLTTING AND PLANNING UNOTICED by clinton when he handed over the country to the incoming Bush

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Clinton was the fault of 9/11
no if's and' or but's
they've spiked this man's head so many time's to try and make Obambam some hero
it's sad
Bush had seven years to have such a photo taken. In Bush's own words "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". That was the President of the US speaking of a man that had masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

Bush was more interested...fixated actually, on Saddam Hussein because "...he tried to kill my Daddy". So OBL's attack on 9/11 gave him an excuse to fulfill his infantile fantasy of revenge, however wayward and expensive it was to American lives and taxpayers.

Oh, and of course we have photos of Bush....7 minutes of his deer-in-the-headlights performance, after being informed of the attack, holding "My Pet Goat" in his hands and just sitting there like the fucking idiot that he was and still is.

I wonder....from looking at this photo I have a caption: "Oh holy shit! That August PDB that Condi blew off as just another threat from OBL!!! Gotta' bury that sucker...hehehe..hehehe.."

I heard it was photoshopped

and I believe it

I don't.
Why wouldn't he have been there?

Because Obama does EVERYTHING wrong ALL the time.

Well, I certainly don't see him as the most competent man as it pertains to governing. His secretaries have had issues in the Department of Health (web site), The VA (current issue), The DoJ (Fast and Furious...still don't know who authorized it), The Department of State (extra security was asked for in a very volatile country in the most volatile region in the world and lower levels had the authority to deny it without informing the SOS)..
And blame congress if you want....but he sure as hell cant get the two parties to work together....

But why would anyone think that he wouldn't be there during the Bin Laden raid that he authorized?
I don't.
Why wouldn't he have been there?

Because Obama does EVERYTHING wrong ALL the time.

Well, I certainly don't see him as the most competent man as it pertains to governing. His secretaries have had issues in the Department of Health (web site), The VA (current issue), The DoJ (Fast and Furious...still don't know who authorized it), The Department of State (extra security was asked for in a very volatile country in the most volatile region in the world and lower levels had the authority to deny it without informing the SOS)..
And blame congress if you want....but he sure as hell cant get the two parties to work together....

But why would anyone think that he wouldn't be there during the Bin Laden raid that he authorized?

Because his personal 'body man' was with him playing Spades the whole time and said as much?

In some circles, that would be called a 'clue' :dunno:

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