Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

"I-gots to have me chitlins and grits"

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face

By Daniel Greenfield

If only American soldiers in Afghanistan were unemployed Democratic voters in Chicago, then they might be getting three square meals a day from the government.

But the military is the one place that Obama feels comfortable slashing expenses. While spending at an uncontrollable rate unseen since the last days of the Roman Empire in every other area, Obama has been cutting “waste” in the military like 20,000 Marines, Tricare healthcare for veterans and breakfast for soldiers serving in areas where he would only venture accompanied by heavy firepower.

Warren Buffett and other crony capitalists can pig out on Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. As for the troops. Let them ear MRE’s.


While American soldiers go hungry, here is what Obama and his corrupt cronies had for their inaugural lunch.

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face
Initially, the claim was that they just stopped giving them a hot breakfast and handed MREs out instead. However, many family members who heard from the troops said they weren't even getting the MREs in the morning. I am sure some liberal media people won't tell the truth about this.

Liberals are always talking about how we should serve hot meals at school even during summer. They wouldn't dream of making some overweight government dependents skip a meal, but they don't find the troops worthy. They seem to dislike, or even loathe (Hillary once said), the military. Our troops need their strength. They don't exactly have comfortable accomodations and have some pretty full days risking their lives for us. The least we can do is give them 3 square meals a day, starting with a decent breakfast, which we all know is truly the most important meal of the day. How can they function if we don't take care of them?
I don't believe the OP. I'll reserve judgement until I hear it from some credible sources.

Same here.

I served in the U.S. Navy from 1982 until 2002, and never once when I was stationed onboard a ship did I ever go hungry.

Granted................I did have to eat cold cut sandwiches for a couple of meals, but I never went to sleep hungry.

Can the OP provide a legitimate link?
God Damned liberals, next thing Obama is gonna cut out lunch and dinner too. Gotta love this crap. Of course they are receiving MRE's. Fucking do some research instead of relying on some stupid fucking blog. God, I get sick of the idiots on this site that believe every fantasy they read about. It just goes to show how gullible people can be.

SUMMARY Horowitz, who spent his young years as a Marxist, has in recent years become a furious far-right antagonist of liberals and leftists. He also provides some funding support for other anti-Muslim ventures, including, according to the blog SpencerWatch.com, paying Spencer $132,537 to run the JihadWatch website. Horowitz sees no philosophical gradations; if you're not in total agreement with his view of Islam, you're in favor of Muslim hegemony. He believes the Muslim Brotherhood and "Islamofascists" control most American Muslim organizations, especially Muslim student groups on college campuses.

IN HIS OWN WORDS "I spent 25 years in the American Left, whose agendas are definitely to destroy this country. The American left wanted us to lose the Cold War with the Soviets and it wants us to lose the war on terror. So I don't make any apologies for that."

More: 10 of America's Most Dangerous Hatemongers | Alternet

"I-gots to have me chitlins and grits"

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face

By Daniel Greenfield

If only American soldiers in Afghanistan were unemployed Democratic voters in Chicago, then they might be getting three square meals a day from the government.

But the military is the one place that Obama feels comfortable slashing expenses. While spending at an uncontrollable rate unseen since the last days of the Roman Empire in every other area, Obama has been cutting “waste” in the military like 20,000 Marines, Tricare healthcare for veterans and breakfast for soldiers serving in areas where he would only venture accompanied by heavy firepower.

Warren Buffett and other crony capitalists can pig out on Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. As for the troops. Let them ear MRE’s.


While American soldiers go hungry, here is what Obama and his corrupt cronies had for their inaugural lunch.

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face

This is a bullshit article, I'm in the Army and have troops down there.
This article from the Washington Times is saying they get MRE's for breakfast. Some of the comments tell a different story though as people are posting that their son/husbands are only getting MRE's 4 days a week.

I don't know how much we can believe the comments though, but I guess we can believe them just as much as our government.

During drawdown, Pentagon cuts cooked breakfast for some troops in Afghanistan - Washington Times

The Washington Times is also a very questionable source. I'll wait for sources I trust.
I heard they plan to stop feeding them altogether. When they starve to death the US won't have the expense of bringing them home.
And what a surprise...the story is horsehit.

There is no truth to the Internet myth that Washington budget cuts have taken away breakfast for service members in Afghanistan, Defense Department officials said.

Americans serving in Afghanistan can have up to four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and a midnight meal, if one is needed.

The Internet myth’s genesis came from a few forward operating bases in eastern Afghanistan’s Paktika province that are closing or being turned over to Afghan security forces. Instead of a hot, prepared breakfast, service members at those bases receive packaged meals known as “meals, ready-to-eat,” or MREs. This streamlines the logistics for these closing bases, officials explained.

The vast majority of service members in Afghanistan are receiving a hot breakfast, officials emphasized.

Fact check: Did Obama end hot breakfasts for troops in Afghanistan? | Twitchy
I don't believe the OP. I'll reserve judgement until I hear it from some credible sources.
Washington times not good enough for you?

I don't believe the OP. I'll reserve judgement until I hear it from some credible sources.

Same here.

I served in the U.S. Navy from 1982 until 2002, and never once when I was stationed onboard a ship did I ever go hungry.

Granted................I did have to eat cold cut sandwiches for a couple of meals, but I never went to sleep hungry.

Can the OP provide a legitimate link?
See above.

This article from the Washington Times is saying they get MRE's for breakfast. Some of the comments tell a different story though as people are posting that their son/husbands are only getting MRE's 4 days a week.

I don't know how much we can believe the comments though, but I guess we can believe them just as much as our government.

During drawdown, Pentagon cuts cooked breakfast for some troops in Afghanistan - Washington Times

The Washington Times is also a very questionable source. I'll wait for sources I trust.
I guess that would be Obama himself. You are such a loyal little shithead!

"I-gots to have me chitlins and grits"

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face

By Daniel Greenfield

If only American soldiers in Afghanistan were unemployed Democratic voters in Chicago, then they might be getting three square meals a day from the government.

But the military is the one place that Obama feels comfortable slashing expenses. While spending at an uncontrollable rate unseen since the last days of the Roman Empire in every other area, Obama has been cutting “waste” in the military like 20,000 Marines, Tricare healthcare for veterans and breakfast for soldiers serving in areas where he would only venture accompanied by heavy firepower.

Warren Buffett and other crony capitalists can pig out on Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. As for the troops. Let them ear MRE’s.


While American soldiers go hungry, here is what Obama and his corrupt cronies had for their inaugural lunch.

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face

This is a bullshit article, I'm in the Army and have troops down there.

Fake vet portraying the lie again...

When's that egress date again, fail-o???

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