Obama Backs Race-based School Discipline Quotas


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama backs race-based school discipline policies | The Daily Caller

President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.

His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

“African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline,” said the order, titled “White House Initiative On Educational Excellence.”

Because of those causes, the report suggests, “over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects.”

The article gets even better, if by better one means more stupid.
"According to progressive lawyers, “disparate impact” may occur when companies or state and local governments hire and promote people at rates different from their percentage in the local population."

What I hear all the time is that white teachers do not understand black students. Black students need do be taught by black teachers.

So can we conclude that black teachers do not understand white students who need to be taught by white teachers?

Segregated schools and classrooms is the only logical conclusion to their assertations
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"According to progressive lawyers, “disparate impact” may occur when companies or state and local governments hire and promote people at rates different from their percentage in the local population."

What I hear all the time is that white teachers do not understand black students. Black students need do be taught by black teachers.

So can we conclude that black teachers do not understand white students who need to be taught by white teachers?

Segregated schools and classrooms is the only logical conclusion to their assertations

Isnt it ironic that some in the 'civil rights community' are demanding racial segregation in education?
another assertation by Obama is that black students do not have equal access to the best schools and teachers.

Can he prove that?

Can the lack of academic excellence be blamed on a building or teachers?

Can the best teachers in the world save a poorly performing student>

Where is the evidence that black students are being treated unfairly?

Now what will happen is that black students will game the system?

I'll do WTF I want b/c nothing will happen.......
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How outrageous is this? An administrator will have to tell its teachers, we can't suspend or expell this student who just beat up another student who was sitting in his seat and slugged a teacher until we find a white student to expell. Anyone white who has a library fine?

The Racist in Chief has got to go!
More license for black students to be violent and reject the educational experience.

Next, grade and score redistribution.
Obozo wants equal treatment when it helps blacks and special treatment (affimative action) when that helps blacks.
More license for black students to be violent and reject the educational experience.

Next, grade and score redistribution.

Grade redistribution is already common in colleges. Blacks are graded easier than whites.
More license for black students to be violent and reject the educational experience.

Next, grade and score redistribution.

Grade redistribution is already common in colleges. Blacks are graded easier than whites.

there was a little town once in conneticut got sued cause they refused to lower the test standards for black firemen. just so ya know! :lol::lol:

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The case was a victory for conservative groups and the firefighters, who said the city's resolution had amounted to denying promotions based on skin color. The court's conservatives prevailed in a decision that said employers needed a "strong basis in evidence" that a test is deficient before discarding the results, rather than just "raw racial statistics" that may indicate a subtle discrimination.

Justices Rule in Favor of White Firefighters in Racial-Bias Case
The case was a victory for conservative groups and the firefighters, who said the city's resolution had amounted to denying promotions based on skin color. The court's conservatives prevailed in a decision that said employers needed a "strong basis in evidence" that a test is deficient before discarding the results, rather than just "raw racial statistics" that may indicate a subtle discrimination.

Justices Rule in Favor of White Firefighters in Racial-Bias Case

Hopefully someone will challenge this early as it gets implemented, get a court order freezing it and then overturned as obviously racist.

And do these loons really think that they are helping anybody with this crap?

They're morons!
There are, truly, some ridiculous government actions. Oil company subsidies rank high.
There are, truly, some ridiculous government actions. Oil company subsidies rank high.

ANY corporate subsidies would rank near the top, IMO.

While Main Street is sucking air, we dont need to jack up corporate welfare for the TBTF corporations.
Obama backs race-based school discipline policies | The Daily Caller

President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.

His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

“African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline,” said the order, titled “White House Initiative On Educational Excellence.”

Because of those causes, the report suggests, “over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects.”

The article gets even better, if by better one means more stupid.

That's batshitcrazy.

so if a school has twice as many white kids as it does other races, for each minority that's disciplined, two white kids must be disciplined before another minority kid gets punished.

Aaannnnd obama is not a racist pos...
There is no question that the way most states fund education (through property or income taxes) the school districts in the wealthier areas (i.e. White neighborhoods) are able to pay more and attract "better" teachers. Conversely, the schools districts having large "Black" populations typically are in less desirable areas, have more "problem" students, get fewer teacher applications, and consequently have generally inferior teachers and administrators. Often the pay scales in these school districts (e.g., Washington DC) are high, but teachers can bid out of the bad schools, thus leaving only the dregs teaching there.

So to Our Beloved President's point, a "Black" kid who lives in The Ghetto and wants to get the best education he possibly can is hampered by a lousy school with marginal teachers. By the time he is ready for college, his K-12 experience is so flawed that, even if he can get into a decent college, he will likely require remedial courses in English, math, and science, thus placing him at a serious disadvantage in pursuing his education.

My proposal is as follows: Have exactly ONE school district in every state. One school superintendent, one teacher's contract, one curriculum. The local school "districts" can decide what color the football uniforms are, and what the theme of the prom will be, but they would have no influence whatsoever in who teaches in their neighborhood school or what they teach. Capital expenditures (new schools and improvements to existing schools) will be funded and decided out of the State.

Teacher and administrator pay scales will be tied to (a) local cost of living, and (b) the educational needs of the communities. In problem areas, the teachers would be paid a premium, large enough to attract the best teachers. In areas where 80% of the households are headed by two college graduates, the pay scales would be relatively low, since anyone could go into those schools and produce good results - the kids already come from "enriched " backgrounds.

Regarding the behavior/discipline thing, I think most objective studies conclude that Black kids actually are treated more leniently. The same behavior that would get a "white" student suspended would lead to a warning against a "Black" kid, for at least the first couple instances. My son was suspended once because someone pushed him into a line of lower-grade students, thus knocking one of them into the ground. The Principal acknowledged that my son was pushed, but because a 5th grader was knocked down and went to the nurse's office, he had to be punished. Can you imagine a suspension of a Black kid in an innercity school for something like this? He would have gotten an award for not shooting the kid who pushed him.
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Ahhh, the evil head of disparate impact rears its head. When will lefties finally get with the program, and realize that blacks and Mexicans are just as capable as whites and asians, and should therefore be held to the same standards?

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