Obama 7-month ratings 3rd worst since WWII


No Neg Policy
Apr 2, 2009
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents
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Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents
but clinton had one of the highest approval ratings a few years into it, I cant remember right now when but I think it was when he got re elected the second time
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents

No No it is all about his skin color. We do not like him, not because of his crappy policies, but because he is black, and believe me there are Liberals that will make that claim. Total control by the Dems and they are failing across the board.
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents
but clinton had one of the highest approval ratings a few years into it, I cant remember right now when but I think it was when he got re elected the second time

"re elected the second time"

Dayum... I could soooooo tear THAT apart.

Now, aren't you glad that Obama can articulate his policies/agenda more clearly, so that we all understand that they are for the good of us all?
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents
Gerald Ford: Republican. Not reelected.

Bill Clinton: Democrat. Relelected.
Left office with sky high approval ratings.
(this after getting impeached! lol)

So...if history is a measure....
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents

No No it is all about his skin color. We do not like him, not because of his crappy policies, but because he is black, and believe me there are Liberals that will make that claim. Total control by the Dems and they are failing across the board.

RGS - you wouldn't like anything he did. You actually think the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were perfectly planned and executed. I don't know if you got some brain damage from the time you spent in the military, but you should seriously have your head examined.
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents
Gerald Ford: Republican. Not reelected.

Bill Clinton: Democrat. Relelected.
Left office with sky high approval ratings.
(this after getting impeached! lol)

So...if history is a measure....

*snicker* good point!

Plus let's not forget that two years into the Reagan administration, Reagan's approval ratings were in the high 30s because of double digit unemployment and a recession that began under his watch.
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Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents

No No it is all about his skin color. We do not like him, not because of his crappy policies, but because he is black, and believe me there are Liberals that will make that claim. Total control by the Dems and they are failing across the board.

Those liberals would not be far from the truth because there is a sizable group of people that don't like Obama because he is blacks, are you going to deny that like the good right wing nut you are?
Having to clean up Bush Jr's and the 8 years worth of Republican incompetence would put somebody in the whole as far as ratings, so the bass is not surprised.
No No it is all about his skin color. We do not like him, not because of his crappy policies, but because he is black, and believe me there are Liberals that will make that claim. Total control by the Dems and they are failing across the board.

Those liberals would not be far from the truth because there is a sizable group of people that don't like Obama because he is blacks, are you going to deny that like the good right wing nut you are?

You have any FACTS to support that?
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Utter nonsense Charlie. The only people who give a Damn about Obama's skin color are about 80% of black voters who voted for him, the Klan who have historically been yellow dog Democrats, and the criminal Aryan Nations who are apolitical.
If the current trend in his popularity keeps dropping, at the end of his term, nobody will even help him move his crap out of the White House.
Quite a lot of interest in http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/81668-daily-presidential-tracking-poll.html here. Not surprising really when you consider Newt Gingrich recently made this statement.

"Since World War II, only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama."

PolitiFact: Sorting out the truth in politics finds this statement to be "TRUE"


PolitiFact: Barack Obama poll after seven months shows him behind other presidents
Gerald Ford: Republican. Not reelected.

Bill Clinton: Democrat. Relelected.
Left office with sky high approval ratings.
(this after getting impeached! lol)

So...if history is a measure....

Hey genius... Gerald Ford wasn't 'elected' either... but he did pardon NIXON!

Now Clinton's poll numbers weren't that great to begin with. He only came to power with 42% of the vote... never receiving a majority of votes by the electorate. But his "Progressive Policies" lead him to just marginally better polling than the BOY King is realizing for far deeper subversion...

The point to be recognized here is that the Re-invention of the 'Come-back Kid' was a function of a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN HOUSE ... A House which SLASHED SOCIAL SPENDING and came as close to balancing the US Federal Budget as had come to pass since IKE. The down-side to that was that the A-politicals succumbed to the idiocy that Clinton had lead the charge on these Anti-Leftist policies; policies which, of course, resulted in positive reactions by the US Economy; thus Clinton's ride on the predictable ensuing wave of economic prosperity...

So, for Hussein, all he has to do, to enjoy a similar change of political fortune is to work it out for the Legislature to flip on it's head; find 250 CONSERVATIVES to balance out and over-ride the idiocy being advanced by the 'INDEPENDENT, MODERATE, CENTRIST, PROGRESSIVES...' presently sitting in both houses of the Legislature and begin to mouth support for Policies which stand against everything he stands FOR.

And while you may disagree... you do so in the face of the incontrovertible fact that Clinton was and remains a self-obsessed criminal of the highest order, with an unprecedented sense of self-preservation... and B. Hussien Obama is a true believing Marxist of the first order.

I'm not saying that The BOY King will not flip on a dime; and walk off the Helicopter with an oversized American Flag lapel pin... Clutching a research version of the King James Bible... and come to the podium tomorrow declaring "Fiscal Responsibility" as his number one goal; declaring the "Public Option" DOA... instead, setting up an expansion of Medicare wherein ANYONE who doesn't have private health insurance can get treatment for whatever ails'em... and sending a challenge to congress to recall every dime of 'bail-out cash' that hasn't been spent; signing GM back over to its non-governmental ownership, putting them on a payment plan to pay back what they've borrowed; ordering the US Military out of Iraq and Afghanistan; closing of Gitmo Prison and releasing all POW Detainees out the front gate, onto Cuban soil... and DEMANDING that Congress send a FULLY BALANCED Budget to his desk next month, with a plan to PAY OFF the US DEBT within the obligatory 10 years... and closing the Press conference in a Prayer, invoking Jesus Christ to lead this nation into principled security and for his eternal guidance... followed by a walk on by the Three Tenors to sing the Star Spangled Banner...

Which would turn his poll numbers around... putting him over 70% INSTANTLY, making him one of the most popular gurus of national leadership in the history of the species...

I'm just saying that it's fairly un-freakin' likely...
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Having to clean up Bush Jr's and the 8 years worth of Republican incompetence would put somebody in the whole as far as ratings, so the bass is not surprised.

Surprising it took so long for a "But Bush......." :eusa_whistle:

Obama certainly isn't cleaning up problems he started, so that about narrows it down.

"Obama voted to support President Bush between 40 and 50 percent of the time over the past two years." John McCain on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 in a campaign e-mail

PolitiFact: Obama and Bush found common ground


Obama and Bush found common ground

On the campaign trail, Sen. Barack Obama regularly criticizes President Bush's "failed policies" and leadership abilities. On the floor of the Senate, however, the freshman from Illinois is much less contrary than his rhetoric would suggest.
Responding to Obama's criticisms of Sen. John McCain's 95 percent presidential support score in 2007, McCain's campaign on June 3, 2008, sent a mass e-mail noting that Obama's own presidential support score is higher than one might think.

The e-mail cited vote studies compiled by Congressional Quarterly to note that Obama voted to support President Bush's positions between 40 and 50 percent of the time over the past two years. McCain spokesman Brian Rogers also noted that Obama voted with his party more than 95 percent of the time during that period, while McCain was more independent, tallying party unity scores between 70 and 90 percent.

"Can you imagine Obama touting his record of supporting President Bush half the time? Well, it's true by his numbers," Rogers said.

McCain's campaign is correct on both counts. Though Obama is a loyal Democrat who has opposed Bush on legislation more often than the average for his party in the Senate, running for president hasn't made him significantly more partisan. He opposed Bush 51 percent of the time in 2006 and 60 percent of the time in 2007.

In 2007, Obama found himself in Bush's camp on immigration policy; in a series of votes, Obama backed legislation, which failed, that would have provided a temporary guest worker program and new border security measures. Obama and Bush also were allied on legislation that raised the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour over two years and provided $8.3-billion in small-business tax incentives. In 2006, as Obama was laying the foundation for his presidential bid, he supported the president's position on key votes dealing with immigration policy and on making permanent 14 provisions in the "Patriot Act" antiterrorism law.

All of which hardly makes Obama a full-blown Bush supporter. But his record also doesn't put him near the Senate's top 10 Bush foes — a list headed in 2007 by Democrats Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Barbara Boxer of California, Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, who each were opposed to Bush more than 65 percent of the time. Because Obama has shown a willingness to vote the administration's position on a number of occasions over the past two years, we rule the McCain campaign's claim True.

Wonder how many other DEMS I could find that supported the administration's position during that 2-year period.....

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