Oaklahoma Insurrection, leftists attempt to overthrow state gov't


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I think the whole country needs a law like this. Idiots who block highways and streets need to be run over. The bed wetting leftist scum who infiltrated the Oaklahoma Capitol need to do serious hard time as well.
Dear Idiot, the whole country including NYC allows drivers to drive over protestors who arrest their freedom of movement & threaten them.

I think the whole country needs a law like this. Idiots who block highways and streets need to be run over. The bed wetting leftist scum who infiltrated the Oaklahoma Capitol need to do serious hard time as well.
I'm protesting the mask mandate and that damned vaccine.

I think the whole country needs a law like this. Idiots who block highways and streets need to be run over. The bed wetting leftist scum who infiltrated the Oaklahoma Capitol need to do serious hard time as well.

Some protesters got into verbal altercations with lawmakers. "You are a f--king disgrace to the whole country!" one shouted towards the legislators. The group then tried to get into the Senate chamber, which had locked its doors.

The group was protesting, in part, a bill that increases the penalties for blocking roadways and grants immunity to motorists who kill or injure protesters on the road. Another bill seeks to limit doxxing of police officers. The bill passed in a 38-10 vote in the Senate and now heads to Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt’s desk.

What these idiots can't wrap around their little brains is that they have just made it fifty times harder to approach these people to get them to hear what needs to be said. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not get that?

Nobody is going to fuck around any more than they have to. A lot of people have huge trucks and four wheel drives. They will tally up points afterwards.
It is against the law to purposely block traffic.
It is against the law to purposely inflict dangerous situations on roads and highways.
It is against the law to knowingly and willingly create violent situations where citizens feel the need to protect themselves.

If you know the actual laws.........you have nothing to fear. If you drive straight through a pack of mongoloid lunatics and keep going (as long as you have the green light) then you have nothing against you, its ALL on THEM! If they are actively creating a violent and dangerous scenario, you have the right to protect yourself by whatever means you have at your disposal. And if a few of these violent and dangerous psychopaths get squashed, it's because of THEIR own actions........not yours.

Now.......if you back up and do it again.........
or speed around the block for another go.........
or make a U-turn to have a second helping.....
You are on your own!!!
It is against the law to purposely block traffic.
It is against the law to purposely inflict dangerous situations on roads and highways.
It is against the law to knowingly and willingly create violent situations where citizens feel the need to protect themselves.

If you know the actual laws.........you have nothing to fear. If you drive straight through a pack of mongoloid lunatics and keep going (as long as you have the green light) then you have nothing against you, its ALL on THEM! If they are actively creating a violent and dangerous scenario, you have the right to protect yourself by whatever means you have at your disposal. And if a few of these violent and dangerous psychopaths get squashed, it's because of THEIR own actions........not yours.

Now.......if you back up and do it again.........
or speed around the block for another go.........
or make a U-turn to have a second helping.....
You are on your own!!!

Let the squashing begin!
I make other drivers mad for driving too slow, they always tailgate me on country roads.
The protestors sound as stupid as those in Michigan who threatened the Governor and legislature.

Right and left retards: kick their butts.

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