'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

Yes, through legal mechanisms. That's how the law works. We both know that land use and ownership in the mandate territories is ridiculously complicated due to inheriting former sovereign legal frameworks for land ownership. Near as I can figure, about 20% of the land in Gaza is under registered private ownership.

There is no "pillaging".
This is a hypothetical thread, not something that is happening. One of the hypotheticals was giving soldiers first choices of land. Land ownership was complicated but it isn’t entirely true that everything was honestly purchased or above board. There were a lot of confiscations as well.
This is a hypothetical thread, not something that is happening. One of the hypotheticals was giving soldiers first choices of land. Land ownership was complicated but it isn’t entirely true that everything was honestly purchased or above board. There were a lot of confiscations as well.
Giving soldiers first choice of land would not constitute "pillaging" if that land was legally available for transfer.
Obama sounds like he's been snorting too much coke.

Wow, what a traitor.
We are seeing those tensions building and threatening some old and important alliances such as Egypt.
Egypt's not going to be backing up Palestinians very much. They burn their bridges wherever they go.

Why won't Jordan accept them, hmm? Ask yourself that.
This is a hypothetical thread, not something that is happening. One of the hypotheticals was giving soldiers first choices of land. Land ownership was complicated but it isn’t entirely true that everything was honestly purchased or above board. There were a lot of confiscations as well.
Yeah, I'd want me a big pile of rubble. :rolleyes-41:
Wow, what a traitor.

Egypt's not going to be backing up Palestinians very much. They burn their bridges wherever they go.

Why won't Jordan accept them, hmm? Ask yourself that.
Barack can go on and on....but the truth is a complete stranger to him.

Muslims used Palestinians as a way to deflect the anger of the Muslim Street away from their own governments by focusing on a common enemy.

Obama is causing wars and genocide.

He should be brought up on charges for war crimes, yet he's being applauded because he pontificates the same rubbish that Muslims have been repeating for decades.

Democrats and Muslims are like two peas in a pod.

They are both of the same mind.

You cannot reason with either of them.
Wow, what a traitor.

Egypt's not going to be backing up Palestinians very much. They burn their bridges wherever they go.

Why won't Jordan accept them, hmm? Ask yourself that.
Yes, sadly…..Some Democrats are trying to draw a moral equivalency between Muslim monsters who sought out every innocent Jewish man, woman, teenager, child, and baby to torture to death in the most agonizing ways possible and Jews who are trying to limit civilian deaths - knowing that most of these civilians supported the massacre.
The abductee's cousin, Shiri Bibas demands -

'Every day that the captives do not return home,
we will take a kilometer and another kilometer from Gaza.

Until they return - they will not have Gaza'.

IDF Reservists in response to the hostage video release
'Exact a territorial price now'

IDF Reservists in response to the hostage video release
'Exact a territorial price now'

Israel Cancels Disengagement Law for Northern Samaria

Israeli lawmakers in the Knesset plenum voted Wednesday to approve cancelation of the Disengagement Law in northern Samaria. The residents of four Israeli towns in the region were expelled from their homes during the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza, along with those living in the Gush Katif region.

Hamas Mahmoud Al-Zahr "Palestine is like a toothpick for us"


Israel Cancels Disengagement Law for Northern Samaria

Israeli lawmakers in the Knesset plenum voted Wednesday to approve cancelation of the Disengagement Law in northern Samaria. The residents of four Israeli towns in the region were expelled from their homes during the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza, along with those living in the Gush Katif region.

58% of the public is in favor of taking over Rafah
Overwhelming majority demands a proactive war in the Northern front


For over five months the IDF has been fighting in almost all parts of the Gaza Strip - and the public in Israel wants a decision • 58% want to see the annexation of Rafah despite the opposition of the USA • In the northern sector: the public demands a proactive war against Hezbollah

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