Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: “I’m completely obsessed with creating clean energy jobs, and Joe Biden is obsessed, too"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Clean energy jobs go to China....and I bet she knows it...there are no "green energy" jobs....there are no jobs for the people Biden fired.....those people are surviving on less than half the pay they had just four months ago....and gas is up huge over night and its not even summer yet....
and the CCP continues to pollute the hell out of the earth when making our green energy solar panels and EV batteries...out of sight out of mind...right libs?.....
Maybe we should take another look at the Fucktard's plan to switch to electric cars....

Think electric cars are truly green? Not if their power comes from coal - CBS News

People who own all-electric cars may think they are helping the environment. But a new study finds that if their electrical power comes from coal, their vehicles actually make the air dirtier, worsening global warming.

Ethanol isn't so green, either.

"It's kind of hard to beat gasoline" for public and environmental health, said study co-author Julian Marshall, an engineering professor at the University of Minnesota. "A lot of the technologies that we think of as being clean ... are not better than gasoline."

The key is where the source of the electricity all-electric cars. If it comes from coal, the electric cars produce 3.6 times more soot and smog deaths than those powered by gas, because of the pollution made in generating the electricity, according to the study that is published Monday by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). They also are greater producers of heat-trapping carbon dioxide that worsens global warming, it found.

The study comes out as the International Energy Agency issued a report finding that global demand for coal will "continue marching higher," breaking the 9-billion-ton level by 2019. China, India and other Asian countries are expected to drive demand, the report said, while the United States and Europe will see declines.

The PNAS study examines environmental costs for cars' entire life cycle, including where power comes from and the environmental effects of building batteries.

"Unfortunately, when a wire is connected to an electric vehicle at one end and a coal-fired power plant at the other end, the environmental consequences are worse than driving a normal gasoline-powered car," said Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution for Science.
number of clean energy jobs created so far: 0

just because something creates jobs doesn't mean it's a good thing, otherwise we'd have people building pyramids

Or being Bureaucrats. Believe it or not ,Bureaucrat "Jobs" count in Jobs created. When in fact they are a drain on Taxpayer money.
Great article in the Weekend WSJ on the myrhs of 'climate change' and the 'zero carbon' scam, from a former researcher on Obama's 'climate change' research team; he didn't buy the snake oil and points out the lies, and the blatantly obvious fact that Red China and India alone are never going to comply with any of that bullshit, so no matter what the U.S. does it will have little or no effect on total carbon emissions.

He also points out why the push for electric is not a bad idea, though, and is a good thing if done right; it has nothing to do with 'climate change' rubbish. The guy has a book coming out in a month or so that would be worth reading.
Clean energy jobs go to China....and I bet she knows it...there are no "green energy" jobs....there are no jobs for the people Biden fired.....those people are surviving on less than half the pay they had just four months ago....and gas is up huge over night and its not even summer yet....
and the CCP continues to pollute the hell out of the earth when making our green energy solar panels and EV batteries...out of sight out of mind...right libs?.....

Yup. China and India are two of the biggest polluters in the world. Wonder why the Paris Accord idiots don't go after them??

Green energy won't cut it in todays world.
But two months after transitioning to green energy, there wasn't enough juice in the lines to turn on Jennifer's office lights. Now she's in the dark all the time, like we all knew she always was. Why can't Democrats ever learn from other peoples mistakes?
Clean energy jobs go to China....and I bet she knows it...there are no "green energy" jobs....there are no jobs for the people Biden fired.....those people are surviving on less than half the pay they had just four months ago....and gas is up huge over night and its not even summer yet....
and the CCP continues to pollute the hell out of the earth when making our green energy solar panels and EV batteries...out of sight out of mind...right libs?.....

Yup. China and India are two of the biggest polluters in the world. Wonder why the Paris Accord idiots don't go after them??

Green energy won't cut it in todays world.

Nuclear is the best source; too bad Amercan companies are too crooked and stupid to be trusted to build those without screwing over everybody. We would have to get French and German companies to build a decent modern grid that would actually work.
Maybe we should take another look at the Fucktard's plan to switch to electric cars....

Think electric cars are truly green? Not if their power comes from coal - CBS News

People who own all-electric cars may think they are helping the environment. But a new study finds that if their electrical power comes from coal, their vehicles actually make the air dirtier, worsening global warming.

Ethanol isn't so green, either.

"It's kind of hard to beat gasoline" for public and environmental health, said study co-author Julian Marshall, an engineering professor at the University of Minnesota. "A lot of the technologies that we think of as being clean ... are not better than gasoline."

The key is where the source of the electricity all-electric cars. If it comes from coal, the electric cars produce 3.6 times more soot and smog deaths than those powered by gas, because of the pollution made in generating the electricity, according to the study that is published Monday by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). They also are greater producers of heat-trapping carbon dioxide that worsens global warming, it found.

The study comes out as the International Energy Agency issued a report finding that global demand for coal will "continue marching higher," breaking the 9-billion-ton level by 2019. China, India and other Asian countries are expected to drive demand, the report said, while the United States and Europe will see declines.

The PNAS study examines environmental costs for cars' entire life cycle, including where power comes from and the environmental effects of building batteries.

"Unfortunately, when a wire is connected to an electric vehicle at one end and a coal-fired power plant at the other end, the environmental consequences are worse than driving a normal gasoline-powered car," said Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution for Science.

Ah, that old law of "unintended consequences" rears its ugly head...

This is a car boneyard near Paris, France with hundreds, (soon to be thousands) of electric vehicles.

Mind you, these are only cars used by the City of Paris and not personal vehicles.

ALL have the same primary issue,.... the battery storage cells have "given out" and need replacing.

Why not just replace them you ask? Well, two reasons. First the replacement battery storage cells cost almost double what the vehicle cost new, and second no landfill or disposal sites will allow the batteries to be disposed of there.

So these "green fairy tale electric cars" are all currently just sitting in vacant lots while their batteries drain toxins into the ground.

Addressing this cancer (that will soon spread to the new ‘industry’) is not the only politically sensitive electric vehicle issue. Not only are the battery dangerous in collisions, a large percentage of the power used to charge them still comes from petroleum.


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