Pelosi: 'Root Causes' of Capitol 'Insurrection' Were 'White Supremacy, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia'


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The loony bin Democrat touching almost all the bases.

Hell, she's second in line after Kamala.


Nancy Pelosi spoke today about “the root causes” of the January 6 Capitol riot: “the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’” She repeated the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful. Her list of the three “root causes” of this sham “insurrection” were, in effect, a list of those that she and the Biden Justice Department intend to go after, and the charges they will hang over their heads in the Stalinist show trials that could be in the offing.

As many have pointed out, this was no insurrection. No one has even been charged with such an offense. The protesters were unarmed. The claim that they used a fire extinguisher to murder a police officer, although repeated far and wide, has been completely debunked. The idea that the great mass of people who entered the Capitol on January 6 and stood around snapping pictures and gawking at statues were there to overthrow the government at the behest of a rogue president is a paranoid Leftist fantasy, not a reality.

And it’s a paranoid Leftist fantasy with a purpose. The Capitol riot is really Leftists’ Reichstag Fire moment, and they’re clearly going to use it to demonize, stigmatize, and silence all opposition to their agenda. Pelosi’s inclusion of the terms “anti-Semitism” and “Islamophobia” among the root causes of the riot makes that clear. The protesters who entered the Capitol building weren’t there because they hated Jews or Muslims or anyone else. The protests weren’t remotely about such matters. The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result, despite the establishment media’s furious efforts to brand all questioning of the election’s integrity as a “Big Lie.” If it were a Big Lie, there wouldn’t be such massive evidence of voter fraud, or audits going on in several key states and possibly more to come.

Protesting an election that shows so many signs of having been rigged has nothing whatsoever to do with “anti-Semitism” or “Islamophobia” — but what Pelosi was semaphoring is that she and her henchmen are going to use this to silence accused “anti-Semites” and “Islamophobes.” It’s the same thing with the anti-Semitism charge. One guy wearing an anti-Semitic sweatshirt doesn’t make the whole protest anti-Semitic; after all, Pelosi would heatedly deny that the recent anti-Israel protests were anti-Semitic, despite the appearance of Nazi imagery and calls for a new genocide of the Jews.

What’s more, the anti-Semites are all on Pelosi’s side: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Robert Malley, Hady Amr, etc. But in throwing that charge in, Pelosi makes a claim for the moral high ground for her destruction of the republic and institution of authoritarianism. The anti-Semitism among her foes is about as real as their “white supremacy.”

That’s the most serious charge, not because America is teeming with white supremacists, as the Biden administration would have you believe, but because foes of the Left are being tarred with that label in order to justify silencing and deplatforming them. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The endgame of Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues is obvious and insidious: They’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that others are white supremacists and defame and destroy them accordingly. Pelosi’s spurious assessment of the “root causes” of this phantom insurrection must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the roundup of dissidents.


When is she going to give up her white privilege and step down from office?


The loony bin Democrat touching almost all the bases.

Hell, she's second in line after Kamala.

Nancy Pelosi spoke today about “the root causes” of the January 6 Capitol riot: “the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’” She repeated the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful. Her list of the three “root causes” of this sham “insurrection” were, in effect, a list of those that she and the Biden Justice Department intend to go after, and the charges they will hang over their heads in the Stalinist show trials that could be in the offing.
As many have pointed out, this was no insurrection. No one has even been charged with such an offense. The protesters were unarmed. The claim that they used a fire extinguisher to murder a police officer, although repeated far and wide, has been completely debunked. The idea that the great mass of people who entered the Capitol on January 6 and stood around snapping pictures and gawking at statues were there to overthrow the government at the behest of a rogue president is a paranoid Leftist fantasy, not a reality.
And it’s a paranoid Leftist fantasy with a purpose. The Capitol riot is really Leftists’ Reichstag Fire moment, and they’re clearly going to use it to demonize, stigmatize, and silence all opposition to their agenda. Pelosi’s inclusion of the terms “anti-Semitism” and “Islamophobia” among the root causes of the riot makes that clear. The protesters who entered the Capitol building weren’t there because they hated Jews or Muslims or anyone else. The protests weren’t remotely about such matters. The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result, despite the establishment media’s furious efforts to brand all questioning of the election’s integrity as a “Big Lie.” If it were a Big Lie, there wouldn’t be such massive evidence of voter fraud, or audits going on in several key states and possibly more to come.
Protesting an election that shows so many signs of having been rigged has nothing whatsoever to do with “anti-Semitism” or “Islamophobia” — but what Pelosi was semaphoring is that she and her henchmen are going to use this to silence accused “anti-Semites” and “Islamophobes.” It’s the same thing with the anti-Semitism charge. One guy wearing an anti-Semitic sweatshirt doesn’t make the whole protest anti-Semitic; after all, Pelosi would heatedly deny that the recent anti-Israel protests were anti-Semitic, despite the appearance of Nazi imagery and calls for a new genocide of the Jews.
What’s more, the anti-Semites are all on Pelosi’s side: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Robert Malley, Hady Amr, etc. But in throwing that charge in, Pelosi makes a claim for the moral high ground for her destruction of the republic and institution of authoritarianism. The anti-Semitism among her foes is about as real as their “white supremacy.”
That’s the most serious charge, not because America is teeming with white supremacists, as the Biden administration would have you believe, but because foes of the Left are being tarred with that label in order to justify silencing and deplatforming them. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The endgame of Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues is obvious and insidious: They’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that others are white supremacists and defame and destroy them accordingly. Pelosi’s spurious assessment of the “root causes” of this phantom insurrection must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the roundup of dissidents.

Reading that article illustrates the biggest problem with this country. And quite honestly, if you believe that bullshit, and most certainly if you post it, you don't deserve to be called an American. I mean, for example,

the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful.

Look, you can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater and then tweet, "please leave orderly", and expect any concessions from the legal community. How is that not precisely what Trump did? "Fight like hell". I mean why do you people just ignore anything that is inconvenient to your position? And this source just completely ignores that reality and bases everything on a simple tweet that happened after the "insurrection" was in progress. And yes, make no mistake about it, it was an insurrection.

Again, back to the propaganda.

The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result,

"We are coming for you Nancy", "Hang Mike Pence". Seriously, does that really sound like a demonstration about questionable election results? I mean in what world are you living in? Those morons, and that is giving them more credit than they deserve, were there specifically to stop the certification of election results and keep, perhaps the worst president this nation has ever had, in power.

Look, a part of me feels sorry for you morons. I mean you know, the whole southern thing, "Bless your heart". But the author of the OP, dipshits like that assholes seriously need to be lined up and shot. They are a disgrace to this nation, and an insult to real journalism. I mean I am willing to bet this asshole doesn't have a degree in journalism, and hell, that is about the easiest degree out there. More than likely, he doesn't have a degree at all. I mean a trained monkey could be a right wing pundit, just look at Ben Shapiro. We should be able to let morons like the author of the OP air their views, and then get destroyed in the arena of public debate. The problem is fools like you, so desperate to confirm your own bias, that you blind yourself to the obvious problems with the so-called arguments. It is not that you don't have critical thinking skills, it is that you refuse to use them. And "stupid" is a word that has been banned from my household for more than twenty years, but that is the definition of stupid. Embrace it, and know that your legacy will be one of shame.
The loony bin Democrat touching almost all the bases.

Hell, she's second in line after Kamala.

Nancy Pelosi spoke today about “the root causes” of the January 6 Capitol riot: “the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’” She repeated the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful. Her list of the three “root causes” of this sham “insurrection” were, in effect, a list of those that she and the Biden Justice Department intend to go after, and the charges they will hang over their heads in the Stalinist show trials that could be in the offing.
As many have pointed out, this was no insurrection. No one has even been charged with such an offense. The protesters were unarmed. The claim that they used a fire extinguisher to murder a police officer, although repeated far and wide, has been completely debunked. The idea that the great mass of people who entered the Capitol on January 6 and stood around snapping pictures and gawking at statues were there to overthrow the government at the behest of a rogue president is a paranoid Leftist fantasy, not a reality.
And it’s a paranoid Leftist fantasy with a purpose. The Capitol riot is really Leftists’ Reichstag Fire moment, and they’re clearly going to use it to demonize, stigmatize, and silence all opposition to their agenda. Pelosi’s inclusion of the terms “anti-Semitism” and “Islamophobia” among the root causes of the riot makes that clear. The protesters who entered the Capitol building weren’t there because they hated Jews or Muslims or anyone else. The protests weren’t remotely about such matters. The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result, despite the establishment media’s furious efforts to brand all questioning of the election’s integrity as a “Big Lie.” If it were a Big Lie, there wouldn’t be such massive evidence of voter fraud, or audits going on in several key states and possibly more to come.
Protesting an election that shows so many signs of having been rigged has nothing whatsoever to do with “anti-Semitism” or “Islamophobia” — but what Pelosi was semaphoring is that she and her henchmen are going to use this to silence accused “anti-Semites” and “Islamophobes.” It’s the same thing with the anti-Semitism charge. One guy wearing an anti-Semitic sweatshirt doesn’t make the whole protest anti-Semitic; after all, Pelosi would heatedly deny that the recent anti-Israel protests were anti-Semitic, despite the appearance of Nazi imagery and calls for a new genocide of the Jews.
What’s more, the anti-Semites are all on Pelosi’s side: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Robert Malley, Hady Amr, etc. But in throwing that charge in, Pelosi makes a claim for the moral high ground for her destruction of the republic and institution of authoritarianism. The anti-Semitism among her foes is about as real as their “white supremacy.”
That’s the most serious charge, not because America is teeming with white supremacists, as the Biden administration would have you believe, but because foes of the Left are being tarred with that label in order to justify silencing and deplatforming them. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The endgame of Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues is obvious and insidious: They’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that others are white supremacists and defame and destroy them accordingly. Pelosi’s spurious assessment of the “root causes” of this phantom insurrection must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the roundup of dissidents.

Reading that article illustrates the biggest problem with this country. And quite honestly, if you believe that bullshit, and most certainly if you post it, you don't deserve to be called an American. I mean, for example,

the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful.

Look, you can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater and then tweet, "please leave orderly", and expect any concessions from the legal community. How is that not precisely what Trump did? "Fight like hell". I mean why do you people just ignore anything that is inconvenient to your position? And this source just completely ignores that reality and bases everything on a simple tweet that happened after the "insurrection" was in progress. And yes, make no mistake about it, it was an insurrection.

Again, back to the propaganda.

The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result,

"We are coming for you Nancy", "Hang Mike Pence". Seriously, does that really sound like a demonstration about questionable election results? I mean in what world are you living in? Those morons, and that is giving them more credit than they deserve, were there specifically to stop the certification of election results and keep, perhaps the worst president this nation has ever had, in power.

Look, a part of me feels sorry for you morons. I mean you know, the whole southern thing, "Bless your heart". But the author of the OP, dipshits like that assholes seriously need to be lined up and shot. They are a disgrace to this nation, and an insult to real journalism. I mean I am willing to bet this asshole doesn't have a degree in journalism, and hell, that is about the easiest degree out there. More than likely, he doesn't have a degree at all. I mean a trained monkey could be a right wing pundit, just look at Ben Shapiro. We should be able to let morons like the author of the OP air their views, and then get destroyed in the arena of public debate. The problem is fools like you, so desperate to confirm your own bias, that you blind yourself to the obvious problems with the so-called arguments. It is not that you don't have critical thinking skills, it is that you refuse to use them. And "stupid" is a word that has been banned from my household for more than twenty years, but that is the definition of stupid. Embrace it, and know that your legacy will be one of shame.
No one yelled fire.
Jan 6 was the complete opposite of the Benghazi Obama malfeasance. Both in actuality and propagandizng.
The loony bin Democrat touching almost all the bases.

Hell, she's second in line after Kamala.


Nancy Pelosi spoke today about “the root causes” of the January 6 Capitol riot: “the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’” She repeated the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful. Her list of the three “root causes” of this sham “insurrection” were, in effect, a list of those that she and the Biden Justice Department intend to go after, and the charges they will hang over their heads in the Stalinist show trials that could be in the offing.

As many have pointed out, this was no insurrection. No one has even been charged with such an offense. The protesters were unarmed. The claim that they used a fire extinguisher to murder a police officer, although repeated far and wide, has been completely debunked. The idea that the great mass of people who entered the Capitol on January 6 and stood around snapping pictures and gawking at statues were there to overthrow the government at the behest of a rogue president is a paranoid Leftist fantasy, not a reality.

And it’s a paranoid Leftist fantasy with a purpose. The Capitol riot is really Leftists’ Reichstag Fire moment, and they’re clearly going to use it to demonize, stigmatize, and silence all opposition to their agenda. Pelosi’s inclusion of the terms “anti-Semitism” and “Islamophobia” among the root causes of the riot makes that clear. The protesters who entered the Capitol building weren’t there because they hated Jews or Muslims or anyone else. The protests weren’t remotely about such matters. The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result, despite the establishment media’s furious efforts to brand all questioning of the election’s integrity as a “Big Lie.” If it were a Big Lie, there wouldn’t be such massive evidence of voter fraud, or audits going on in several key states and possibly more to come.

Protesting an election that shows so many signs of having been rigged has nothing whatsoever to do with “anti-Semitism” or “Islamophobia” — but what Pelosi was semaphoring is that she and her henchmen are going to use this to silence accused “anti-Semites” and “Islamophobes.” It’s the same thing with the anti-Semitism charge. One guy wearing an anti-Semitic sweatshirt doesn’t make the whole protest anti-Semitic; after all, Pelosi would heatedly deny that the recent anti-Israel protests were anti-Semitic, despite the appearance of Nazi imagery and calls for a new genocide of the Jews.

What’s more, the anti-Semites are all on Pelosi’s side: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Robert Malley, Hady Amr, etc. But in throwing that charge in, Pelosi makes a claim for the moral high ground for her destruction of the republic and institution of authoritarianism. The anti-Semitism among her foes is about as real as their “white supremacy.”

That’s the most serious charge, not because America is teeming with white supremacists, as the Biden administration would have you believe, but because foes of the Left are being tarred with that label in order to justify silencing and deplatforming them. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The endgame of Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues is obvious and insidious: They’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that others are white supremacists and defame and destroy them accordingly. Pelosi’s spurious assessment of the “root causes” of this phantom insurrection must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the roundup of dissidents.

PJ Media? Really? That's where you get your news?

We know that the Capitol Police were ordered to stand down. It's as obvious as the Stolen Election that the FBI was working with Antifa to orchestrate the Reichstag Fire and that at a certain point Nancy gave the order to "Let them in"

Antifa weren't there. The mob that stormed the Capitol were hardcore Trump groupies. Your lies are really weak sauce.
We know that the Capitol Police were ordered to stand down. It's as obvious as the Stolen Election that the FBI was working with Antifa to orchestrate the Reichstag Fire and that at a certain point Nancy gave the order to "Let them in"

Antifa weren't there. The mob that stormed the Capitol were hardcore Trump groupies. Your lies are really weak sauce.

Who filmed Ashli Babbitt's murder?
Reading that article illustrates the biggest problem with this country. And quite honestly, if you believe that bullshit, and most certainly if you post it, you don't deserve to be called an American. I mean, for example,

the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an “insurrection,” and once again claimed that Trump “incited” the “insurrection,” in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful.

Look, you can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater and then tweet, "please leave orderly", and expect any concessions from the legal community. How is that not precisely what Trump did? "Fight like hell". I mean why do you people just ignore anything that is inconvenient to your position? And this source just completely ignores that reality and bases everything on a simple tweet that happened after the "insurrection" was in progress. And yes, make no mistake about it, it was an insurrection.

Again, back to the propaganda.

The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result,

"We are coming for you Nancy", "Hang Mike Pence". Seriously, does that really sound like a demonstration about questionable election results? I mean in what world are you living in? Those morons, and that is giving them more credit than they deserve, were there specifically to stop the certification of election results and keep, perhaps the worst president this nation has ever had, in power.

Look, a part of me feels sorry for you morons. I mean you know, the whole southern thing, "Bless your heart". But the author of the OP, dipshits like that assholes seriously need to be lined up and shot. They are a disgrace to this nation, and an insult to real journalism. I mean I am willing to bet this asshole doesn't have a degree in journalism, and hell, that is about the easiest degree out there. More than likely, he doesn't have a degree at all. I mean a trained monkey could be a right wing pundit, just look at Ben Shapiro. We should be able to let morons like the author of the OP air their views, and then get destroyed in the arena of public debate. The problem is fools like you, so desperate to confirm your own bias, that you blind yourself to the obvious problems with the so-called arguments. It is not that you don't have critical thinking skills, it is that you refuse to use them. And "stupid" is a word that has been banned from my household for more than twenty years, but that is the definition of stupid. Embrace it, and know that your legacy will be one of shame.
If all of the real protesters went home there were still enough FBI agents in disguise to make the riot work.
Her entire life revolves around destroying Trump.

She is the type of person that if they found a spider in their home they would burn the whole house down to kill it.

Her only motivation in life is get money, her own political gain, destroy Trump. She would fuck this entire country to achieve those goals.
Why would I attribute an FBI false flag operation to Trump?
You know, when it comes to Trump and his supporters, delusional paranoia comes to mind. The FBI is out to get him. Q-Anon is out to get him. The press is out to get him. The current AG is out to get Trump supporters, as if violently storming a school board meeting, and threatening committee members over mask mandates is somehow "American". I mean you people need to get a grip. I mean it is one thing, that Trump is mentally ill, like should probably be committed. But his followers too, like his mental illness is somehow contagious. It is mind numbing.
You know, when it comes to Trump and his supporters, delusional paranoia comes to mind. The FBI is out to get him. Q-Anon is out to get him. The press is out to get him. The current AG is out to get Trump supporters, as if violently storming a school board meeting, and threatening committee members over mask mandates is somehow "American". I mean you people need to get a grip. I mean it is one thing, that Trump is mentally ill, like should probably be committed. But his followers too, like his mental illness is somehow contagious. It is mind numbing.
I see burning down cities is American. And not prosecuting criminals is American.

I wonder why.
I have raised six kids, and rather successfully I might add. A couple of Phd's, an entrepreneur that makes six figures, a military officer. I didn't care if they cussed like sailors, two words banned, stupid and shut-up. Utter those word and face my wrath. Two rules, rule number one, "bros before whoes". Rule number two, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". To this day, where the oldest is 36 and the youngest 22, they still know those rules. And the best part, I don't have to enforce them, they enforce them among themselves, because those six siblings are among the tightest that I have ever know. To be honest, six kids are easy. You have them, bam, bam, bam, close together and all at once. Oh yes, it makes those early years absolutely brutal, but after that, it is cruise control. I have been on cruise control for almost twenty years.

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