Oh, yeah, of course. You fell for the 60 years of propaganda put out by the gov to smear socialism with bull shit while at the same time spreading equal propaganda on unfettered, unregulated bull shit capitalism. The 60 years surely payed off.
Last edited:
Thanks for sharing; your post is a clear and convincing argument of your intellectual and educational deficiencies. Is it a result of a birth defect, or were you dropped on your head too often as an infant/child?

Thanks for proving my LOW 2 digit IQ'd assessment of you..... A fucking genius....in the ant world!

Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional

Please quote the Constitution about E.O.'s....Thanks in advance.

First, for the low 90's IQ you possess, see the link which shows EO's by President since G. Washington to see their history as part of governance. Then, you barely average IQ hack and uneducated fool, get someone with a triple digit IQ and a college degree from a school not started by Jerry Falwell, and learn a little bit about my country, not the one which was created by the propaganda of the crazy right wing which rattle around that giant void between your ears.
So you are basing our economy on Medieval times?

You do realize why they call those the Dark Ages? What happened during Medeival times without government

Black Plague due to a lack of government regulation, endless wars, extreme poverty, rampant inflation
First, I said literally nothing about basing our economy on Medieval times, you just don't know how to read because our government never taught you properly. What I said was that it's possible and has happened before, and I'm right. Secondly, the Black Plague didn't occur because of lack of government regulation, it happened due to poor hygiene and lack of knowledge on the cause.

Third, what do we have WITH government regulation? Endless wars, poverty, and inflation. Cool. Of course, without Socialism, the government is doing it intentionally for government dependency so they have more Democrat voters. WITH Socialism, they're doing it by accident because they don't know any better. Either way, we have a greedy or stupid government that can't be trusted. You know what, though? Even if we could trust the administration we expanded the government infinitely under due to Liberal stupidity, there's no guarantee we could trust the next. Not that we can ever trust the government, the current administration being a perfect example, a good piece of evidence being how he is supporting our enemies by funding, arming, and training them. I don't trust the government to regulate anything, they don't even enforce the regulations on themselves.

TL;DR: Get your head out of your rectum.

Pumpkin, You are the most illogical and unreasonable person on this site. You are psychotic and a danger to democracy. Oh, and by the way...its not he gov fault they're corrupt, it your fault and the fault of people who view democracy lesser than unfettered corporate capitalism. Your an infection and a cancer that needs to be cut out.

You need to knock it off, socialist. You don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about and a 14 year old make you look like an uneducated buffoon. LOL

..and your just another one...

You're clueless and anyone that knows anything about economics sees it. Just another lazy ass Socialist too stupid to realize it's a failed concept and is aghast they don't get their "fair share"

Oh, yeah, of course. You fell for the 60 years of propaganda put out by the gov to smear socialism with bull shit while at the same time spreading equal propaganda on unfettered, unregulated bull shit capitalism. The 60 years surely payed off.

No. Im aghast at goldman sachs buying up grain and sitting on it for four years waiting for the price to go up and in the meantime this causes famine in Africa and hundreds of thousands off people starve. You support that. You support the do nothing lazy traitors at the stock exchange and dump on people that work. You support making money from money. You support people that buy an entire super tanker full of oil and then sitting on it waiting for the price to go up tearing more money from the wallets of the working for fat cat profits that they couldnt spend in 20 generations...You support speculation. You support driving our economy into the ground as everything get commodatized...even the homeless...you support driving the working class into poverty for fat cat profits that they couldnt spend in 20 generations. You think that with over 6 billion people on this planet, there is no ecological damage being done...you ignore the reports and the facts for profit that you couldnt spend in 20 generations. You support propaganda as long as it benefits capitalism.Screw everyone else. You support throwing away all of the benefits gained by the industrial revolution and the building of unions that actually BUILT the middle class....yeah...you dont want the middle class though, do you? You completely ignore the health of our country during the 40, 50, and the 60;sand what put us there. In this new world order, the the cheap labor, no epa or anything like it, commodatize everything insaneness you are so dumb and havent the foresight to realize that unless your one of the ruling elite?...your a commodity too you dope. And Ive got some news for you too...if we keep listening to your ilk?....we, the human race, wont even BE here in 20 generations. But thats what your kind does. Ignore for profit that cant be spent on 20 generations.
Last edited:
So you are basing our economy on Medieval times?

You do realize why they call those the Dark Ages? What happened during Medeival times without government

Black Plague due to a lack of government regulation, endless wars, extreme poverty, rampant inflation
First, I said literally nothing about basing our economy on Medieval times, you just don't know how to read because our government never taught you properly. What I said was that it's possible and has happened before, and I'm right. Secondly, the Black Plague didn't occur because of lack of government regulation, it happened due to poor hygiene and lack of knowledge on the cause.

Third, what do we have WITH government regulation? Endless wars, poverty, and inflation. Cool. Of course, without Socialism, the government is doing it intentionally for government dependency so they have more Democrat voters. WITH Socialism, they're doing it by accident because they don't know any better. Either way, we have a greedy or stupid government that can't be trusted. You know what, though? Even if we could trust the administration we expanded the government infinitely under due to Liberal stupidity, there's no guarantee we could trust the next. Not that we can ever trust the government, the current administration being a perfect example, a good piece of evidence being how he is supporting our enemies by funding, arming, and training them. I don't trust the government to regulate anything, they don't even enforce the regulations on themselves.

TL;DR: Get your head out of your rectum.

Pumpkin, You are the most illogical and unreasonable person on this site. You are psychotic and a danger to democracy. Oh, and by the way...its not he gov fault they're corrupt, it your fault and the fault of people who view democracy lesser than unfettered corporate capitalism. Your an infection and a cancer that needs to be cut out.

You need to knock it off, socialist. You don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about and a 14 year old make you look like an uneducated buffoon. LOL

..and your just another one...

You're clueless and anyone that knows anything about economics sees it. Just another lazy ass Socialist too stupid to realize it's a failed concept and is aghast they don't get their "fair share"

I doubt you know anything about economics. But prove me wrong. Give us, Ms. all knowing OZ, and executive summary on economics. And, in a preface tell us why there are only economic theories and not laws as we see in Math, Physics and Chem.
And I got some more news for you. Every time theres a bailout?...that is a failure in capitalism. How many bailouts has there been?
I doubt you know anything about economics. But prove me wrong. Give us, Ms. all knowing OZ, and executive summary on economics. And, in a preface tell us why there are only economic theories and not laws as we see in Math, Physics and Chem.[/QUOTE]

What do you want to be taught?
First, I said literally nothing about basing our economy on Medieval times, you just don't know how to read because our government never taught you properly. What I said was that it's possible and has happened before, and I'm right. Secondly, the Black Plague didn't occur because of lack of government regulation, it happened due to poor hygiene and lack of knowledge on the cause.

Third, what do we have WITH government regulation? Endless wars, poverty, and inflation. Cool. Of course, without Socialism, the government is doing it intentionally for government dependency so they have more Democrat voters. WITH Socialism, they're doing it by accident because they don't know any better. Either way, we have a greedy or stupid government that can't be trusted. You know what, though? Even if we could trust the administration we expanded the government infinitely under due to Liberal stupidity, there's no guarantee we could trust the next. Not that we can ever trust the government, the current administration being a perfect example, a good piece of evidence being how he is supporting our enemies by funding, arming, and training them. I don't trust the government to regulate anything, they don't even enforce the regulations on themselves.

TL;DR: Get your head out of your rectum.

Pumpkin, You are the most illogical and unreasonable person on this site. You are psychotic and a danger to democracy. Oh, and by the way...its not he gov fault they're corrupt, it your fault and the fault of people who view democracy lesser than unfettered corporate capitalism. Your an infection and a cancer that needs to be cut out.

You need to knock it off, socialist. You don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about and a 14 year old make you look like an uneducated buffoon. LOL

..and your just another one...

You're clueless and anyone that knows anything about economics sees it. Just another lazy ass Socialist too stupid to realize it's a failed concept and is aghast they don't get their "fair share"

So, your [sic] an economics expert eh?...ok, what builds a strong economy?

or subsidies or tax cuts for the rich and corporations.
Subsidies shouldn't exist, and tax cuts for businesses help the economy. If a business has more money, that's more to put back into the economy.

It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Example por favor

I say you are full of shit. Provide an example of Capitalism functioning withou government
During Medieval times, and before them. Merchants traded for goods, and traveled with their own mercenaries or armed servants, protected themselves, and operated under no legal system. Contrary to what seems to be Lefttard gospel, governments haven't always existed.

I've now answered this question twice.

During mid evil [sic] times....

Thanks for proving my LOW 2 digit IQ'd assessment of you..... A fucking genius....in the ant world!

Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional

Please quote the Constitution about E.O.'s....Thanks in advance.

In Article I Section I of the Constitution it is clear that all legislative powers reside in Congress. The Executive Branch has the responsibility to execute the laws passed by Congess. An Executive Order is not legislation it is a order issued by the President to enforce laws passed by the Congress

So there is nothing about Executive Orders...thanks, smuck
Thanks for proving my LOW 2 digit IQ'd assessment of you..... A fucking genius....in the ant world!

Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional

Please quote the Constitution about E.O.'s....Thanks in advance.

First, for the low 90's IQ you possess, see the link which shows EO's by President since G. Washington to see their history as part of governance. Then, you barely average IQ hack and uneducated fool, get someone with a triple digit IQ and a college degree from a school not started by Jerry Falwell, and learn a little bit about my country, not the one which was created by the propaganda of the crazy right wing which rattle around that giant void between your ears.
Again asshole nothing about an E.O....but keep trying!

oh also find me the abortion clause!
Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional

Please quote the Constitution about E.O.'s....Thanks in advance.

In Article I Section I of the Constitution it is clear that all legislative powers reside in Congress. The Executive Branch has the responsibility to execute the laws passed by Congess. An Executive Order is not legislation it is a order issued by the President to enforce laws passed by the Congress

So there is nothing about Executive Orders...thanks, smuck

Hooked on Phonics......worked for me

Give it a try
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Example por favor

I say you are full of shit. Provide an example of Capitalism functioning withou government
During Medieval times, and before them. Merchants traded for goods, and traveled with their own mercenaries or armed servants, protected themselves, and operated under no legal system. Contrary to what seems to be Lefttard gospel, governments haven't always existed.

I've now answered this question twice.

So you are basing our economy on Medieval times?

You do realize why they call those the Dark Ages? What happened during Medeival times without government

Black Plague due to a lack of government regulation, endless wars, extreme poverty, rampant inflation
First, I said literally nothing about basing our economy on Medieval times, you just don't know how to read because our government never taught you properly. What I said was that it's possible and has happened before, and I'm right. Secondly, the Black Plague didn't occur because of lack of government regulation, it happened due to poor hygiene and lack of knowledge on the cause.

Third, what do we have WITH government regulation? Endless wars, poverty, and inflation. Cool. Of course, without Socialism, the government is doing it intentionally for government dependency so they have more Democrat voters. WITH Socialism, they're doing it by accident because they don't know any better. Either way, we have a greedy or stupid government that can't be trusted. You know what, though? Even if we could trust the administration we expanded the government infinitely under due to Liberal stupidity, there's no guarantee we could trust the next. Not that we can ever trust the government, the current administration being a perfect example, a good piece of evidence being how he is supporting our enemies by funding, arming, and training them. I don't trust the government to regulate anything, they don't even enforce the regulations on themselves.

TL;DR: Get your head out of your rectum.

Pumpkin, You are the most illogical and unreasonable person on this site. You are psychotic and a danger to democracy. Oh, and by the way...its not he gov fault they're corrupt, it your fault and the fault of people who dont look for the truth and view democracy as a lesser to unfettered corporate capitalism. Your an infection and a cancer that needs to be cut out.
This isn't a Democracy, corruption isn't a result of "unfettered capitalism", and I can hardly take you seriously when you keep using the wrong form of 'You're'. Corruption in the government is entirely a result of never passing laws to restrain them in that aspect.
I see you also suck the mulatto's cock! BTW asshole the Manchurian muslim just sent hundreds of U.S. Troops back to Iraq....do you need a link also, or do you need a 2nd grader to find that on a search engine....I LOVE dealing with these left wing, low 2 digit IQ'd FASCISTS!


Thanks for sharing; your post is a clear and convincing argument of your intellectual and educational deficiencies. Is it a result of a birth defect, or were you dropped on your head too often as an infant/child?

Thanks for proving my LOW 2 digit IQ'd assessment of you..... A fucking genius....in the ant world!

Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional
Issuing Executive Orders may be within his powers, but using them to circumvent the Constitution isn't. Executive Orders aren't for allowing the President to do whatever he wants without following checks and balances and are subject to the restraints on power that the President has always been subject to. Saying "but he can use them!" doesn't excuse the WAY he used them.
yes and 20 million are now being investigated by the Gestopo IRS for non payment because it's so fucking expensive....fucktard the poor, the WORKING STIFG is getting fucked by you Dimwits!!

Ryan's plan was fine the veto by the mulatto could never be overridden...dumbass bastard!


You ever learn to use a search engine. I refuse to do the wok for a scumbag liberal!

IOW you can't back it up. Big surprise.

Suck my dick Antler Head...you owe me an apology also...

No one owes you anything at all my entitled friend, calm down and attempt coherence.
Thanks for sharing; your post is a clear and convincing argument of your intellectual and educational deficiencies. Is it a result of a birth defect, or were you dropped on your head too often as an infant/child?

Thanks for proving my LOW 2 digit IQ'd assessment of you..... A fucking genius....in the ant world!

Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional
Issuing Executive Orders may be within his powers, but using them to circumvent the Constitution isn't. Executive Orders aren't for allowing the President to do whatever he wants without following checks and balances and are subject to the restraints on power that the President has always been subject to. Saying "but he can use them!" doesn't excuse the WAY he used them.

And the republicans con't do anything on that for ya? wtf?
Thanks for proving my LOW 2 digit IQ'd assessment of you..... A fucking genius....in the ant world!

Maybe you ought to read Art. I, Art. 2 & Art. 3 of the COTUS - there are limits, checks and balances and sadly rules in the H. of Rep. and the Senate which prevent the POTUS from doing much of anything. You should never ever again disparage those with 2-digit IQ's, they are the majority of the voters supporting Donald Trump and there is no doubt in my mind that you are in the low 90's.
Obama should read those Articles, too, then, because he forgot he had limits to his powers in the midst of violating the Constitution 64 times.
Issuing executive orders is within the scope of the Constitution

Just because Conservatives do not like something does not make it unconstitutional
Issuing Executive Orders may be within his powers, but using them to circumvent the Constitution isn't. Executive Orders aren't for allowing the President to do whatever he wants without following checks and balances and are subject to the restraints on power that the President has always been subject to. Saying "but he can use them!" doesn't excuse the WAY he used them.

And the republicans con't do anything on that for ya? wtf?
Both parties are completely worthless. The Republicans were put into office to stop Obama's regressive policies, and continued passing them at record speeds.

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