
VIP Member
May 27, 2014

U.President Barack Obama announces plans to slow the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, while delivering a statement in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in Washington.JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS

Like all politicians, Barack Obama made promises that varied from specific actions (like closing Guantánamo Bay) to vague asks (like pushing Congress to pass climate-change legislation) that fell short of a commitment. In the fourth quarter of his presidency, many of these benchmarks remain elusive, some because of an recalcitrant Congress and others because he reversed himself. There’s nothing wrong with flip-flopping, per se. Franklin Roosevelt was called a chameleon in plaid. But with Obama announcing a delay on troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, it’s worth looking back at what he wanted and what he got.

Newsweek compiled a list of issues that will likely remain unresolved once Obama leaves office in 2017. Some are flat-out promises, while others are of the we’ll-try-to-go-to-the-fair variety that a parent might offer.

Guantánamo Bay

“I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantánamo, and I will follow through on that.”

This was probably his most firm promise. During his first week in office, Obama signed an executive order calling for the closing of Gitmo by the end of the year. It still hasn’t happened. Congress has mostly blocked efforts to transport Gitmo detainees to other countries for fear they’ll get loose, and few members of Congress wanted to have them moved to their home state. The Senate passed the National Defense Authorization act at the end of 2014, making it easier for the Pentagon to move prisoners, and recently Democrats like Nancy Pelosi have increased calls to shut down the controversial prison.

But Democrats don’t have the voting numbers or political capital to push legislation closing Gitmo through Congress amid budget fights, and they can’t increase their numbers until the 2016 elections.


This promise was more complicated. Initially Obama promised to increase U.S. involvement in Afghanistan while ending the war in Iraq, but in his 2008 New Hampshire primary speech he went a step further:

“We will end this war in Iraq. We will bring our troops home. We will finish the jobwe will finish the job against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.”

As of Thursday morning the job is not finished. Although Obama has formally ended American troops’ combat mission, he announced that troop withdrawals will be delayed beyond the end of 2016. American forces will stay on in an advisory and counterterrorism role, which means the fight against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban has yet to be be won.

“I suspect that we will continue to evaluate this going forward, as will the next president,” Obama announced from the White House. “And as conditions improve, we’ll be in a position to make further adjustments.”

Obama once said that like all wars, the war on terror must end, but whether or not this is a deliverable promise, the fact remains that there is little end in sight. Our ground troops are out of Iraq, but bombs are being dropped on ISIS.

Energy Independence

“I will set a clear goal as president: In 10 years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East."

Most energy analysts don’t think the U.S. will get there by 2018, 10 years after Obama made that promise. According to the Energy Department, it would only be likely to happen by 2019 if a massive hike in oil prices raised demand for domestic oil. We can’t call this promise “broken” for a few more years, but thanks to the explosion in fracking and other new technologies, American oil production has boomed. It’s not independence, but it’s a lot closer than people thought. With prices so low, the growth in green energy isn’t what it would be if prices were higher.

Climate Change Legislation

"A small portion of the receipts generated by auctioning allowances will be used to support the development of clean energy, invest in energy efficiency improvements, and help develop the next generation of biofuels and clean energy vehicles."

In 2008 Obama promised to sign cap and trade legislation that would use revenue from emissions taxes to reinvest in clean energy. Climate change legislation of this kind has died in Congress multiple times since he came into office, including when Democrats controlled both houses. To act on climate change, Obama has instead had to go through the executive branch and the EPA, where he’s taken action on carbon dioxide emissions.

By most estimates, current climate efforts won’t prevent a major sea level rise. Climate change is one area where neither the President’s environmentalist supporters nor his critics think favorably of his performance, but there’s no argument that he’s failed to take action.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

“I can guarantee that we will have, in the first year, an immigration bill that I strongly support.”

Comprehensive immigration reform hasn’t happened despite Obama’s willingness to take out his pen and sign a bipartisan bill. When Obama blamed Congress for stonewalling him on immigration in 2012 he wasn’t off base.

Still, Latino groups were irked that during Obama’s first term, as he and a Democratic Congress passed health care reform, a huge stimulus and other items, immigration was pushed to the side. They’ve been assuaged a bit by executive action to defer deportations.

Gun Control Consensus

“I think we can provide common-sense approaches to the issue of illegal guns that are ending up on the streets. We can make sure that criminals don’t have guns in their hands. We can make certain that those who are mentally deranged are not getting a hold of handguns. We can trace guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers that may be selling to straw purchasers and dumping them on the streets.”

Obviously, none of that has happened, although technically it was less of a promise than a vision. When Obama advocated a “common-sense” approach in the 2008 Philadelphia primary debate, he wasn’t anticipating the politically divisive string of mass shootings that occurred during his presidency. The administration’s strongest gun control legislation push after the Sandy Hook massacre didn’t go anywhere.

In a recent speech following the Umpqua Community College Massacre, Obama called on voters and citizens to do more to advocate for gun control provisions like background checks. His promises on the campaign trail were not specific, and his strategy as president has mostly been to use the bully pulpit.

Sick Days and Family Leave

“Now is the time to help families with paid sick days and better family leave, because nobody in America should have to choose between keeping their job and caring for a sick child or an ailing parent.”

He had the same message in his 2015 State of the Union address. On the presidential campaign trail, high-profile Republicans like Carly Fiorina continue to be opposed to calls from Democrats for family leave legislation. In the first Democratic debate, family leave was a theme trumpeted by Bernie Sanders, and increasing paid leave time is generally opposed by Republicans.

As Jeb Bush puts it, the GOP wants the government to think of people as “assets, not liabilities.” If you think Republicans are going to help Obama pass legislation on family leave as they await the outcome of the election, think again.

Cracking Down on CEO Bonuses

“Now is the time to change our bankruptcy laws, so that your pensions are protected ahead of CEO bonuses.”

Dodd-Frank contained measures requiring disclosure of executive salaries, but there hasn’t been legislation strong enough to prevent CEOs from cashing out like they did after the Great Recession. Given that this issue is still being brought up by Bernie Sanders and congressional Democrats (members of the house cited Republicans’ disinterest in seriously addressing CEO bonuses as a defense against criticism of Planned Parenthood executive salaries), it’s safe to say that Main Street's retribution is far from happening.

Affordable Health Care With Universal Coverage

Obama promised both with varying degrees of specificity while campaigning for president. He delivered the Affordable Care Act which, along with the financial bailout, effectively spurred the rise of the Tea Party. Obama expended a massive amount of political capital on health care, but premiums for many of those who have the same coverage as they did in 2008 have gone up. He promised that “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.” But since many insurance plans weren’t up to snuff by the standards of the ACA, some people did lose their doctors.

The bottom line is that by some estimates, 90 percent of Americans now have health coverage. Overall, the rate of growth of health care costs has slowed dramatically. Making quality health care universal is an even larger battle than passing Obamacare.

Changing the Culture of Washington

In some ways this is the only one that matters. In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama wrote about a Washington culture that was hurting the political process, not so much because of the gulf between the nation’s two ideologies but because of the vitriol of public debate and the influence of special interests. He chided Hillary Clinton for being part of Washington’s old-school partisanship and repeatedly pointed to initiatives he led in the Illinois Senate (filming police interrogations among them) and the U.S. Senate (arms control) that garnered bipartisan support.

Obama has learned the hard way that compromise is harder than ever right now. Funding from interest groups has risen, party control has been diminished, and gerrymandering is now so precise that few members of Congress have incentive to cut deals.

Jeb Bush has said that prior Republican presidents like Reagan and Bush 41 could not get elected by the modern GOP. If you think the country is more unified than it was in 2008, watch the next Republican primary debate.

Meanwhile, Obama and his administration continue to define themselves through comparisons to the previous president: citation of the Bush administration and the state of affairs when Obama took office are still the norm in press conferences.

His actual performance—taking out “what could have been”—is a combination of broken promises and fulfilled ones, often crashing on the shoals a recalcitrant GOP and Obama’s own oversell as a transformational president. Some of his most noteworthy foreign policy accomplishments—the Iran nuclear deal and the Trans-Pacific Partnership among them—have yet to bear fruit and can’t be judged a success or failure until he leaves office.

One promise worth remembering: In 2008 Obama vowed to use actionable intelligence to take out Al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan, even without the permission of the host country. Hillary Clinton called that reckless, but she was sitting beside the president the night he ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. It’s a reminder that when presidents can act alone, they get what they want. When they have to deal and parley, not so much.
He said his favorite president was reagan!...lmfao. What did you expect?! Suckers. hillery clinton made speeches saying how good nafta would be for the middle class and working...lol. She is also a proponent to the tpp, the ttip and the tisa. Now your going to vote for her?...suckers.
No one in your political system has any intention of altering the economic trajectory we've been on for the past half century or so; it has been utterly bipartisan, and will continue to be.
President Obama has broken promises!?!


As President Obama has actually failed to honor his pledges to those that voted for him it does not surprise me.

Also you should be grateful that President Obama and when he had the Democratic House and Senate did not pass Immigration Reform because what would life be like if that wedge issue was no longer on the table!?!

Same for Gun Control and other wedge issues!
No one in your political system has any intention of altering the economic trajectory we've been on for the past half century or so; it has been utterly bipartisan, and will continue to be.

Well, yes but only because people wont participate in protest and civil disobedience. People that protest get what they want. They also, dont see the other candidates because they are hidden by the dem's and rebub's. You have to actually seek out other candidates. Too lazy? Stop breathing, ok? or just dont vote.
This data table is a list of US National Debt by year by President. The second column is the amount added or subtracted to the debt for that year, the third column is the total debt for that year, after additions/subtractions. The number used per year is the accumulated national debt as of September 30 of any given year, as that is the end of the federal government’s fiscal year.

End of Term % of Total Debt is based off of the FY2015 debt of $18,150,617,666,484.33. 2016 is updated to the current debt. The remaining percentages will be updated as time permits. (Last Updated: 1/2/2016)

* US National Debt data, spanning from 1975 to 1985 is rounded up to the nearest $1 million. Reasons as to why are currently unknown.

Source: US Department of the Treasury

-!!!the last three sets of numbers are: yearly increase, total term increase and percentage of increase.!!!-

Added/Subtracted Debt
Cumulative Debt
Yearly % Increase
Total Term % Increase
End of Term % of Total Debt

1789 George Washington n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
1790 George Washington n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
1791 George Washington $75,463,476.52 $75,463,476.52 n/a 100% .0005%
1792 George Washington $1,764,448.14 $77,227,924.66 2.3% 100% .0005%
1793 George Washington $3,130,709.38 $80,358,634.04 4.0% 100% .0005%
1794 George Washington -$1,931,229.27 $78,427,404.77 -2.4% 100% .0005%
1795 George Washington $2,320,182.62 $80,747,587.39 3.0% 100% .0005%
1796 George Washington $3,014,584.68 $83,762,172.07 3.7% 100% .0005%
1797 John Adams -$1,697,692.74 $82,064,479.33 -2.0% -0.9% -0.000004%
1798 John Adams -$2,835,950.21 $79,228,529.12 -3.5% -0.9% -0.000004%
1799 John Adams -$819,859.35 $78,408,669.77 -1.03% -0.9% -0.000004%
1800 John Adams $4,567,624.58 $82,976,294.35 5.8% -0.9% -0.000004%
1801 Thomas Jefferson $61,756.45 $83,038,050.80 7.4% -21.4% -0.0001%
1802 Thomas Jefferson -$2,325,418.55 $80,712,632.25 -2.8% -21.4% -0.0001%
1803 Thomas Jefferson -$3,657,945.85 $77,054,686.40 -4.5% -21.4% -0.0001%
1804 Thomas Jefferson $9,372,434.48 $86,427,120.88 12.2% -21.4% -0.0001%
1805 Thomas Jefferson -$4,114,970.38 $82,312,150.50 -4.8% -21.4% -0.0001%
1806 Thomas Jefferson -$6,588,879.84 $75,723,270.66 -8.0% -21.4% -0.0001%
1807 Thomas Jefferson -$6,504,872.02 $69,218,398.64 -8.6% -21.4% -0.0001%
1808 Thomas Jefferson -$4,022,080.67 $65,196,317.97 -5.8% -21.4% -0.0001%
1809 James Madison -$8,173,125.88 $57,023,192.09 -12.5% 95.3% 0.0004%
1810 James Madison -$3,849,974.57 $53,173,217.52 -6.8% 95.3% 0.0004%
1811 James Madison -$5,167,629.76 $48,005,587.76 -9.7% 95.3% 0.0004%
1812 James Madison -$2,795,849.86 $45,209,737.90 -5.8% 95.3% 0.0004%
1813 James Madison $10,753,089.67 $55,962,827.57 23.8% 95.3% 0.0004%
1814 James Madison $25,525,018.67 $81,487,846.24 45.6% 95.3% 0.0004%
1815 James Madison $18,345,813.91 $99,833,660.15 22.5% 95.3% 0.0004%
1816 James Madison $27,501,273.59 $127,334,933.74 27.5% 95.3% 0.0004%
1817 James Monroe -$3,842,968.58 $123,491,965.16 -3.0% -29.1% -0.0002%
1818 James Monroe -$20,025,331.33 $103,466,633.83 -16.2% -29.1% -0.0002%
1819 James Monroe -$7,936,985.55 $95,529,648.28 -7.7% -29.1% -0.0002%
1820 James Monroe -$4,514,082.13 $91,015,566.15 -4.7% -29.1% -0.0002%
1821 James Monroe -$1,028,138.49 $89,987,427.66 -1.1% -29.1% -0.0002%
1822 James Monroe $3,559,249.32 $93,546,676.98 4.0% -29.1% -0.0002%
1823 James Monroe -$2,670,799.70 $90,875,877.28 -2.9% -29.1% -0.0002%
1824 James Monroe -$606,099.51 $90,269,777.77 -0.6% -29.1% -0.0002%
1825 John Quincy Adams -$6,481,345.06 $83,788,432.71 -7.2% -25.3% -0.0001%
1826 John Quincy Adams -$2,734,372.72 $81,054,059.99 -3.3% -25.3% -0.0001%
1827 John Quincy Adams -$7,066,702.79 $73,987,357.20 -8.7% -25.3% -0.0001%
1828 John Quincy Adams -$6,512,313.33 $67,475,043.87 -8.8% -25.3% -0.0001%
1829 Andrew Jackson -$9,053,630.20 $58,421,413.67 -13.4% -99.9% -0.0004%
1830 Andrew Jackson -$9,856,007.17 $48,565,406.50 -16.9% -99.9% -0.0004%
1831 Andrew Jackson -$9,442,214.82 $39,123,191.68 -19.4% -99.9% -0.0004%
1832 Andrew Jackson -$14,800,956.50 $24,322,235.18 -37.8% -99.9% -0.0004%
1833 Andrew Jackson -$17,320,536.35 $7,001,698.83 -71.2% -99.9% -0.0004%
1834 Andrew Jackson -$2,241,616.75 $4,760,082.08 -32.0% -99.9% -0.0004%
1835 Andrew Jackson -$4,726,349.03 $33,733.05 -99.3% -99.9% -0.0004%
1836 Andrew Jackson $3,780.00 $37,513.05 11.2% -99.9% -0.0004%
1837 Martin Van Buren $299,444.78 $336,957.83 798.2% 9,425.6% 0.00002%
1838 Martin Van Buren $2,971,166.24 $3,308,124.07 881.8% 9,425.6% 0.00002%
1839 Martin Van Buren $7,126,097.07 $10,434,221.14 215.4% 9,425.6% 0.00002%
1840 Martin Van Buren -$6,860,877.32 $3,573,343.82 -65.8% 9,425.6% 0.00002%
1841 William Henry Harrison / John Tyler $1,677,531.72 $5,250,875.54 46.9% 556.6% 0.00002%
1842 John Tyler $8,343,605.19 $13,594,480.73 158.9% 556.6% 0.00002%
1843 John Tyler $19,148,441.27 $32,742,922.00 140.9% 556.6% 0.00002%
1844 John Tyler -$9,281,269.50 $23,461,652.50 -28.3% 556.6% 0.00002%
1845 James Knox Polk -$7,536,349.49 $15,925,303.01 -32.1% 100.5% 0.0001%
1846 James Knox Polk -$375,100.04 $15,550,202.97 -2.4% 100.5% 0.0001%
1847 James Knox Polk $23,276,331.8 $38,826,534.77 149.7% 100.5% 0.0001%
1848 James Knox Polk $8,218,327.46 $47,044,862.23 21.2% 100.5% 0.0001%
1849 Zachary Taylor $16,016,996.46 $63,061,858.69 34% 34% 0.00009%
1850 Millard Fillmore $390,914.86 $63,452,773.55 0.6% 5.0% 0.00002%
1851 Millard Fillmore $4,852,022.47 $68,304,796.02 7.6% 5.0% 0.00002%
1852 Millard Fillmore -$2,105,454.31 $66,199,341.71 -3.1% 5.0% 0.00002%
1853 Franklin Pierce -$6,396,224.01 $59,803,117.70 -9.7% -51.7% -0.0002%
1854 Franklin Pierce -$17,560,895.28 $42,242,222.42 -29.4% -51.7% -0.0002%
1855 Franklin Pierce -$6,655,265.86 $35,586,956.56 -15.8% -51.7% -0.0002%
1856 Franklin Pierce -$3,614,418.66 $31,972,537.90 -10.2% -51.7% -0.0002%
1857 James Buchanan -$3,272,706.05 $28,699,831.85 -10.2% 102.8% 0.0002%
1858 James Buchanan $16,212,049.18 $44,911,881.03 56.5% 102.8% 0.0002%
1859 James Buchanan $13,584,956.85 $58,496,837.88 30.2% 102.8% 0.0002%
1860 James Buchanan $6,345,450.00 $64,842,287.88 10.8% 102.8% 0.0002%
1861 Abraham Lincoln $25,738,585.84 $90,580,873.72 39.7% 2,700.3% 0.01%
1862 Abraham Lincoln $433,595,538.41 $524,176,412.13 478.7% 2,700.3% 0.01%
1863 Abraham Lincoln $595,595,726.50 $1,119,772,138.63 113.6% 2,700.3% 0.01%
1864 Abraham Lincoln $696,012,231.94 $1,815,784,370.57 62.2% 2,700.3% 0.01%
1865 Andrew Johnson $864,863,499.17 $2,680,647,869.74 47.6% 43.8% 0.005%
1866 Andrew Johnson $92,588,303.95 $2,773,236,173.69 3.5% 43.8% 0.005%
1867 Andrew Johnson -$95,110,069.82 $2,678,126,103.87 -3.4% 43.8% 0.005%
1868 Andrew Johnson -$66,438,252.68 $2,611,687,851.19 -2.5% 43.8% 0.005%
1869 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$23,235,637.25 $2,588,452,213.94 -0.9% -16.5% -0.003%
1870 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$107,779,786.13 $2,480,672,427.81 -4.2% -16.5% -0.003%
1871 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$127,461,095.49 $2,353,211,332.32 -5.1% -16.5% -0.003%
1872 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$99,960,003.54 $2,253,251,328.78 -4.2% -16.5% -0.003%
1873 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$18,768,335.58 $2,234,482,993.20 -0.8% -16.5% -0.003%
1874 Ulysses Simpson Grant $17,207,475.23 $2,251,690,468.43 0.8% -16.5% -0.003%
1875 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$19,405,936.48 $2,232,284,531.95 -0.9% -16.5% -0.003%
1876 Ulysses Simpson Grant -$51,889,464.80 $2,180,395,067.15 -2.3% -16.5% -0.003%
1877 Rutherford Birchard Hayes $24,906,324.95 $2,205,301,392.10 1.1% -2.8% -0.0004%
1878 Rutherford Birchard Hayes $50,904,500.43 $2,256,205,892.53 2.3% -2.8% -0.0004%
1879 Rutherford Birchard Hayes $93,361,589.51 $2,349,567,482.04 4.1% -2.8% -0.0004%
1880 Rutherford Birchard Hayes -$229,152,111.41 $2,120,415,370.63 -9.8% -2.8% -0.0004%
1881 James Abram Garfield / Chester Alan Arthur -$51,401,801.05 $2,069,013,569.58 -2.4% -13.7% -0.002%
1882 Chester Alan Arthur -$150,700,575.55 $1,918,312,994.03 -7.3% -13.7% -0.002%
1883 Chester Alan Arthur -$34,141,265.96 $1,884,171,728.07 -1.8% -13.7% -0.002%
1884 Chester Alan Arthur -$53,642,804.50 $1,830,528,923.57 -2.8% -13.7% -0.002%
1885 Grover Cleveland $33,435,949.57 $1,863,964,873.14 1.8% -7.5% -0.0008%
1886 Grover Cleveland -$88,901,859.36 $1,775,063,013.78 -4.8% -7.5% -0.0008%
1887 Grover Cleveland -$117,460,421.15 $1,657,602,592.63 -6.6% -7.5% -0.0008%
1888 Grover Cleveland $35,256,391.95 $1,692,858,984.58 2.1% -7.5% -0.0008%
1889 Benjamin Harrison -$73,806,062.35 $1,619,052,922.23 -4.4% -6.2% -0.0006%
1890 Benjamin Harrison -$66,912,717.50 $1,552,140,204.73 -4.1% -6.2% -0.0006%
1891 Benjamin Harrison -$6,143,613.12 $1,545,996,591.61 -0.4% -6.2% -0.0006%
1892 Benjamin Harrison $42,467,553.02 $1,588,464,144.63 2.7% -6.2% -0.0006%
1893 Grover Cleveland -$42,478,458.50 $1,545,985,686.13 -2.7% 11.4% 0.001%
1894 Grover Cleveland $86,267,950.55 $1,632,253,636.68 5.6% 11.4% 0.001%
1895 Grover Cleveland $43,867,346.57 $1,676,120,983.25 2.7% 11.4% 0.001%
1896 Grover Cleveland $93,719,340.15 $1,769,840,323.40 5.6% 11.4% 0.001%
1897 William McKinley $47,832,342.50 $1,817,672,665.90 2.7% 20.7% 0.002%
1898 William McKinley -$21,140,670.00 $1,796,531,995.90 -1.2% 20.7% 0.002%
1899 William McKinley $195,395,311.02 $1,991,927,306.92 10.9% 20.7% 0.002%
1900 William McKinley $145,033,784.75 $2,136,961,091.67 7.3% 20.7% 0.002%
1901 Theodore Roosevelt $6,365,842.22 $2,143,326,933.89 0.3% 22.9% 0.003%
1902 Theodore Roosevelt $15,283,512.00 $2,158,610,445.89 0.7% 22.9% 0.003%
1903 Theodore Roosevelt $43,854,336.00 $2,202,464,781.89 2.0% 22.9% 0.003%
1904 Theodore Roosevelt $61,538,803.25 $2,264,003,585.14 2.8% 22.9% 0.003%
1905 Theodore Roosevelt $10,611,478.70 $2,274,615,063.84 0.5% 22.9% 0.003%
1906 Theodore Roosevelt $62,546,775.20 $2,337,161,839.04 2.7% 22.9% 0.003%
1907 Theodore Roosevelt $120,026,222.50 $2,457,188,061.54 5.1% 22.9% 0.003%
1908 Theodore Roosevelt $169,618,210.00 $2,626,806,271.54 6.9% 22.9% 0.003%
1909 William Howard Taft $12,739,969.50 $2,639,546,241.04 0.5% 9.2% 0.001%
1910 William Howard Taft $13,119,597.00 $2,652,665,838.04 0.5% 9.2% 0.001%
1911 William Howard Taft $112,934,768.65 $2,765,600,606.69 4.3% 9.2% 0.001%
1912 William Howard Taft $102,773,267.47 $2,868,373,874.16 3.7% 9.2% 0.001%
1913 Woodrow Wilson $47,831,039.50 $2,916,204,913.66 1.7% 804.8% 0.1%
1914 Woodrow Wilson -$3,705,644.50 $2,912,499,269.16 -0.1% 804.8% 0.1%
1915 Woodrow Wilson $145,637,604.00 $3,058,136,873.16 5.0% 804.8% 0.1%
1916 Woodrow Wilson $551,107,389.00 $3,609,244,262.16 18.0% 804.8% 0.1%
1917 Woodrow Wilson $2,108,526,017.36 $5,717,770,279.52 58.4% 804.8% 0.1%
1918 Woodrow Wilson $8,874,391,134.48 $14,592,161,414.00 155.2% 804.8% 0.1%
1919 Woodrow Wilson $12,798,808,699.12 $27,390,970,113.12 87.7% 804.8% 0.1%
1920 Woodrow Wilson -$1,438,513,706.96 $25,952,456,406.16 -5.3% 804.8% 0.1%
1921 Warren Gamaliel Harding -$1,975,005,853.62 $23,977,450,552.54 -7.6% -11.5% -0.02%
1922 Warren Gamaliel Harding -$1,014,068,844.23 $22,963,381,708.31 -4.2% -11.5% -0.02%
1923 Calvin Coolidge -$613,674,342.95 $22,349,707,365.36 -2.7% -23.3% -0.03%
1924 Calvin Coolidge -$1,098,894,375.87 $21,250,812,989.49 -4.9% -23.3% -0.03%
1925 Calvin Coolidge -$734,619,101.59 $20,516,193,887.90 -3.5% -23.3% -0.03%
1926 Calvin Coolidge -$872,977,572.71 $19,643,216,315.19 -4.3% -23.3% -0.03%
1927 Calvin Coolidge -$1,131,309,383.34 $18,511,906,931.85 -5.8% -23.3% -0.03%
1928 Calvin Coolidge -$907,613,730.42 $17,604,293,201.43 -4.9% -23.3% -0.03%
1929 Herbert Clark Hoover -$673,204,717.33 $16,931,088,484.10 -3.8% 10.7% 0.01%
1930 Herbert Clark Hoover -$745,778,652.67 $16,185,309,831.43 -4.4% 10.7% 0.01%
1931 Herbert Clark Hoover $615,971,660.28 $16,801,281,491.71 3.8% 10.7% 0.01%
1932 Herbert Clark Hoover $2,685,720,952.42 $19,487,002,444.13 16.0% 10.7% 0.01%
1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $3,051,670,116.02 $22,538,672,560.15 15.7% 931.5% 1.0%
1934 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $4,514,468,854.33 $27,053,141,414.48 20.0% 931.5% 1.0%
1935 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $1,647,751,210.05 $28,700,892,624.53 6.1% 931.5% 1.0%
1936 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $5,077,650,869.20 $33,778,543,493.73 17.7% 931.5% 1.0%
1937 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $2,646,070,238.56 $36,424,613,732.29 7.8% 931.5% 1.0%
1938 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $740,126,583.16 $37,164,740,315.45 2.0% 931.5% 1.0%
1939 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $3,274,792,095.66 $40,439,532,411.11 8.8% 931.5% 1.0%
1940 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $2,527,998,626.57 $42,967,531,037.68 6.3% 931.5% 1.0%
1941 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $5,993,912,498.03 $48,961,443,535.71 13.9% 931.5% 1.0%
1942 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $23,461,001,580.51 $72,422,445,116.22 47.9% 931.5% 1.0%
1943 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $64,273,645,213.68 $136,696,090,329.90 88.7% 931.5% 1.0%
1944 Franklin Delano Roosevelt $64,307,296,891.23 $201,003,387,221.13 47.0% 931.5% 1.0%
1945 Harry S Truman $57,678,800,188.80 $258,682,187,409.93 28.7% 28.9% 0.3%
1946 Harry S Truman $10,739,911,763.33 $269,422,099,173.26 4.2% 28.9% 0.3%
1947 Harry S Truman -$11,135,716,064.59 $258,286,383,108.67 -4.1% 28.9% 0.3%
1948 Harry S Truman -$5,994,136,595.68 $252,292,246,512.99 -2.3% 28.9% 0.3%
1949 Harry S Truman $478,113,347.34 $252,770,359,860.33 0.2% 28.9% 0.3%
1950 Harry S Truman $4,586,992,490.71 $257,357,352,351.04 1.8% 28.9% 0.3%
1951 Harry S Truman -$2,135,375,536.11 $255,221,976,814.93 -0.8% 28.9% 0.3%
1952 Harry S Truman $3,883,201,970.50 $259,105,178,785.43 1.5% 28.9% 0.3%
1953 Dwight David Eisenhower $6,965,882,853.14 $266,071,061,638.57 2.7% 10.5% 0.1%
1954 Dwight David Eisenhower $5,188,537,469.89 $271,259,599,108.46 2.0% 10.5% 0.1%
1955 Dwight David Eisenhower $3,114,623,694.16 $274,374,222,802.62 1.1% 10.5% 0.1%
1956 Dwight David Eisenhower -$1,623,409,153.30 $272,750,813,649.32 -0.6% 10.5% 0.1%
1957 Dwight David Eisenhower -$2,223,641,752.89 $270,527,171,896.43 -0.8% 10.5% 0.1%
1958 Dwight David Eisenhower $5,816,045,849.38 $276,343,217,745.81 2.1% 10.5% 0.1%
1959 Dwight David Eisenhower $8,362,689,332.41 $284,705,907,078.22 3.0% 10.5% 0.1%
1960 Dwight David Eisenhower $1,624,853,770.15 $286,330,760,848.37 0.6% 10.5% 0.1%
1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy $2,640,177,761.68 $288,970,938,610.05 0.9% 6.8% 0.1%
1962 John Fitzgerald Kennedy $9,229,884,110.82 $298,200,822,720.87 3.2% 6.8% 0.1%
1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy / Lyndon Baines Johnson $7,658,810,275.54 $305,859,632,996.41 2.6% 6.8% 0.1%
1964 Lyndon Baines Johnson $5,853,266,260.89 $311,712,899,257.30 1.9% 13.6% 0.2%
1965 Lyndon Baines Johnson $5,560,999,726.34 $317,273,898,983.64 1.8% 13.6% 0.2%
1966 Lyndon Baines Johnson $2,633,188,811.84 $319,907,087,795.48 0.8% 13.6% 0.2%
1967 Lyndon Baines Johnson $6,313,849,999.06 $326,220,937,794.54 2.0% 13.6% 0.2%
1968 Lyndon Baines Johnson $21,357,468,631.34 $347,578,406,425.88 6.5% 13.6% 0.2%
1969 Richard Milhous Nixon $6,141,847,415.53 $353,720,253,841.41 1.8% 31.8% 0.6%
1970 Richard Milhous Nixon $17,198,453,108.52 $370,918,706,949.93 4.9% 31.8% 0.6%
1971 Richard Milhous Nixon $27,211,037,505.61 $398,129,744,455.54 7.3% 31.8% 0.6%
1972 Richard Milhous Nixon $29,130,716,484.96 $427,260,460,940.50 7.3% 31.8% 0.6%
1973 Richard Milhous Nixon $30,881,144,371.59 $458,141,605,312.09 7.2% 31.8% 0.6%
1974 Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr $16,918,210,419.46 $475,059,815,731.55 3.7% 35.4% 0.9%
1975 Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr $58,129,184,268.45 *$533,189,000,000.00 12.2% 35.4% 0.9%
1976 Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr $87,244,000,000.00 *$620,433,000,000.00 16.4% 35.4% 0.9%
1977 James Earl Carter $78,407,000,000.00 *$698,840,000,000.00 12.6% 46.3% 1.6%
1978 James Earl Carter $72,704,000,000.00 *$771,544,000,000.00 10.4% 46.3% 1.6%
1979 James Earl Carter $54,975,000,000.00 *$826,519,000,000.00 7.1% 46.3% 1.6%
1980 James Earl Carter $81,182,000,000.00 *$907,701,000,000.00 9.8% 46.3% 1.6%
1981 Ronald Wilson Reagan $90,154,000,000.00 *$997,855,000,000.00 9.9% 186.7% 9.3%
1982 Ronald Wilson Reagan $144,179,000,000.00 *$1,142,034,000,000.00 14.4% 186.7% 9.3%
1983 Ronald Wilson Reagan $235,176,000,000.00 *$1,377,210,000,000.00 20.6% 186.7% 9.3%
1984 Ronald Wilson Reagan $195,056,000,000.00 *$1,572,266,000,000.00 14.2% 186.7% 9.3%
1985 Ronald Wilson Reagan $250,837,000,000.00 *$1,823,103,000,000.00 16.0% 186.7% 9.3%
1986 Ronald Wilson Reagan $302,199,616,658.42 $2,125,302,616,658.42 16.6% 186.7% 9.3%
1987 Ronald Wilson Reagan $224,974,274,294.58 $2,350,276,890,953.00 10.6% 186.7% 9.3%
1988 Ronald Wilson Reagan $252,060,821,088.16 $2,602,337,712,041.16 10.7% 186.7% 9.3%
1989 George Herbert Walker Bush $255,093,248,146.16 $2,857,430,960,187.32 9.8% 56.2% 8.1%
1990 George Herbert Walker Bush $375,882,491,589.93 $3,233,313,451,777.25 13.2% 56.2% 8.1%
1991 George Herbert Walker Bush $431,989,899,919.78 $3,665,303,351,697.03 13.4% 56.2% 8.1%
1992 George Herbert Walker Bush $399,317,303,824.63 $4,064,620,655,521.66 10.9% 56.2% 8.1%
1993 William Jefferson Clinton $346,868,227,617.72 $4,411,488,883,139.38 8.5% 39.6% 8.9%
1994 William Jefferson Clinton $281,261,026,873.94 $4,692,749,910,013.32 6.4% 39.6% 8.9%
1995 William Jefferson Clinton $281,232,990,696.07 $4,973,982,900,709.39 6.0% 39.6% 8.9%
1996 William Jefferson Clinton $250,828,038,426.34 $5,224,810,939,135.73 5.0% 39.6% 8.9%
1997 William Jefferson Clinton $188,335,072,261.61 $5,413,146,011,397.34 3.6% 39.6% 8.9%
1998 William Jefferson Clinton $113,046,997,500.28 $5,526,193,008,897.62 2.1% 39.6% 8.9%
1999 William Jefferson Clinton $130,077,892,717.81 $5,656,270,901,615.43 2.4% 39.6% 8.9%
2000 William Jefferson Clinton $17,907,308,271.43 $5,674,178,209,886.86 0.3% 39.6% 8.9%
2001 George Walker Bush $133,285,202,313.20 $5,807,463,412,200.06 2.3% 76.7% 24.0%
2002 George Walker Bush $420,772,553,397.10 $6,228,235,965,597.16 7.2% 76.7% 24.0%
2003 George Walker Bush $554,995,097,146.46 $6,783,231,062,743.62 8.9% 76.7% 24.0%
2004 George Walker Bush $595,821,633,586.70 $7,379,052,696,330.32 8.8% 76.7% 24.0%
2005 George Walker Bush $553,656,965,393.18 $7,932,709,661,723.50 7.5% 76.7% 24.0%
2006 George Walker Bush $574,264,237,491.73 $8,506,973,899,215.23 7.2% 76.7% 24.0%
2007 George Walker Bush $500,679,473,047.25 $9,007,653,372,262.48 5.9% 76.7% 24.0%
2008 George Walker Bush $1,017,071,524,650.01 $10,024,724,896,912.49 11.3% 76.7% 24.0%
2009 Barack Hussein Obama $1,885,104,106,599.26 $11,909,829,003,511.75 18.8% 93.4% 48.3%
2010 Barack Hussein Obama $1,651,794,027,380.04 $13,561,623,030,891.79 13.9% 93.4% 48.3%
2011 Barack Hussein Obama $1,228,717,297,665.36 $14,790,340,328,557.15 9.1% 93.4% 48.3%
2012 Barack Hussein Obama $1,275,901,078,828.74 $16,066,241,407,385.89 8.6% 93.4% 48.3%
2013 Barack Hussein Obama $671,942,119,311.43 $16,738,183,526,697.32 4.2% 93.4% 48.3%
2014 Barack Hussein Obama $1,085,887,854,036.50 $17,824,071,380,733.82 6.5% 93.4% 48.3%
2015 Barack Hussein Obama $326,546,285,750.51 $18,150,617,666,484.33 1.8% 93.4% 48.3%
2016 Barack Hussein Obama $1,241,086,361,182.79 $19,391,704,027,667.12 6.8% 93.4% 48.3%
BHO promised to deal with the recession and he has, using classic Keynesian economic principles.

BHO promised to get US troops out of A-stan and Iraq and he has as much as possible.

BHO promised a tolerant policy towards immigration and he has done so.

BHO promised ACA and it has been his major accomplishment. He will go down in history with FDR and LBJ as one of the most significant Presidents in history for it.

BHO promised enhanced (no pun intended) security from terrorism, and he has done so, and not only that, he stepped up CIA drone strikes over the W administration by a factor of 400%. He also approved the Navy-Army swat strike to kill UBL. In this sense he was infinitely a better POTUS than was W.

Is that good enough for you or do you think you could have done better ?!

If your ego is big enough and you think you can then you should run for POTUS with the GOP -- even you no matter how lame you might be would be a better candidate than Trump.

the last three sets of numbers are: yearly increase, total term increase and percentage of increase.
the last three sets of numbers are: yearly increase, total term increase and percentage of increase.
It is a recession, genius.

It has been named The Great Recession.

Keynesian economic principles are the only solution.

You need to study macro econ at your local community college.
No one in your political system has any intention of altering the economic trajectory we've been on for the past half century or so; it has been utterly bipartisan, and will continue to be.

Well, yes but only because people wont participate in protest and civil disobedience. People that protest get what they want. They also, dont see the other candidates because they are hidden by the dem's and rebub's. You have to actually seek out other candidates. Too lazy? Stop breathing, ok? or just dont vote.

" .... but only because people wont participate in protest and civil disobedience."

Absolutley! That's my point as well.
BHO promised to deal with the recession and he has, using classic Keynesian economic principles.

BHO promised to get US troops out of A-stan and Iraq and he has as much as possible.

BHO promised a tolerant policy towards immigration and he has done so.

BHO promised ACA and it has been his major accomplishment. He will go down in history with FDR and LBJ as one of the most significant Presidents in history for it.

BHO promised enhanced (no pun intended) security from terrorism, and he has done so, and not only that, he stepped up CIA drone strikes over the W administration by a factor of 400%. He also approved the Navy-Army swat strike to kill UBL. In this sense he was infinitely a better POTUS than was W.

Is that good enough for you or do you think you could have done better ?!

If your ego is big enough and you think you can then you should run for POTUS with the GOP -- even you no matter how lame you might be would be a better candidate than Trump.

He has prevented us from recovering from the recession, and actually slowed economic growth from what it would have been.

Code for "He hasn't".

Tolerant and outright encouraging breaking the law are not the same things.

Destroying our healthcare system is his major accomplishment. Neat.

He hasn't increased our security at all. No use lying to yourself.

Pffft. He approved the attack that killed UBL? Neat, so you're saying not making the clearly wrong decision was an accomplishment on his part? Well, I guess it's a step up from arming, training, and funding terrorists, so good on him, I guess?

No, it's not good enough for me, if he were replaced by a rotting corpse, the office would have more dignity and a higher IQ than it does with him in it.
In other words, he kept no promises. Anyone could have told you that.

Well to be fair he did some "transforming" to the most divided nation in decades

All he did was have the nerve to be half black, you all took it from there.
I really don't care what color he is, a failure is a failure. The only one mentioning color or caring about it at all is you. Why don't you go back to Storm Front if color is such an issue to you?
In other words, he kept no promises. Anyone could have told you that.

Well to be fair he did some "transforming" to the most divided nation in decades

All he did was have the nerve to be half black, you all took it from there.
I really don't care what color he is, a failure is a failure. The only one mentioning color or caring about it at all is you. Why don't you go back to Storm Front if color is such an issue to you?

If ANYONE played the race card is was Obama

U.President Barack Obama announces plans to slow the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, while delivering a statement in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in Washington.JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS

Like all politicians, Barack Obama made promises that varied from specific actions (like closing Guantánamo Bay) to vague asks (like pushing Congress to pass climate-change legislation) that fell short of a commitment. In the fourth quarter of his presidency, many of these benchmarks remain elusive, some because of an recalcitrant Congress and others because he reversed himself. There’s nothing wrong with flip-flopping, per se. Franklin Roosevelt was called a chameleon in plaid. But with Obama announcing a delay on troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, it’s worth looking back at what he wanted and what he got.

Newsweek compiled a list of issues that will likely remain unresolved once Obama leaves office in 2017. Some are flat-out promises, while others are of the we’ll-try-to-go-to-the-fair variety that a parent might offer.

Guantánamo Bay

“I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantánamo, and I will follow through on that.”

This was probably his most firm promise. During his first week in office, Obama signed an executive order calling for the closing of Gitmo by the end of the year. It still hasn’t happened. Congress has mostly blocked efforts to transport Gitmo detainees to other countries for fear they’ll get loose, and few members of Congress wanted to have them moved to their home state. The Senate passed the National Defense Authorization act at the end of 2014, making it easier for the Pentagon to move prisoners, and recently Democrats like Nancy Pelosi have increased calls to shut down the controversial prison.

But Democrats don’t have the voting numbers or political capital to push legislation closing Gitmo through Congress amid budget fights, and they can’t increase their numbers until the 2016 elections.


This promise was more complicated. Initially Obama promised to increase U.S. involvement in Afghanistan while ending the war in Iraq, but in his 2008 New Hampshire primary speech he went a step further:

“We will end this war in Iraq. We will bring our troops home. We will finish the jobwe will finish the job against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.”

As of Thursday morning the job is not finished. Although Obama has formally ended American troops’ combat mission, he announced that troop withdrawals will be delayed beyond the end of 2016. American forces will stay on in an advisory and counterterrorism role, which means the fight against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban has yet to be be won.

“I suspect that we will continue to evaluate this going forward, as will the next president,” Obama announced from the White House. “And as conditions improve, we’ll be in a position to make further adjustments.”

Obama once said that like all wars, the war on terror must end, but whether or not this is a deliverable promise, the fact remains that there is little end in sight. Our ground troops are out of Iraq, but bombs are being dropped on ISIS.

Energy Independence

“I will set a clear goal as president: In 10 years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East."

Most energy analysts don’t think the U.S. will get there by 2018, 10 years after Obama made that promise. According to the Energy Department, it would only be likely to happen by 2019 if a massive hike in oil prices raised demand for domestic oil. We can’t call this promise “broken” for a few more years, but thanks to the explosion in fracking and other new technologies, American oil production has boomed. It’s not independence, but it’s a lot closer than people thought. With prices so low, the growth in green energy isn’t what it would be if prices were higher.

Climate Change Legislation

"A small portion of the receipts generated by auctioning allowances will be used to support the development of clean energy, invest in energy efficiency improvements, and help develop the next generation of biofuels and clean energy vehicles."

In 2008 Obama promised to sign cap and trade legislation that would use revenue from emissions taxes to reinvest in clean energy. Climate change legislation of this kind has died in Congress multiple times since he came into office, including when Democrats controlled both houses. To act on climate change, Obama has instead had to go through the executive branch and the EPA, where he’s taken action on carbon dioxide emissions.

By most estimates, current climate efforts won’t prevent a major sea level rise. Climate change is one area where neither the President’s environmentalist supporters nor his critics think favorably of his performance, but there’s no argument that he’s failed to take action.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

“I can guarantee that we will have, in the first year, an immigration bill that I strongly support.”

Comprehensive immigration reform hasn’t happened despite Obama’s willingness to take out his pen and sign a bipartisan bill. When Obama blamed Congress for stonewalling him on immigration in 2012 he wasn’t off base.

Still, Latino groups were irked that during Obama’s first term, as he and a Democratic Congress passed health care reform, a huge stimulus and other items, immigration was pushed to the side. They’ve been assuaged a bit by executive action to defer deportations.

Gun Control Consensus

“I think we can provide common-sense approaches to the issue of illegal guns that are ending up on the streets. We can make sure that criminals don’t have guns in their hands. We can make certain that those who are mentally deranged are not getting a hold of handguns. We can trace guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers that may be selling to straw purchasers and dumping them on the streets.”

Obviously, none of that has happened, although technically it was less of a promise than a vision. When Obama advocated a “common-sense” approach in the 2008 Philadelphia primary debate, he wasn’t anticipating the politically divisive string of mass shootings that occurred during his presidency. The administration’s strongest gun control legislation push after the Sandy Hook massacre didn’t go anywhere.

In a recent speech following the Umpqua Community College Massacre, Obama called on voters and citizens to do more to advocate for gun control provisions like background checks. His promises on the campaign trail were not specific, and his strategy as president has mostly been to use the bully pulpit.

Sick Days and Family Leave

“Now is the time to help families with paid sick days and better family leave, because nobody in America should have to choose between keeping their job and caring for a sick child or an ailing parent.”

He had the same message in his 2015 State of the Union address. On the presidential campaign trail, high-profile Republicans like Carly Fiorina continue to be opposed to calls from Democrats for family leave legislation. In the first Democratic debate, family leave was a theme trumpeted by Bernie Sanders, and increasing paid leave time is generally opposed by Republicans.

As Jeb Bush puts it, the GOP wants the government to think of people as “assets, not liabilities.” If you think Republicans are going to help Obama pass legislation on family leave as they await the outcome of the election, think again.

Cracking Down on CEO Bonuses

“Now is the time to change our bankruptcy laws, so that your pensions are protected ahead of CEO bonuses.”

Dodd-Frank contained measures requiring disclosure of executive salaries, but there hasn’t been legislation strong enough to prevent CEOs from cashing out like they did after the Great Recession. Given that this issue is still being brought up by Bernie Sanders and congressional Democrats (members of the house cited Republicans’ disinterest in seriously addressing CEO bonuses as a defense against criticism of Planned Parenthood executive salaries), it’s safe to say that Main Street's retribution is far from happening.

Affordable Health Care With Universal Coverage

Obama promised both with varying degrees of specificity while campaigning for president. He delivered the Affordable Care Act which, along with the financial bailout, effectively spurred the rise of the Tea Party. Obama expended a massive amount of political capital on health care, but premiums for many of those who have the same coverage as they did in 2008 have gone up. He promised that “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.” But since many insurance plans weren’t up to snuff by the standards of the ACA, some people did lose their doctors.

The bottom line is that by some estimates, 90 percent of Americans now have health coverage. Overall, the rate of growth of health care costs has slowed dramatically. Making quality health care universal is an even larger battle than passing Obamacare.

Changing the Culture of Washington

In some ways this is the only one that matters. In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama wrote about a Washington culture that was hurting the political process, not so much because of the gulf between the nation’s two ideologies but because of the vitriol of public debate and the influence of special interests. He chided Hillary Clinton for being part of Washington’s old-school partisanship and repeatedly pointed to initiatives he led in the Illinois Senate (filming police interrogations among them) and the U.S. Senate (arms control) that garnered bipartisan support.

Obama has learned the hard way that compromise is harder than ever right now. Funding from interest groups has risen, party control has been diminished, and gerrymandering is now so precise that few members of Congress have incentive to cut deals.

Jeb Bush has said that prior Republican presidents like Reagan and Bush 41 could not get elected by the modern GOP. If you think the country is more unified than it was in 2008, watch the next Republican primary debate.

Meanwhile, Obama and his administration continue to define themselves through comparisons to the previous president: citation of the Bush administration and the state of affairs when Obama took office are still the norm in press conferences.

His actual performance—taking out “what could have been”—is a combination of broken promises and fulfilled ones, often crashing on the shoals a recalcitrant GOP and Obama’s own oversell as a transformational president. Some of his most noteworthy foreign policy accomplishments—the Iran nuclear deal and the Trans-Pacific Partnership among them—have yet to bear fruit and can’t be judged a success or failure until he leaves office.

One promise worth remembering: In 2008 Obama vowed to use actionable intelligence to take out Al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan, even without the permission of the host country. Hillary Clinton called that reckless, but she was sitting beside the president the night he ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. It’s a reminder that when presidents can act alone, they get what they want. When they have to deal and parley, not so much.
A truly bad case of ODS.

Seek out mental health treatment soon.
He said his favorite president was reagan!...lmfao. What did you expect?! Suckers. hillery clinton made speeches saying how good nafta would be for the middle class and working...lol. She is also a proponent to the tpp, the ttip and the tisa. Now your going to vote for her?...suckers.
Guess you won’t be voting for Obama again.
BHO promised to deal with the recession and he has, using classic Keynesian economic principles.

BHO promised to get US troops out of A-stan and Iraq and he has as much as possible.

BHO promised a tolerant policy towards immigration and he has done so.

BHO promised ACA and it has been his major accomplishment. He will go down in history with FDR and LBJ as one of the most significant Presidents in history for it.

BHO promised enhanced (no pun intended) security from terrorism, and he has done so, and not only that, he stepped up CIA drone strikes over the W administration by a factor of 400%. He also approved the Navy-Army swat strike to kill UBL. In this sense he was infinitely a better POTUS than was W.


Is that good enough for you or do you think you could have done better ?!

==you failed miserably.==

If your ego is big enough and you think you can then you should run for POTUS with the GOP -- even you no matter how lame you might be would be a better candidate than Trump.

==His answer to curing the recession is the tpp, the ttip and the tisa. Do you know what they are you mediocre moron?====But he hasnt done anything because of the large mineral deposits there====Yes and they are taking our jobs while driving down wages and benefits and further weakening our workforce...good job obama.===Yes...and obama also gave us nnDD2013 and repealing of COOL. Look them both up.====his health care bill was written by abd for the pharmaceutical co's and the health care lobbyists...try again==

==Yeah, I could have done it better. No problem. People like you that ignore your boys shortcomings are whats wrong with our system. You voted for him so you follow like a sheep.==

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