Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.
The average life expectancy today is somewhere around 78. In 1935, when Social Security was established, it was 60. Five years UNDER the retirement age.

In 1935, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. Today, 15% of the population is over 65.

The number of workers supporting a retiree is getting smaller and smaller. This is an unsustainable trend.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.
Here's another crazy idea to pay for the tax bill, but will never happen because America is all about "gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it": Eliminate the tax deductions, exemptions, and credits which drove the tax rates so high to begin with.

The reason the corporate tax rate was 35 percent is because of all the special interest tax breaks for big campaign donors.

If all those deductions, exemptions, and credits which were handed out like candy to the special interests were eliminated, we could easily lower the corporate tax rate. Considerably.

And we'd have a level playing field! Bonus! All the hard working corporations would not have to subsidize all those special interest deductions, exemptions and credits with higher tax rates!

But nope. We're going to tear those lazy, shiftless negroes away from their steak and champagne dinners and put them to work in the fields instead.

The corporations want their tax breaks AND low tax rates. And they just got what they wanted.

Sorry, poor people! You just don't donate enough to campaign coffers to matter.
Yes, this just has to happen.

When Democracy becomes a competition between who can offer most free stuff paid for by debt we are all in a lot of trouble.

There is zero difference between an entitlement program and a tax cut in this regard, both sides will claim the spending (government or private) will stimulate the economy but it just ends in more bonds in the Chinese treasury.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.
Plus the tax cuts will predominatly go to the 1% and now they can cut middle class entitlements and aid for education. It's a gop establishment wed dream, and one Trump said he'd never let happen!

I just hope they don't means test soc and medicare. I'm working a long time to maximize my wife's retirement. (-:
How long til you reach retirement age?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
Well then I'm fucked - retired two months before I turned 50.

woe is me.
I forget that some people don't like posts longer than a tweet. So here's a picture of what this unsustainable trend looks like.

The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

I think that has been the plan all along, as well as privatization of SS.
nobody had a problem deducting SS from my check from the day I started working until the day I stopped working- rest assured the feeling will be mutual. Hell, I might even start at 62.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

Agreed, but two issues:

1) A white collar worker is going to be physically more able than a school district janitor to work an extra 5 or 6 years, but parity on that gets complicated.
2) Don't fuck with anyone already over the age of 55 (cuz that'd be shitty)

Also, not sure what you mean by "indexing them to 9% of population" Help me out here, I'm not an economist.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

I think that has been the plan all along, as well as privatization of SS.
Well, I do kind of like the idea of pseudocons falling for hoax investments at Trump U and ending up dead broke...

They DESERVE to be hoaxed.
The average life expectancy today is somewhere around 78. In 1935, when Social Security was established, it was 60. Five years UNDER the retirement age.

In 1935, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. Today, 15% of the population is over 65.

The number of workers supporting a retiree is getting smaller and smaller. This is an unsustainable trend.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

We can agree on that .. people are indeed living longer.
Wonder what happens when Trumpcare kicks 13 million off their health insurance?
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

I agree.... Time to stop living off the backs of the children.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

I think that has been the plan all along, as well as privatization of SS.
Well, I do kind of like the idea of pseudocons falling for hoax investments at Trump U and ending up dead broke...

They DESERVE to be hoaxed.

Good chance we all maybe as far as the SS Trust goes.
Well then I'm fucked - retired two months before I turned 50.

woe is me.

The fact that you are almost certainly enjoying an overpaid pension by some leftist government institution explains your views in complete detail.

Yep would be good to cut it, Middle aged and stopped working, who do you think pays for your free shit?

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