Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age

The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.
I agree.

Retirement was never intended to last more than 2 to 3 years. The intent was to allow workers who had aged to near death to get their affairs in order and die shortly thereafter.

When living 20 years after retirement age is the no longer the anomoly, but commonality, legislation needs some adjustments.
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)
The average life expectancy today is somewhere around 78. In 1935, when Social Security was established, it was 60. Five years UNDER the retirement age.

In 1935, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. Today, 15% of the population is over 65.

The number of workers supporting a retiree is getting smaller and smaller. This is an unsustainable trend.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.
So perhaps it should be set to 83?
How bout we make changes to govt workers plush packages elimnating all 30 and out deals...want people to work longer dig into the low hanging fruit of govt bureaucrats
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)

What does any of that fantasy have to do with the retirement age?
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)

What does any of that fantasy have to do with the retirement age?
Jesus was black.
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)

What does any of that fantasy have to do with the retirement age?
Jesus was black.

You are a moron and probably black! :dance:
I highly recommend retirement. I've been retired for almost 20 years. Working your whole life is both idiotic and for low lifes. In fact I say reduce the retirement age.
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)

What does any of that fantasy have to do with the retirement age?
He is saying to balance the budget you have to raise the retirement age. thought that wwas apparent. Im saying you can balance the budget but reducing spending.
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)

What does any of that fantasy have to do with the retirement age?
Jesus was black.
I’ve met Jesus, he is Hispanic!
How about cutting back military spending, by ending our involvement in the middle east. Let Germany, Japan and Korea defend themselves instead of having the US Military defend them. Lastly cut all foreign aid and pull out of NATO and the UN.
To balance the budget quit spending more that you take in (It's not rocket science)

What does any of that fantasy have to do with the retirement age?
Jesus was black.
I’ve met Jesus, he is Hispanic!
actually he is my lawnman.
Dying at work is the most humiliating thing ever that could happen to a person
I have never seen a case where a dead person was humiliated. That’s like saying a dead person is happy or sad or hopeful.

I am not saying it’s impossible for a dead person to be humiliated. Hell, dead people vote for Democrats all the time.
Just think of the time wasted working. Dad when you think of it. A person works their life away and what they do doesn't really matter.

Next question.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
That's just one more reason to get rid of SS. All that money that is yours cannot be left to your family
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
That's just one more reason to get rid of SS. All that money that is yours cannot be left to your family
Actually, in some cases, Social Security pays out survivor benefits.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
That's just one more reason to get rid of SS. All that money that is yours cannot be left to your family
Actually, in some cases, Social Security pays out survivor benefits.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Go play in traffic!

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