Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Actually no, scientists measured it.

Show us all where the science is mattering in the real world s0n?? Billboard stuff doesn't count. Some links would be helpful btw...........
Actually, I'm likely way more educated than you are
Irrelevant, dumbass. Compared to any of these scientists, you are like a retarded ferret. No you dont "know bullshit when you see it", else we could have just skipped the invention of the scientific method and just consulted whatever thoughts fizzle into your colon for the answers to questions.
Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Actually no, scientists measured it.

Show us all where the science is mattering in the real world s0n?? Billboard stuff doesn't count. Some links would be helpful btw...........
Well, just the awareness and the measures taken so far have slowed the increasd of emissions. They have even leveled off, here in the States. No, I will not be spoonfeeding you any links. Dont waste my time, dummy.
Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Actually no, scientists measured it.

Show us all where the science is mattering in the real world s0n?? Billboard stuff doesn't count. Some links would be helpful btw...........
Well, just the awareness and the measures taken so far have slowed the increasd of emissions. They have even leveled off, here in the States. No, I will not be spoonfeeding you any links. Dont waste my time, dummy.

Well then.........I guess that makes me the dummy in here!!!


But a winning dummy that just clicked on the link above and laughed his balls off!!!

The Twilight Zone - The Dummy
Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Actually no, scientists measured it.

Show us all where the science is mattering in the real world s0n?? Billboard stuff doesn't count. Some links would be helpful btw...........
Well, just the awareness and the measures taken so far have slowed the increasd of emissions. They have even leveled off, here in the States. No, I will not be spoonfeeding you any links. Dont waste my time, dummy.

Well then.........I guess that makes me the dummy in here!!!


But a winning dummy that just clicked on the link above and laughed his balls off!!!

The Twilight Zone - The Dummy
See what I mean? You are a gullible idiot who will believe anything that jibes with his politics and superstitions, immediately and forever.
Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Actually no, scientists measured it.

Show us all where the science is mattering in the real world s0n?? Billboard stuff doesn't count. Some links would be helpful btw...........
Well, just the awareness and the measures taken so far have slowed the increasd of emissions. They have even leveled off, here in the States. No, I will not be spoonfeeding you any links. Dont waste my time, dummy.

Well then.........I guess that makes me the dummy in here!!!


But a winning dummy that just clicked on the link above and laughed his balls off!!!

The Twilight Zone - The Dummy
See what I mean? You are a gullible idiot who will believe anything that jibes with his politics and superstitions, immediately and forever.
Coming from a left wit moron like you, that eats every turd given to him by his handlers, you calling him out only shows your own stupidity..
Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

did hank johnson of Gaum capsizing fame

write this


Actually no, scientists measured it.

bs drop the crack pipe lefty
Hmm, yep, they did. You can whine, cackle, blubber, dance, preen, and fondle yourself all night...and the fact remains a fact.

you are as gullible as they come

no wonder you make a good sheeple
Alas fort fun, it is you who comes across as a moron...when asked to provide just a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability you can't manage it...rather than provide the data that would support your belief, you engage in logical fallacy, impotent name calling, and whatever other school yard tactics you can come up with...what you can't come up with is that single piece of real data to support your belief..that makes you come across as quite stupid..
This, from you who doesn't believe in science of the past 100 years, and can't supply observed, measured data that supports your beliefs that no other scientist agrees with? Sad.

Yeah....just the statements of the physical laws and every observation and measurement ever made...he should be so happy to be defended by a know nothing like you. attention loser....I am not going to litigate the truth of accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs on the internet.

I can't see that you are here to much of anything beyond insensate that all you have? If so, why bother.

I am just going to ridicule you 90 pound weaklings who are here claiming you can beat up Mike Tyson in his prime.

So you acknowledge that logical fallacy is all that you have....good...we might be getting somewhere. Admitting that you have nothing of substance is the first step to actually getting something of substance.

That's all. Any time any of you morons wants to put your money where ypur mouth is, publish some science.

I am asking about the published science...I am asking for data that should be present in the public science...I am asking for data that would lend support to the published science...and it just isn't there...and you are trying to defend that lack of data with logical fallacy and meaningless chatter. Good luck with that.

Speak at a university, or at a scientific society. Get in the ring with Mike Tyson, so to speak. You are not competent in this field of science and you are a shameless little liar. Thats why you are here, shouting into an echo chamber.

The questions remain...all I want is a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...and a single piece of observed, measured data made with an instrument at ambient temperature that supports...not establishes mind you, but supports the claim of a coherent relationship between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere.

I am not pushing a new hypothesis...or groundbreaking science which is what the straw man you are constructing suggests...I am just asking for data that should exist in abundance if the greenhouse hypothesis, and its bastard stepchild the AGW hypothesis had any merit at all. You believe these hypotheses, all I am asking for is two pieces of evidence that support them..and you can't deliver...all you can do is play the part of an impotent internet bully, spew logical fallacies, and nothing else. You actually believe that is an effective defense of your position? Really?
Actually, I'm likely way more educated than you are
Irrelevant, dumbass. Compared to any of these scientists, you are like a retarded ferret. No you dont "know bullshit when you see it", else we could have just skipped the invention of the scientific method and just consulted whatever thoughts fizzle into your colon for the answers to questions.

No moron, you called me uneducated, I pointed out that you are very likely wrong. It’s totally relevant.

If you were educated, you would be familiar enough with both science and history. Then you would know how very often scientists are wrong. Fact is that at any given time in history, even recent history, scientists are more often wrong than right.

But you don’t really know anything about science or history. You simply believe what you are told without bothering to think.
Actually, I'm likely way more educated than you are
Irrelevant, dumbass. Compared to any of these scientists, you are like a retarded ferret. No you dont "know bullshit when you see it", else we could have just skipped the invention of the scientific method and just consulted whatever thoughts fizzle into your colon for the answers to questions.

No moron, you called me uneducated, I pointed out that you are very likely wrong. It’s totally relevant.

If you were educated, you would be familiar enough with both science and history. Then you would know how very often scientists are wrong. Fact is that at any given time in history, even recent history, scientists are more often wrong than right.

But you don’t really know anything about science or history. You simply believe what you are told without bothering to think.

It isn't about science to guys like that...he is uneducated and incapable of even beginning to grasp science so to him it is a quasi religion..he looks for people whom he perceives as smarter than himself who share his political views and he follows. Look back through his posts...not a single one gives any inkling that he has even the smallest grasp of the science...he is here to play the part of an impotent internet bully to anyone who disagrees with is cult beliefs..
It isn't about science to guys like that...he is uneducated and incapable of even beginning to grasp science so to him it is a quasi religion..he looks for people whom he perceives as smarter than himself who share his political views and he follows. Look back through his posts...not a single one gives any inkling that he has even the smallest grasp of the science...he is here to play the part of an impotent internet bully to anyone who disagrees with is cult beliefs..
You are accusing someone of not grasping science? You have no understanding of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. In fact you said many times you don't believe in QM. Seems like the pot calling the kettle black.
It isn't about science to guys like that...he is uneducated and incapable of even beginning to grasp science so to him it is a quasi religion..he looks for people whom he perceives as smarter than himself who share his political views and he follows. Look back through his posts...not a single one gives any inkling that he has even the smallest grasp of the science...he is here to play the part of an impotent internet bully to anyone who disagrees with is cult beliefs..
You are accusing someone of not grasping science? You have no understanding of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. In fact you said many times you don't believe in QM. Seems like the pot calling the kettle black.

Yep...I am. And I haven't said that I don't believe in QM...I have said that most of it is based on unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable models. There are certain elements that I will go along with because observation and measurement suggest strongly that the are mostly correct. QM is still in the process of being written and QM in 100 years will be about as recognizable as medicine of 100 years ago is today. People who have jumped in with both feet, and believe based on nothing more than models will end up on the same side of science as those who promoted phrenology, leeches, and noxious humors.
Yep...I am. And I haven't said that I don't believe in QM...I have said that most of it is based on unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable models. There are certain elements that I will go along with because observation and measurement suggest strongly that the are mostly correct. QM is still in the process of being written and QM in 100 years will be about as recognizable as medicine of 100 years ago is today. People who have jumped in and believe based on nothing more than models will end up on the same side of science as those who promoted phrenology, leeches, and noxious humors.
Naw you don't believe in QM. You said it many times. You reject much of QM theory that was accepted by all science for the last 100 years.

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