Nobody knows.....


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
The people don't know whether or not the virus will kill them. They don't know how to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The politicians don't know how much authoritarianism they can get away with. The media lies to everyone, about everything, while understanding nothing, about anything. The people don't understand the rights and the power they have. The politicians don't understand how little power they actually possess. The politicians don't understand that the cops can't even protect themselves, let alone them. The cops, (most of them) don't realize how much the people are beginning to hate them. The people who are still working don't know how angry and desperate their neighbors are getting as they slide into 3rd world poverty levels. The big corporations don't seem know how resentful the small business owners who are getting forced out are becoming. Most people don't seem to understand where their food comes from, or how easy that supply is to disrupt. Government officials don't seem to know that threatening to take away people's children because they insist on running their businesses, in spite of the government's orders (that they don't know they have no authority to issue) is both wrong, and dangerous.

Nobody knows what is going to be the result of all this ignorance, but even those of us who have been to some shit-shows, have never seen one like this is going to be. This isn't Afghanistan, or Northern Ireland, or Argentina, or Yugoslavia....... this could be way worse than any of them.

Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen.

But I guess we're all gonna keep fucking around and find out.
People can be tested to see if they are vulnerable to cytokine storm syndrome. That is a big part of the "knowing" whether you are going to die or not.
I don't believe in testing ... whatever kills me, I would like it to be a surprise.

I was all freaky-deak when this shit first started: Wearing a military-issue gas mask to Walmart, wearing nitrile gloves, meticulously spraying my car keys with alcohol, wiping down my phone, door and window handles, steering wheel, mail, grocery bags, canned food, etc.

But now that we know more about it, I don't even wear an N95 mask anymore. I do keep a certain amount of social distance, but it's not really what it was cracked up to be by the doom and gloom media.

Most all of the cases in my country involved nursing homes.
I was all freaky-deak when this shit first started: Wearing a military-issue gas mask to Walmart, wearing nitrile gloves, meticulously spraying my car keys with alcohol, wiping down my phone, door and window handles, steering wheel, mail, grocery bags, canned food, etc.

But now that we know more about it, I don't even wear an N95 mask anymore. I do keep a certain amount of social distance, but it's not really what it was cracked up to be by the doom and gloom media.

Most all of the cases in my country involved nursing homes.
I keep social distance by taking vi-agra.
The people don't know whether or not the virus will kill them. They don't know how to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The politicians don't know how much authoritarianism they can get away with. The media lies to everyone, about everything, while understanding nothing, about anything. The people don't understand the rights and the power they have. The politicians don't understand how little power they actually possess. The politicians don't understand that the cops can't even protect themselves, let alone them. The cops, (most of them) don't realize how much the people are beginning to hate them. The people who are still working don't know how angry and desperate their neighbors are getting as they slide into 3rd world poverty levels. The big corporations don't seem know how resentful the small business owners who are getting forced out are becoming. Most people don't seem to understand where their food comes from, or how easy that supply is to disrupt. Government officials don't seem to know that threatening to take away people's children because they insist on running their businesses, in spite of the government's orders (that they don't know they have no authority to issue) is both wrong, and dangerous.

Nobody knows what is going to be the result of all this ignorance, but even those of us who have been to some shit-shows, have never seen one like this is going to be. This isn't Afghanistan, or Northern Ireland, or Argentina, or Yugoslavia....... this could be way worse than any of them.

Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen.

But I guess we're all gonna keep fucking around and find out.

You make some good points but can I mention a few things that I do know?

I know that Trump on his worse day is a far better president than any and all of the leftardz who are set to run against him.

I know that dead is dead, whether you died from a pandemic virus or from starvation from a failed economy.

I know that I and my family can not only take care of ourselves, even in really bad times but we can also take care of neighbors and strangers more in the future as we have in the past.

I know that the search for more and better cures is unrelenting.

I know that all of our days are numbered on this insignificant rock floating in space.

I know how to farm, hunt and fish to feed myself and others, if it ever comes to that.

I know that there is nothing of value in letting fear and paranoia dictate anybody's actions, over logic and reason.

I could probably come up with more but, Meh. . .
The people don't know whether or not the virus will kill them. They don't know how to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The politicians don't know how much authoritarianism they can get away with. The media lies to everyone, about everything, while understanding nothing, about anything. The people don't understand the rights and the power they have. The politicians don't understand how little power they actually possess. The politicians don't understand that the cops can't even protect themselves, let alone them. The cops, (most of them) don't realize how much the people are beginning to hate them. The people who are still working don't know how angry and desperate their neighbors are getting as they slide into 3rd world poverty levels. The big corporations don't seem know how resentful the small business owners who are getting forced out are becoming. Most people don't seem to understand where their food comes from, or how easy that supply is to disrupt. Government officials don't seem to know that threatening to take away people's children because they insist on running their businesses, in spite of the government's orders (that they don't know they have no authority to issue) is both wrong, and dangerous.

Nobody knows what is going to be the result of all this ignorance, but even those of us who have been to some shit-shows, have never seen one like this is going to be. This isn't Afghanistan, or Northern Ireland, or Argentina, or Yugoslavia....... this could be way worse than any of them.

Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen.

But I guess we're all gonna keep fucking around and find out.
Yep. AND the bio-weapon concocted by the Chinese is completely insidious for all of the things you mentioned. Because of all the unknown variables, I don't believe they could've come up with a better bio-weapon to use against the US, and against the rest of the world, for that matter. Incredibly evil.
Maybe if we had someone who actually knows how to lead, the situation would be taken care of. But, unfortunately, we don't have a leader worth anything, and he's part of the reason there is so much disinformation out there.

He's lied repeatedly about testing, what works to solve the problem, and whether or not states could reopen themselves.

In the military, we had a solid chain of command, and we knew who was and wasn't responsible for various things. Sorry, but our current government doesn't have that.
I was all freaky-deak when this shit first started: Wearing a military-issue gas mask to Walmart, wearing nitrile gloves, meticulously spraying my car keys with alcohol, wiping down my phone, door and window handles, steering wheel, mail, grocery bags, canned food, etc.

But now that we know more about it, I don't even wear an N95 mask anymore. I do keep a certain amount of social distance, but it's not really what it was cracked up to be by the doom and gloom media.

Most all of the cases in my country involved nursing homes.
I keep social distance by taking vi-agra.

I tried that, but 5" isn't what I'd call "social distancing."

I was all freaky-deak when this shit first started: Wearing a military-issue gas mask to Walmart, wearing nitrile gloves, meticulously spraying my car keys with alcohol, wiping down my phone, door and window handles, steering wheel, mail, grocery bags, canned food, etc.

But now that we know more about it, I don't even wear an N95 mask anymore. I do keep a certain amount of social distance, but it's not really what it was cracked up to be by the doom and gloom media.

Most all of the cases in my country involved nursing homes.
I keep social distance by taking vi-agra.
That pointy boner keeps the people at bay, I would imagine!
Ever seen what a completely failed state looks like?
From the link;
Posted by NC Scout | May 15, 2020 | History, NC Scout | 11 |
Stanleyville, 1964

A visceral, but important short documentary to watch for anyone having ‘not seen the elephant’, as my friend Keypounder puts it. This is not a pleasant watch and it is not posted for entertainment.
Wanna boogaloo? This is what boogaloo looks like. And the sound might have been dubbed here and there, but that was only so the video could actually be released. In case you didn’t know, the same talking points the Communists used then to rally a murderous frenzy they’re using today here in the US.
And yes, the Simbas practiced ritualistic cannibalism. Still do, according to the Ugandans I know."
I was all freaky-deak when this shit first started: Wearing a military-issue gas mask to Walmart, wearing nitrile gloves, meticulously spraying my car keys with alcohol, wiping down my phone, door and window handles, steering wheel, mail, grocery bags, canned food, etc.

But now that we know more about it, I don't even wear an N95 mask anymore. I do keep a certain amount of social distance, but it's not really what it was cracked up to be by the doom and gloom media.

Most all of the cases in my country involved nursing homes.
I keep social distance by taking vi-agra.

I tried that, but 5" isn't what I'd call "social distancing."

Sounds JUST like my "problem"! I like to tell people that yes, I AM hung like a horse. A SEA horse, that is!
The people don't know whether or not the virus will kill them. They don't know how to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The politicians don't know how much authoritarianism they can get away with. The media lies to everyone, about everything, while understanding nothing, about anything. The people don't understand the rights and the power they have. The politicians don't understand how little power they actually possess. The politicians don't understand that the cops can't even protect themselves, let alone them. The cops, (most of them) don't realize how much the people are beginning to hate them. The people who are still working don't know how angry and desperate their neighbors are getting as they slide into 3rd world poverty levels. The big corporations don't seem know how resentful the small business owners who are getting forced out are becoming. Most people don't seem to understand where their food comes from, or how easy that supply is to disrupt. Government officials don't seem to know that threatening to take away people's children because they insist on running their businesses, in spite of the government's orders (that they don't know they have no authority to issue) is both wrong, and dangerous.

Nobody knows what is going to be the result of all this ignorance, but even those of us who have been to some shit-shows, have never seen one like this is going to be. This isn't Afghanistan, or Northern Ireland, or Argentina, or Yugoslavia....... this could be way worse than any of them.

Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen.

But I guess we're all gonna keep fucking around and find out.

You make some good points but can I mention a few things that I do know?

I know that Trump on his worse day is a far better president than any and all of the leftardz who are set to run against him.

I know that dead is dead, whether you died from a pandemic virus or from starvation from a failed economy.

I know that I and my family can not only take care of ourselves, even in really bad times but we can also take care of neighbors and strangers more in the future as we have in the past.

I know that the search for more and better cures is unrelenting.

I know that all of our days are numbered on this insignificant rock floating in space.

I know how to farm, hunt and fish to feed myself and others, if it ever comes to that.

I know that there is nothing of value in letting fear and paranoia dictate anybody's actions, over logic and reason.

I could probably come up with more but, Meh. . .
Fantastic post. Thank you.
The people don't know whether or not the virus will kill them. They don't know how to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The politicians don't know how much authoritarianism they can get away with. The media lies to everyone, about everything, while understanding nothing, about anything. The people don't understand the rights and the power they have. The politicians don't understand how little power they actually possess. The politicians don't understand that the cops can't even protect themselves, let alone them. The cops, (most of them) don't realize how much the people are beginning to hate them. The people who are still working don't know how angry and desperate their neighbors are getting as they slide into 3rd world poverty levels. The big corporations don't seem know how resentful the small business owners who are getting forced out are becoming. Most people don't seem to understand where their food comes from, or how easy that supply is to disrupt. Government officials don't seem to know that threatening to take away people's children because they insist on running their businesses, in spite of the government's orders (that they don't know they have no authority to issue) is both wrong, and dangerous.

Nobody knows what is going to be the result of all this ignorance, but even those of us who have been to some shit-shows, have never seen one like this is going to be. This isn't Afghanistan, or Northern Ireland, or Argentina, or Yugoslavia....... this could be way worse than any of them.

Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen.

But I guess we're all gonna keep fucking around and find out.
Yep. AND the bio-weapon concocted by the Chinese is completely insidious for all of the things you mentioned. Because of all the unknown variables, I don't believe they could've come up with a better bio-weapon to use against the US, and against the rest of the world, for that matter. Incredibly evil.

Chinese are a stupid people, who have little regard for human life. Whether or not there was a biological weapons purpose for the virus is up for debate, and I'm not completely convinced that there wasn't.

Regardless of that, in spite of the Chinese people supposedly being so very well educated and so "advanced", they completely screwed the pooch. They cannot be trusted, no way, no how.

Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads.
The people don't know whether or not the virus will kill them. They don't know how to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The politicians don't know how much authoritarianism they can get away with. The media lies to everyone, about everything, while understanding nothing, about anything. The people don't understand the rights and the power they have. The politicians don't understand how little power they actually possess. The politicians don't understand that the cops can't even protect themselves, let alone them. The cops, (most of them) don't realize how much the people are beginning to hate them. The people who are still working don't know how angry and desperate their neighbors are getting as they slide into 3rd world poverty levels. The big corporations don't seem know how resentful the small business owners who are getting forced out are becoming. Most people don't seem to understand where their food comes from, or how easy that supply is to disrupt. Government officials don't seem to know that threatening to take away people's children because they insist on running their businesses, in spite of the government's orders (that they don't know they have no authority to issue) is both wrong, and dangerous.

Nobody knows what is going to be the result of all this ignorance, but even those of us who have been to some shit-shows, have never seen one like this is going to be. This isn't Afghanistan, or Northern Ireland, or Argentina, or Yugoslavia....... this could be way worse than any of them.

Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen.

But I guess we're all gonna keep fucking around and find out.

You make some good points but can I mention a few things that I do know?

I know that Trump on his worse day is a far better president than any and all of the leftardz who are set to run against him.

I know that dead is dead, whether you died from a pandemic virus or from starvation from a failed economy.

I know that I and my family can not only take care of ourselves, even in really bad times but we can also take care of neighbors and strangers more in the future as we have in the past.

I know that the search for more and better cures is unrelenting.

I know that all of our days are numbered on this insignificant rock floating in space.

I know how to farm, hunt and fish to feed myself and others, if it ever comes to that.

I know that there is nothing of value in letting fear and paranoia dictate anybody's actions, over logic and reason.

I could probably come up with more but, Meh. . .
Cool. Me too.

I just wish everybody would stop exploring the limits of their ignorance.
I was all freaky-deak when this shit first started: Wearing a military-issue gas mask to Walmart, wearing nitrile gloves, meticulously spraying my car keys with alcohol, wiping down my phone, door and window handles, steering wheel, mail, grocery bags, canned food, etc.

But now that we know more about it, I don't even wear an N95 mask anymore. I do keep a certain amount of social distance, but it's not really what it was cracked up to be by the doom and gloom media.

Most all of the cases in my country involved nursing homes.
I keep social distance by taking vi-agra.
That pointy boner keeps the people at bay, I would imagine!
Yep, everyone keeps a wide berth from me while I'm pointy.

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