No wonder you want to impeach Obama...

But Been Gassy! Ebola! Feet on furniture! No flag lapel pin! He's a witch!

It truly is mind boggling how conservatives have turned the country against Obama and the Dems when things are really improving a great deal. Luckily 2016 will not be as kind to the con artists.

Cons did not do it.
The Dems did it to themselves.
Things are not really improving, especially with high food costs and health care premiums going up.
  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
  • A depression averted.
  • A deficit reduced by two thirds.
  • A healthcare law that's working and lowering healthcare cost.
  • Two women on the Supreme Court.
  • Bin Laden is dead.
  • Stock Market at record heights
  • Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.
  • Gas prices are down.

Why are you brutally losing today's elections?

That's easy. Big money has flooded the PACs and Super PACs. Since CItizens United passed there is unlimited spending. (Note: Google Marvin Adelson and Newt Gingrich circa 2012).

Trace that back to the top 10 of Forbes' richest Americans. Seven of them are Republicans. Connecting the dots yet?

The Waltons don't want to have to pay their employees more. It's much easier to just put their people in Congress to stop the minimum wage fight.

A Flood of Late Spending on Midterm Elections, From Murky Sources

Big money is on both sides of the aisle. That doesn't mean anything.
But Been Gassy! Ebola! Feet on furniture! No flag lapel pin! He's a witch!

It truly is mind boggling how conservatives have turned the country against Obama and the Dems when things are really improving a great deal. Luckily 2016 will not be as kind to the con artists.

The only people who are better off are the One Percent.
  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
  • A depression averted.
  • A deficit reduced by two thirds.
  • A healthcare law that's working and lowering healthcare cost.
  • Two women on the Supreme Court.
  • Bin Laden is dead.
  • Stock Market at record heights
  • Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.
  • Gas prices are down.

You forgot to add no vanity wars, like his predecessor.

What? Were you sleeping next to Rip Van Winkle during the Obama Drone Strike Presidency?
Health Care Premiums going up.
Food prices going up
Many have part time jobs.
Still sluggish economy.
Not a very rosy picture after all.
Bin Laden is dead, ISIS turned him in for being a senile old whackoff and an embarrassment.
  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
  • A depression averted.
  • A deficit reduced by two thirds.
  • A healthcare law that's working and lowering healthcare cost.
  • Two women on the Supreme Court.
  • Bin Laden is dead.
  • Stock Market at record heights
  • Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.
  • Gas prices are down.
What a steaming pile. We've had a record low recovery. It wasn't a depression, why don't you claim he avoided a nuclear war while you are at it?

Health insurance has gone up and they are not allowed by order of the White House to tell you how much more next year, until AFTER the ELECTIONS today.

Women have been on the USSC before, welcome to reality. Who wouldn't have ordered Bin Laden's mission? The fallout for not doing it what he likely considered more than anything.

The stock market has nothing to do with the economy of obama. The unemployment numbers are a lie. A gas prices are down in spite of his unfriendly actions.

No wonder leftists support him. Nothing gives them wood like propaganda, lies and smears.

There has yet to be a proven cover-up in Benghazi. If there is one, then the Republicans chasing Obama are totally inept, consider that.
Unemployment? Down almost 5%. Sorry, you should take that one off, too.
Fast & Furious? Still no connection to Obama, because Bush initiated that. Google it.
Obamacare apparently isn't a disaster. Fallen right out of the news because it's working.
What was behind Berghdahl's swap probably has to do with what he knows, rather than who or what he is.
The VA has been a mess for decades, and if you know any vets over 40 years old, you know that is true.
What is the AP?
Bush spent 8 years driving the national debt up, then tossed two wars onto the 2009 books.
Bush started wide receiver, in which they put gps in guns to track drug lords. They started to taking the gps out of them. Bush realized it was a mistake and stopped wide receiver at the end of 2007. Fast and furious was started by Obama, let guns across the border without gps. Hopefully to make a big stank and attack the second amendment, but when it caused the death of innocent civilians. They stopped it, and immediately covered it up.

There has yet to be a proven cover-up in Benghazi. If there is one, then the Republicans chasing Obama are totally inept, consider that.
Unemployment? Down almost 5%. Sorry, you should take that one off, too.
Fast & Furious? Still no connection to Obama, because Bush initiated that. Google it.
Obamacare apparently isn't a disaster. Fallen right out of the news because it's working.
What was behind Berghdahl's swap probably has to do with what he knows, rather than who or what he is.
The VA has been a mess for decades, and if you know any vets over 40 years old, you know that is true.
What is the AP?
Bush spent 8 years driving the national debt up, then tossed two wars onto the 2009 books.

Don't try to confuse them with facts. It gives them a case of the vapors, and they won't believe any of it unless fox tells them it is so.
  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
  • A depression averted.
  • A deficit reduced by two thirds.
  • A healthcare law that's working and lowering healthcare cost.
  • Two women on the Supreme Court.
  • Bin Laden is dead.
  • Stock Market at record heights
  • Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.
  • Gas prices are down.
What a steaming pile. We've had a record low recovery. It wasn't a depression, why don't you claim he avoided a nuclear war while you are at it?

Health insurance has gone up and they are not allowed by order of the White House to tell you how much more next year, until AFTER the ELECTIONS today.

Women have been on the USSC before, welcome to reality. Who wouldn't have ordered Bin Laden's mission? The fallout for not doing it what he likely considered more than anything.

The stock market has nothing to do with the economy of obama. The unemployment numbers are a lie. A gas prices are down in spite of his unfriendly actions.

No wonder leftists support him. Nothing gives them wood like propaganda, lies and smears.

I hear the right wing battle cry every day "THE SKY IS FALLING.....THE SKY IS FALLING"
  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
  • A depression averted.
  • A deficit reduced by two thirds.
  • A healthcare law that's working and lowering healthcare cost.
  • Two women on the Supreme Court.
  • Bin Laden is dead.
  • Stock Market at record heights
  • Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.
  • Gas prices are down.
What a steaming pile. We've had a record low recovery. It wasn't a depression, why don't you claim he avoided a nuclear war while you are at it?

Health insurance has gone up and they are not allowed by order of the White House to tell you how much more next year, until AFTER the ELECTIONS today.

Women have been on the USSC before, welcome to reality. Who wouldn't have ordered Bin Laden's mission? The fallout for not doing it what he likely considered more than anything.

The stock market has nothing to do with the economy of obama. The unemployment numbers are a lie. A gas prices are down in spite of his unfriendly actions.

No wonder leftists support him. Nothing gives them wood like propaganda, lies and smears.
Steaming pile of absolute facts, which is why it makes you so angry.

Hatred of someone based solely on things like skin color and name will always make for a bad argument on your end.

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