Mega Lib Piers Morgan's ten reasons why "bluffing, boring, blame-pointing Obama" deserves to lose


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Here they are. More at the link. He fills out his points from a liberal perspective quite nicely.

I've precised them so I don't make a copyright violation.

1. HE BREAKS HIS PROMISES. Obama said he’d shut down Guantanamo Bay, then didn’t. He said he’d be more transparent, then we found out his NSA was secretly bugging everyone.

He vowed to put a limit on America’s warfare but has continued to wage Drone-led war on numerous fronts.

He looked Newtown families in the eye and said he’d get action on gun control - and failed. He insisted he’d make Washington less cynically divisive but it’s never been worse. Above all, he pledged to restore trust in Government and has achieved the complete opposite.

2. HIS FOREIGN POLICY STINKS...............................

3. HE’S A BLUFFER. Obama made America a laughing stock when he warned Syria’s Assad regime, ‘A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized’ and then blinked when Assad promptly crossed that red line. It’s that kind of spinelessness which emboldened Vladimir Putin to wage imperialistic Russian assaults on Crimea and Ukraine - and ISIS to behead his citizens with impunity. I hate seeing America look weak and I’m not even American.


5. HE CAN’T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT. Obamacare should have been his great legacy.........

6. HE’S BORING.........

7. HE BLAMES REPUBLICANS FOR EVERYTHING. I’m sick and tired of Obama constantly berating his political opponents for his own inaction. I’m no fan of the way GOP leaders have tried to strangle his every policy at birth – often at the expense of America’s national interest - but that’s the nature of modern politics.........

8. HE CAN’T NEGOTIATE. I wouldn’t trust Obama to renegotiate my monthly gardener’s fees. He just doesn’t know how to make a deal.........

9. HE’S DONE NOTHING TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF MINORITIES. Virtually every leading black American I interviewed on my old CNN show believed that the basic living standards of their fellow African-Americans were poorer now than before Obama came to power. Further, they believed that racism is now worse than it was six years ago. Two breath-taking failures on behalf of the very section of population that most helped get him elected.

10. HE PERSISTS IN CALLING US ALL ‘FOLKS’. I don’t why he does this, but I find it incredibly patronising and irritating. I can’t be the only one.

More at link. Worth the read.

Piers Morgan gives ten reasons why Barack Obama deserves a shellacking in the midterm elections Daily Mail Online
The transparency promise is one of the biggest lies of all. Ask White House reporters, they'll tell you it's just the opposite, that the Obama White House is the most secretive of all.
Remind me again why poor Piers lost his spot CNN?

Because of his nightly tirade against guns and the 2nd Amendment. That would play at MSNBC, but got to be a little too much for even the liberals at CNN.

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