New York State Calls For $15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
New York State Calls For 15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers
So now fast-food workers will be getting a double salary in New York. It's probably a good thing in short-term since burger flippers are highly underpaid. But I doubt employers are going to tolerate it for long. It will probably drive automation to increase efficiency and decrease the number of employees. Fast food workers would better search for another job.
New York State Calls For 15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers
So now fast-food workers will be getting a double salary in New York. It's probably a good thing in short-term since burger flippers are highly underpaid. But I doubt employers are going to tolerate it for long. It will probably drive automation to increase efficiency and decrease the number of employees. Fast food workers would better search for another job.

Unrealistic expectations of deluxe compensation for inferior labor will drive fast food providers to automation just as unrealistic union wage demands killed the steel (unions thought it was STEAL) and automotive (unions thought it was AUTOMATIC RAISE) industry in America.

$15.00 minimum wage = $10.00 hamburger. Go for it!

And thank Hillary and the Vermont Vermin for it.
Great news!!! And no this won't cause your hamburger to go up to $10!!! a 3-4 dollar increase just won't do that.

Maybe go up .25 cents but on the otherhand people will have more then enough money to pay for it. People that say otherwise haven't followed the thousands of other minimum wage increases and support the rich man getting it all.
I don't feel sympathy if the PRICES sky high or raise taxes on the people to support all this. they elect people Bloomingidiotberg and the commie De'Blasio

I just wrote about this in another thread about not loving having to pay taxes


Holy smokes, just listening to the news. Places like La and Seattle who raised the mim. wage to 15 buck an hour. Now the people are asking to work LESS hours so they don't LOSE THEIR WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, ETC

we are Freaking doomed as a country. when they made living off the backs of others no BIG DEAL, they now feel they are Entitled to the taxpayers monies and feeling no SHAME about it.

man oh man. and then they wonder WHY we don't want to pay ANYMORE taxes to this government to give out to these blood sucking the life out of us and OUR FAMILES ...... disgusting
Great news!!! And no this won't cause your hamburger to go up to $10!!! a 3-4 dollar increase just won't do that.

Maybe go up .25 cents but on the otherhand people will have more then enough money to pay for it. People that say otherwise haven't followed the thousands of other minimum wage increases and support the rich man getting it all.
The hamburger goes up more when workers are underpaid & trained to rely on government to support them with deficit money. Prices will be reduce as Government deficits are reduced.
I can see that the pro rich supporters are bitching about the rich not turning most of this country into slaves. I honestly feel that the rich should be taxed on their INCOME at least 8% more and without the ability to hide it in other countries.

The rich are destroying this country and you people are too blind to see it. They use our resources like our roads, police, tax polices and favorable business environment, so why the fuck not.

It is nice to see the poor get a little more for their hard work!
Low Fast-Food Worker Wages Alone Come With Annual $10+ Billion Side of Public Assistance Causing Deficit Inflation.
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Who cares about making $15 and hour when rent is $2000 a month?

Certainly helps in paying for it and putting diapers on babies. A person working should be able to do that and more people then you may believe get minimum wage. I've known many people that work at fast food that aren't young and work for 20 years at it and remain around $10/hour. Not everyone is awesome like you....If you believe in god then why do you side with the rich?
Who cares about making $15 and hour when rent is $2000 a month?

Certainly helps in paying for it and putting diapers on babies. A person working should be able to do that and more people then you may believe get minimum wage. I've known many people that work at fast food that aren't young and work for 20 years at it and remain around $10/hour. Not everyone is awesome like you....If you believe in god then why do you side with the rich?

You managed to miss my entire post and lob an angry riposte at something anyone could guess at.
Prices will be reduce as Government deficits are reduced.
How does it figure that a company (not the Gov't.) will reduce prices when they're mandated to nearly double their labor costs?

That money to cover this has to come from somewhere, and it won't be from reducing their profits or dividends to shareholders. The only options will be to cut the number of man-hours worked (through reduced staff, increased automation, etc.), which will have the effect of forcing the remaining staff to work that much harder, or increasing product prices to cover increased labor costs. Possibly a combination of both.
A fast-food job isn't and never has been intended to be the sole means of providing for a family. They are entry-level jobs that allow someone that's just entering the workforce an opportunity to develop skills and obtain experience in order to get a better career-track job in the future. Also, fast-food can potentially provide jobs that retirees - who still want to work - can hold that can supplement, yet won't affect, their retirement income.
Unrealistic expectations of deluxe compensation for inferior labor will drive fast food providers to automation just as unrealistic union wage demands killed the steel (unions thought it was STEAL) and automotive (unions thought it was AUTOMATIC RAISE) industry in America.

$15.00 minimum wage = $10.00 hamburger. Go for it!

And thank Hillary and the Vermont Vermin for it.

1) Again. Until you have a dramatic increase in technology, automation won't advance.

2) In-N-Out Burger's average pay is $13.00, and they have far less than hamburger cost than $10.00.

3) Why do Americans see their pay decrease? GREED.
Dindu nuffins now gonna get paid 15 an hour for fast food

Soooo... college educated people with assoc degree make 15 an hour.... dindu's putting cheese on burger and picking the fries out of fryer when timer goes off now get paid the same!

Now they can afford those rims with the spinners on their scooters.

McDonald's is looking into the same touch screen ordering system WaWa uses.

No need for counter workers.

IMO this $15.00 per hour push is so the Dindu Nuffins can afford the low end of Obama Care.

I'm going to laugh when these liberal leaches freak out when the #1 small size is $15.86!
well it looks like the people living there now lives under dictatorship. and they sit and say nothing.

say goodbye to summer jobs for you teenagers. self serve touch screens will replace them. way to go people who freaking doesn't HAVE A say in your own State Government or WHAT goes on there
New York State Calls For 15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers
So now fast-food workers will be getting a double salary in New York. It's probably a good thing in short-term since burger flippers are highly underpaid. But I doubt employers are going to tolerate it for long. It will probably drive automation to increase efficiency and decrease the number of employees. Fast food workers would better search for another job.

Unrealistic expectations of deluxe compensation for inferior labor will drive fast food providers to automation just as unrealistic union wage demands killed the steel (unions thought it was STEAL) and automotive (unions thought it was AUTOMATIC RAISE) industry in America.

$15.00 minimum wage = $10.00 hamburger. Go for it!

And thank Hillary and the Vermont Vermin for it.

YEP, but you can't get that through these low information voters heads. How many loses their job is the next question. Hey you taxpayers can take care of them
I see a lot of people making $13 $14 bucks an hour applying for burger flipping jobs
well it looks like the people living there now lives under dictatorship. and they sit and say nothing.

say goodbye to summer jobs for you teenagers. self serve touch screens will replace them. way to go people who freaking doesn't HAVE A say in your own State Government or WHAT goes on there
It's already happening in China.


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