Trump wants to eliminate income tax, but replace it with tariffs on imported goods.

From Trump? Nope. He holds the single term record for adding to the deficit at around 8 trillion.

Trump is all about massive leveraged debt. His 1st term and his career demonstrate it.
Congress holds the purse strings. Plus there are dozens of idiotic liberal programs that would save billions if cut immediately. Gutting corrupt agencies would also cut spending. You folks are quite confused as to how this could play out.
Inflation increases started when Biden took office. Not because Biden took office. The inflation was going through the roof before any of Bidens so called "policies" were even passed. Much less implemented.

Inflation takes years to come about. And takes for ever for us to adapt. Inflation never goes down, btw. Wages increase and the economy stabilizes. That's the recovery stage we're in now. And for the next few years, once WE have recovered the economy, things will be pretty good.

As you know, inflation does not take years to develop. In this case, it began the day President Biden was elected due to his wild promises. It is still not under control, and we're in a mess.

Sounds good to me.
The only reason why it sounds good to you is that it was uttered out of the pie hole of your lord and savior. It' s obvious that all that you do is mindlessly echo his ridiculous rantings and that you have absolutely no understanding of economics involved and don’t care that T-rump does not either. You are a pathetic brainwashed cultist
About 20 years

China trade started in a big way when clinton was president
Ok so then the “short run you talk about would be somewhere between 10-20 years, right… hold our breath and jack up consumer prices (increase inflation) for the next 10-20 years so we can stick it to China… that’s your foreign policy?
The only reason why it sounds good to you is that it was uttered out of the pie hole of your lord and savior. It' s obvious that all that you do is mindlessly echo his ridiculous rantings and that you have absolutely no understanding of economics involved and don’t care that T-rump does not either. You are a pathetic brainwashed cultist
Stop with the straw man mind reader act, imbecile. It sounds good to me because I’m a fan of Ron Paul, who said in 2008 he would abolish the IRS if elected. So GFY.
Congress holds the purse strings. Plus there are dozens of idiotic liberal programs that would save billions if cut immediately. Gutting corrupt agencies would also cut spending. You folks are quite confused as to how this could play out.

Trump is an eager, even willing partner is leveraging massive debt. If you're putting your hopes in Trump for massive budget're the only one who is confused.
Ok so then the “short run you talk about would be somewhere between 10-20 years, right… hold our breath and jack up consumer prices (increase inflation) for the next 10-20 years so we can stick it to China… that’s your foreign policy?
you cling to china but I dont

Consumer goods made in Vietnam can be as cheap and as good as made in china
Trade deficit overall is not a zero-sum game. Trade deficit between 2 countries is absolutely not a zero-sum game.

Nor did I ever say it was a 'zero-sum game'. I said simple, that we import more from China than they import from us.

No one actually seems to be disagreeing with me.
It is, perhaps, the reasonable outcome to the near decade of mis-information that the MAGA dolts have been trading in.

For how many years have right wing loons been stating that “only the rich pay income taxes”. And they were right (sort of). The rich pay most of the taxes:


So now, these poor miserable red-state poverty ridden doofuses who don’t pay much in taxes--that is ACCORDING TO THEM--want to change the system to where the income tax (that they aren’t paying) is replaced with a massive new tax on EVERY FUCKING THING THEY BUY that is imported (which is 80% of everything you see at WalMart).

They can’t understand that they are willingly putting their neck on the guillotine.

Such is life in the cult.
You pretend the data out there does not exist. I guess, in your far-left world, it probably does not. There was nothing more I could provide to a closed mind.

Fox News?
More cuteness.
Bless your little heart.
Did you miss the word "credible" in my reply?
Try again cupcake.
you cling to china but I dont

Consumer goods made in Vietnam can be as cheap and as good as made in china
Ok. So let’s say we do that and push inflation and high prices on our people for the next 10-20 years so that manufacturing can move to Vietnam and Mexico. How are we better off at that point?
Ok. So let’s say we do that and push inflation and high prices on our people for the next 10-20 years so that manufacturing can move to Vietnam and Mexico. How are we better off at that point?
Maybe not so much to mexico because china wants to colonize that country
Ok. Take Mexico out… same question
Do you really not see an upside to having more manufacturing in America and friendly countries in Asia at the expense of the chicoms?

It seems pretty obvious to me
It is, perhaps, the reasonable outcome to the near decade of mis-information that the MAGA dolts have been trading in.

For how many years have right wing loons been stating that “only the rich pay income taxes”. And they were right (sort of). The rich pay most of the taxes:

View attachment 964296

So now, these poor miserable red-state poverty ridden doofuses who don’t pay much in taxes--that is ACCORDING TO THEM--want to change the system to where the income tax (that they aren’t paying) is replaced with a massive new tax on EVERY FUCKING THING THEY BUY that is imported (which is 80% of everything you see at WalMart).

They can’t understand that they are willingly putting their neck on the guillotine.

Such is life in the cult.

Also keep in mind that these morons were also the dudes who were (once) singing the praises of the TEA Party.

it, like MAGA is just a fad to them; what they are “for” is disruption. They have no principles.

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