New poll on buyers preferring U.S.A products

Americans Say They Prefer Products Made In USA and Will Pay More For Them. I myself am one of the people who buy U.S.A. products. I understand those who are economically disadvantaged may not have a choice but buy what they can afford. I have been there. All American Made Clothing

We buy American but not exclusively. If we're not buying American then we're buying German. German optics, German firearm components—that sort of thing. I also buy British made fishing gear. The pride we experience when buying American is quite satisfying. However, some American manufacturers these days tend to use foreign components in their finished products. We also hit area Amish markets on a weekly basis. Can't get more American made than that.
We buy American but not exclusively. If we're not buying American then we're buying German. German optics, German firearm components—that sort of thing. I also buy British made fishing gear. The pride we experience when buying American is quite satisfying. However, some American manufacturers these days tend to use foreign components in their finished products. We also hit area Amish markets on a weekly basis. Can't get more American made than that.
I'm lucky enough to live just about 25 miles from a Hutterite colony where I get great food, grown responsibly in soil that is cared for responsibly. I pop a delectable Hutterite chicken in the oven and contemplate why in the hell somebody would eat chicken from overseas, or "grown in USA, processed in China". Also, lots of great beef growers in my area. No reason to eat food from other countries, with the exception of the few things we can't grow in America.
Americans Say They Prefer Products Made In USA and Will Pay More For Them. I myself am one of the people who buy U.S.A. products. I understand those who are economically disadvantaged may not have a choice but buy what they can afford. I have been there. All American Made Clothing

If everyone bought Made In USA, local businesses would boom, wages would go up, more jobs would be created and prices would come down raising the living standard to where we all could afford to buy USA! That was one of Trump's first goals and points!
From OP's link the full survey is available and this was also mentioned:

"Our data collection was consistent with the data collected from the Consumer Reports. Americans consistently prefer "Made in the USA" products over imported products from another country. In her article "Products Made in the USA – Reasons to Buy American-Made Goods"4 Amy Livingston, lists six reasons to buy American Made Products:
1. jobs
2. lower Carbon footprint
3. less pollution
4. human rights
5. health
6. a more robust USA economy."

These 6 incentives (along with additional ones) to buy American covers a lot of territory with respect to answering the question, "Why buy American?" It goes way beyond sentiments of nationalism or creating jobs. The bottom line comes down to it being an important choice to either be a nation that provides for the needs of its citizens or one that relies on other nations to do it.
Are some of trumps "products" not made overseas? If so that's being hypocritical.
Americans Say They Prefer Products Made In USA and Will Pay More For Them. I myself am one of the people who buy U.S.A. products. I understand those who are economically disadvantaged may not have a choice but buy what they can afford. I have been there. All American Made Clothing
Meh. Polls like this are kind of useless, as they involve too much virtue signaling. A bunch of those people who answered in the affirmative have never checked if anything they bought was made in the USA and never will. But they sound virtuous in their answer.

First ask yourself why they didn't all buy American products, when we still had them and they were more expensive.
Americans Say They Prefer Products Made In USA and Will Pay More For Them. I myself am one of the people who buy U.S.A. products. I understand those who are economically disadvantaged may not have a choice but buy what they can afford. I have been there. All American Made Clothing
I buy American as often as is feasible. One thing I have started doing since the democrats took the teeth out of the tariffs is NOT buying Chinese. If it says made in China on it I don't buy it--period, end of story. I will not by anything made in China.
This is from today's Tampa Bay Times.
Basic Fun toy company is leaving one third of its iconic Tonka Mighty Dump Trucks destined for the US in China. ...
Surging prices for shipping containers and clogs in the supply network ... etc ... is now 40% of the retail price.

If that is a wave of the future, it will be cheaper to manufacture some things in the US.
I buy American when I can but when you go to buy a lot of stuff, electronics especially, you don't have many American made choices.
Here ya go Otis...not sure but there might be a few you're not familiar. There are other lists but this one by seems pretty inclusive and focuses on electronics.

Well if you want some trans fat Oreos or a fifth generation stealth fighter the USA is the place for you. Anything in between? Good luck.

Edit...Oreos are made in Mexico.
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This is from today's Tampa Bay Times.
Basic Fun toy company is leaving one third of its iconic Tonka Mighty Dump Trucks destined for the US in China. ...
Surging prices for shipping containers and clogs in the supply network ... etc ... is now 40% of the retail price.

If that is a wave of the future, it will be cheaper to manufacture some things in the US.
If you compare the percentages of global manufacturing from 2019 to 2021, you will see a decline in China while other countries increased production including the US, Japan, Germany, and others. May this trend continue. No one benefits when there’s only one lion in full control of the den.
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Well if you want some trans fat Oreos or a fifth generation stealth fighter the USA is the place for you. Anything in between? Good luck.

Edit...Oreos are made in Mexico.
That’s improving but I get your point. I back limited government but at this point of the game that’s a mute point. The US government needs to stop rewarding mega-corporations with tax breaks if it’s unwilling to do the same for small business start-ups. Consumerism benefits from multi-players not mega-corp controlling all.

I’m thinking you won’t like this proposal, but I support propping up Mexico (first off, they are way too close geographically to discount, plus helping Mexico-IF done right which hasn’t happened, helps the US) and upping trade incentives with Canada and increasing imports from US territories.

US policy has screwed up Puerto Rico a couple of times over in tax policy. There is a lot that can be done with increasing manufactured imports from the island.

Weaning itself off China dependency should be one of the top US 10 goals until successful. Right up there with border control, homelessness, and similar growing spectacles of inhumanity.
If everyone bought Made In USA, local businesses would boom, wages would go up, more jobs would be created and prices would come down raising the living standard to where we all could afford to buy USA! That was one of Trump's first goals and points!
Tobfreak, USA's chronic great annual trade deficits are net detrimental to our GDP; they're particularly detrimental to our numbers of jobs.
I'm the proponents of the proposed unilateral policy of Import Certificates for USA's international trade.
(Refer to Import certificates - Wikipedia ).
Respectfully, Supposn

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