'Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste' 2.0" LPSD Plan To Use COVID-19 Pandemic For Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats (LPSDs) plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine Democracy by engineering new and engaging in voter fraud...according to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

"After failing with their first left-wing laundry list disguised as coronavirus relief, Democratic leaders are already plotting their next attempt to use the pandemic for political gain.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former Vice President Joe Biden say we must throw election integrity to the wayside in favor of an all-mail election, fundamentally changing how Americans vote in eight months. The overhaul would vastly expand opportunities for fraud and weaken confidence in our elections, but all Washington Democrats see is a potential benefit for their party.

Pelosi says she needs $4 billion, at the height of the pandemic, to "really '
democratize' our whole system.” Pardon those of us who thought we already had democratic elections."


Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats (LPSDs) plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine Democracy by engineering new and engaging in voter fraud...according to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

"After failing with their first left-wing laundry list disguised as coronavirus relief, Democratic leaders are already plotting their next attempt to use the pandemic for political gain.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former Vice President Joe Biden say we must throw election integrity to the wayside in favor of an all-mail election, fundamentally changing how Americans vote in eight months. The overhaul would vastly expand opportunities for fraud and weaken confidence in our elections, but all Washington Democrats see is a potential benefit for their party.

Pelosi says she needs $4 billion, at the height of the pandemic, to "really '
democratize' our whole system.” Pardon those of us who thought we already had democratic elections."


How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?
Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats (LPSDs) plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine Democracy by engineering new and engaging in voter fraud...according to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

"After failing with their first left-wing laundry list disguised as coronavirus relief, Democratic leaders are already plotting their next attempt to use the pandemic for political gain.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former Vice President Joe Biden say we must throw election integrity to the wayside in favor of an all-mail election, fundamentally changing how Americans vote in eight months. The overhaul would vastly expand opportunities for fraud and weaken confidence in our elections, but all Washington Democrats see is a potential benefit for their party.

Pelosi says she needs $4 billion, at the height of the pandemic, to "really '
democratize' our whole system.” Pardon those of us who thought we already had democratic elections."


How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?
How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?

I suggest you read the article or ask RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel herself since SHE is the one making the statement.
Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats (LPSDs) plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine Democracy by engineering new and engaging in voter fraud...according to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

"After failing with their first left-wing laundry list disguised as coronavirus relief, Democratic leaders are already plotting their next attempt to use the pandemic for political gain.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former Vice President Joe Biden say we must throw election integrity to the wayside in favor of an all-mail election, fundamentally changing how Americans vote in eight months. The overhaul would vastly expand opportunities for fraud and weaken confidence in our elections, but all Washington Democrats see is a potential benefit for their party.

Pelosi says she needs $4 billion, at the height of the pandemic, to "really '
democratize' our whole system.” Pardon those of us who thought we already had democratic elections."


How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?
For the primary! Not the general election.
How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?

I suggest you read the article or ask RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel herself since SHE is the one making the statement.
You are the one making statements on this board. You said that Democrats use COVID 19 as an excuse to commit voter fraud.

Anyway, I read the article. A few things. She's making some pretty big leaps without trying to prove any of them. I know of one instance of voter fraud by mail. It was done by a Republican incumbent. She alludes to other possible ways to commit fraud. The thing is she has no examples of it actually happening.

In 2016 33 million votes where cast by mail. No fraud was detected.

As to election integrity, it's the GOP that's been actively blocking legislation to ensure it. You have a president who has gone on camera and flat out said he will take whatever help he can get, regardless of its source and has actively used his position to try to get dirt on his political opponent by blackmailing an ally. So I find it laughable to now when it comes to ensuring that people will be able to cast their vote in a time of medical emergency all of sudden election integrity is so important that people's lives should not be a consideration.

By the way, election fraud is a felony. Of all things to be put in jail that seems the dumbest. So fearing all of a sudden that enough people will engage in it to have a meaningful impact on the election is disingenuous

This thing has one purpose and one purpose only. To lower voter turnout. I would assert that if your goal in an election process is having as few people possible actually participating in the election process a free and fair election is very far from your mind.
Don't let Pelosi do to America what she did to California....the voting system in California is so corrupt that it would make Saddam Hussein roll over in his grave with envy.....
How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?

I suggest you read the article or ask RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel herself since SHE is the one making the statement.
You are the one making statements on this board. You said that Democrats use COVID 19 as an excuse to commit voter fraud.

Anyway, I read the article. A few things. She's making some pretty big leaps without trying to prove any of them. I know of one instance of voter fraud by mail. It was done by a Republican incumbent. She alludes to other possible ways to commit fraud. The thing is she has no examples of it actually happening.

In 2016 33 million votes where cast by mail. No fraud was detected.

As to election integrity, it's the GOP that's been actively blocking legislation to ensure it. You have a president who has gone on camera and flat out said he will take whatever help he can get, regardless of its source and has actively used his position to try to get dirt on his political opponent by blackmailing an ally. So I find it laughable to now when it comes to ensuring that people will be able to cast their vote in a time of medical emergency all of sudden election integrity is so important that people's lives should not be a consideration.

By the way, election fraud is a felony. Of all things to be put in jail that seems the dumbest. So fearing all of a sudden that enough people will engage in it to have a meaningful impact on the election is disingenuous

This thing has one purpose and one purpose only. To lower voter turnout. I would assert that if your goal in an election process is having as few people possible actually participating in the election process a free and fair election is very far from your mind.

In 2016 33 million votes where cast by mail. No fraud was detected.

What were the detection and processes used to insure no fraud was committed? Who conducted the detection? Was the detection process conducted internally or by third parties? Was there a detection process during the election, post-election, or both?

Just saying fraud detection took place in 33 million mail ballots with no positive results is not sufficient; or, more than likely, the detection process was weak. A mail-in ballot has a lot of attributes or metadata that can and should be indexed real time and analyzed retrospectively. I for one would take a critical eye to that process.
Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats (LPSDs) plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine Democracy by engineering new and engaging in voter fraud...according to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

"After failing with their first left-wing laundry list disguised as coronavirus relief, Democratic leaders are already plotting their next attempt to use the pandemic for political gain.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former Vice President Joe Biden say we must throw election integrity to the wayside in favor of an all-mail election, fundamentally changing how Americans vote in eight months. The overhaul would vastly expand opportunities for fraud and weaken confidence in our elections, but all Washington Democrats see is a potential benefit for their party.

Pelosi says she needs $4 billion, at the height of the pandemic, to "really '
democratize' our whole system.” Pardon those of us who thought we already had democratic elections."


Only way Goppers can win an election is to cry wolf when it comes to voting. If they get their way, voting will always be associated with rigging only to their benefit. When everyone has an easy, or better way to cast their vote, the GOP cringes.
How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?

I suggest you read the article or ask RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel herself since SHE is the one making the statement.
You are the one making statements on this board. You said that Democrats use COVID 19 as an excuse to commit voter fraud.

Anyway, I read the article. A few things. She's making some pretty big leaps without trying to prove any of them. I know of one instance of voter fraud by mail. It was done by a Republican incumbent. She alludes to other possible ways to commit fraud. The thing is she has no examples of it actually happening.

In 2016 33 million votes where cast by mail. No fraud was detected.

As to election integrity, it's the GOP that's been actively blocking legislation to ensure it. You have a president who has gone on camera and flat out said he will take whatever help he can get, regardless of its source and has actively used his position to try to get dirt on his political opponent by blackmailing an ally. So I find it laughable to now when it comes to ensuring that people will be able to cast their vote in a time of medical emergency all of sudden election integrity is so important that people's lives should not be a consideration.

By the way, election fraud is a felony. Of all things to be put in jail that seems the dumbest. So fearing all of a sudden that enough people will engage in it to have a meaningful impact on the election is disingenuous

This thing has one purpose and one purpose only. To lower voter turnout. I would assert that if your goal in an election process is having as few people possible actually participating in the election process a free and fair election is very far from your mind.

In 2016 33 million votes where cast by mail. No fraud was detected.

What were the detection and processes used to insure no fraud was committed? Who conducted the detection? Was the detection process conducted internally or by third parties? Was there a detection process during the election, post-election, or both?

Just saying fraud detection took place in 33 million mail ballots with no positive results is not sufficient; or, more than likely, the detection process was weak. A mail-in ballot has a lot of attributes or metadata that can and should be indexed real time and analyzed retrospectively. I for one would take a critical eye to that process.
There was an entire commission established by president Trump with the purpose of finding cases of voter fraud. So to your questions. I don't know, but I do know the people investigating it had a vested POLITICAL interest in finding it. A single case would have been a boon to Trump and yet none was found.
Only way Goppers can win an election is to cry wolf when it comes to voting.

That isn't what happened in 2016....when the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats screwed their members by rigging their primaries, protecting a criminal, and eventually GIVING Hillary what she could not win on her own - the nomination, and ran a criminal candidate who was supposed to win in a 'landslide' because it was 'her turn'. Americans rejected the party-1st power-hungry criminal organization that was / is the DNC.

24% of the country votes by mail. 33 million votes in 2016. 3 states vote entirely by mail with California trying to be the 4th.

Every state must allow no excuse Vote by Mail.
24% of the country votes by mail. 33 million votes in 2016. 3 states vote entirely by mail with California trying to be the 4th. Every state must allow no excuse Vote by Mail.

This shows the importance of not only Voter REGISTRATON but also voter VERIFICATION prior to voting and a system to keep track of a registered voter's votes (only 1 mail-in ballot/vote per)
How is voting by mail, something that has been a possibility for over 20 years voter fraud? Trump has asked for an absentee ballot for Florida. So how do you make that leap?

As to fraud itself. What instance do you know of that involved fraudulent by mail voting?

I suggest you read the article or ask RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel herself since SHE is the one making the statement.
The RNC chairwoman is making a nonsensical argument. One which would argue against absentee ballots in their entirety of taken to a logical end.
You have to love the stupid fucks who claim there is no voter fraud. No ID to vote, but you have to be 21 to vape?

Dimm Logic stupid fucks.
24% of the country votes by mail. 33 million votes in 2016. 3 states vote entirely by mail with California trying to be the 4th. Every state must allow no excuse Vote by Mail.

This shows the importance of not only Voter REGISTRATON but also voter VERIFICATION prior to voting and a system to keep track of a registered voter's votes (only 1 mail-in ballot/vote per)

You want to try that again in English?
DPO Chair Slams RNC, Corrects the Record On Vote By Mail

“In Oregon, we’ve been voting by mail successfully for more than two decades — it’s increased accessibility, it’s given more Oregonians the ability to participate in our democracy, and it’s a safe, commonsense way to conduct an election, especially under these circumstances. The strength and success of our vote-by-mail system shows exactly why the Republican attacks on mail voting are so dishonest and such a transparent attempt to stop more Americans from exercising their constitutional right. The GOP is leveling these dishonest claims for one reason: Trump’s record has hurt hardworking Americans, and they know when more people vote, Democrats win.”​

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