R.I.P. "Never-Trump" movement, 2015-2024

What works in the rest of the world is the rest of the world aren't places people want to go.

Again, if you want to end illegal immigration, you go after the people who are hiring them to start with.

That would end it.

We won't, because that would upset too many business interests who really WANT exploitable labor.

A fence that can be defeated by a $300 ladder or a $79.00 Sawzall isn't a very good investment. Half of the undocumented immigrants never came here over a fence. They came here legally on student, work, or tourist visas that they overstayed.
The federal government giving them free room and board with loaded debit cards is HIRING THEM to displace the People of the country.
It is hilarious that you still believe that hte only reason people come to the US is for jobs. You don’t think pregnant women days before their due dates don’t cross our border to have baby for free in an American hospital that will then be an American citizen, meaning they qualify for all sorts of federal and local aid? You don’t think they come because sanctuary cities are offering them, food, money and housing? You don’t get that our standard of living, even for those illegals that are not working, is significantly better than where many have come. You don’t think they are aware that Democrats are hell bent on providing them amnesty at the least and even potential citizenship for political reasons? There are plenty of incentives other than jobs for people to illegally cross our border.

No, I don't think that there hoards of pregnant women popping across the border. They could legally do that on a tourist Visa and travel a lot more comfortably.

The pittance they get in housing or other benefits isn't worth the expense of paying Coyotes to get here.

And frankly, I'm all for them becoming citizens if it offsets the votes of stupid white people.

You still don’t get it. A wall is a significant slow down. For starters, carrying a large extension ladder from their homeland to the wall would be just a tad inconvenient. Maybe you have never carried a large one before. Secondly, cameras would see them attempting to climb the wall, providing ample time for a nearby border patrol agent in a helicopter to get there. You have fallen for false rhetoric regarding a wall. The idea that it is antiquated and isn’t is a left-wing talking point not based in reality. It would not be 100%, but would be far better than the nothing we have now.

Again, here's the problem with your position.

There are only 19,000 Border Patrol agents.

The Mexican border is 2000 miles. So that's 9.5 agents for every mile. They can't be everywhere. True, cameras might help, but the immigrants have apps they can network.

Not to mention- Agents can be bribed.

“ILLEGAL immigrants are bad for the economy”. Fixed it for you.

No, they aren't. They help the economy.

I don’t believe a Mexican illegal is likely to commit a terrorist act in the US. I am also not so naive to know that an Islamic terrorist could just as easily walk across our Southern border and many likely have. Statistically speaking, out of 8-10 million to crossing the border, 1000 terrorists would be a small number. They will eventually do something and I am sure that Democrats will blame Republicans for the acts, especially if Trump is President. Nobody and I mean nobody, can possibly believe that it is not a security issue to allow people to walk across our border without us knowing anything about them or that they are even here. That is just plain stupid.

Well, frankly, Trump owns everything bad that's going to happen, and he's too incompetent to prevent it. You knew this going in, you didn't care.

But here's the thing. We've heard you guys crying wolf about Terrorists on the Southern Border since 2001. And yet in all that time, not ONE terrorist in this country got in through the southern border. They've all either entered legally or they are American citizens who have been radicalized on line.
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The only people who get those are the ones who have legitimate claims to asylum.

It would be nice if Trump and Human Reptile Miller hadn't dismantled the asylum system.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES belong in an asylum.
Yawn, guy, here's the problem. Immigration is inevitable. White people losing majority status is inevitable.

Deal with it.
There's nothing wrong with LEGAL immigration.
Opening the border and inviting an invasion of ILLEGAL ALIENS is the exact opposite of that.
Your self loathing is cute.
You voted for an adjudicated rapist. You don't get to complain about rape.

As for murders, most murders are committed by Americans who never should have been allowed to own a gun but did.
An adjudicated rapist by a corrupt court means nothing. And in America most murders should be committed by Americans. We do not need to import them.
No, I don't think that there hoards of pregnant women popping across the border. They could legally do that on a tourist Visa and travel a lot more comfortably.

The pittance they get in housing or other benefits isn't worth the expense of paying Coyotes to get here.

And frankly, I'm all for them becoming citizens if it offsets the votes of stupid white people.

But you are ok with them traveling here to have babies that we have to pay for?

You are the "stupid white people". You are just too thick headed to realize it.

No, they aren't. They help the economy.

No, illegals do not help the economy. That's your stupid talking again.

Well, frankly, Trump owns everything bad that's going to happen, and he's too incompetent to prevent it. You knew this going in, you didn't care.

No, Biden owns the border.

And yet in all that time, not ONE terrorist in this country got in through the southern border.

Why wouldn't they come in that way? Why document yourself on a flight when you can just walk across the border?

They aren't as dumb as you.
There's nothing wrong with LEGAL immigration.
Opening the border and inviting an invasion of ILLEGAL ALIENS is the exact opposite of that.
Your self loathing is cute.

I agree, all the businesses who are inviting these people in should be dealt with. But they won't. This is America, we never hold rich people accountable.

Seems your beef is misdirected

An adjudicated rapist by a corrupt court means nothing. And in America most murders should be committed by Americans. We do not need to import them.

Trump had ample opportunities to offer an affirmative defense.

He didn't.
I agree, all the businesses who are inviting these people in should be dealt with. But they won't. This is America, we never hold rich people accountable.

Seems your beef is misdirected

Trump had ample opportunities to offer an affirmative defense.

He didn't.
What have you been trying to do to Trump? He is not rich? You are talking out of your ass.
But you are ok with them traveling here to have babies that we have to pay for?

I'm okay with the constitution, which says anyone born here is a US Citizen. Period. Full stop.

If you don't like it, amend the Constitution.

You are the "stupid white people". You are just too thick headed to realize it.

Naw, a stupid white person is one who keeps voting for the interest of millionaires, even though they are nowhere near that bracket.

No, illegals do not help the economy. That's your stupid talking again.

Sure they do, in that we get the value of their labor. This is what you guys don't seem to get. They do the jobs Americans just plain old don't want to do. Now, there is a simple enough fix. Strictly enforce workplace eligibility, but that would mean going after the monied interests that keep hiring them.

No, Biden owns the border.

Sorry, after January 21st, Biden doesn't own anything.

Why wouldn't they come in that way? Why document yourself on a flight when you can just walk across the border?

They aren't as dumb as you.

Well, apparently they are dumb (even dumber than you) because none of them have ever done it.

Taking aside Muslim-Americans who are radicalized online, most terrorists who have entered this country did so legally, mostly because we are too keen to kiss the asses so petro-states.

Here's a major part of the problem. When you come here without documents, that usually means you don't have the ability to access resources. For instance, the 9/11 hijackers had a lot of money coming in to buy accommodations, pay for flight training, etc.
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