Netanyahu wins a record 5th term as prime minister

We have to remember that the Israeli electoral system is different from America's. He has 42 days to form a coalition gov't. If, Gd forbid, he fails to do that, then his opposition will be given the opportunity to do so.
He is lining up with some of the most extremist snd racist parties to do so. I think it is god forbid if he forms thst coalition.

Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.
I miss 'ole Arafat. He took his Palestinians from the toilet to the sewer, got them massacred over & over again by their own Arab brothers, embezzled their money, died of AIDS & left them in ignorance & poverty with no hope for a Palestinian State.
:thup: :113:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 8h ago

Trump flags being waived at the Bibi's VICTORY celebration last night!

We have to remember that the Israeli electoral system is different from America's. He has 42 days to form a coalition gov't. If, Gd forbid, he fails to do that, then his opposition will be given the opportunity to do so.
He is lining up with some of the most extremist snd racist parties to do so. I think it is god forbid if he forms thst coalition.

Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.
We have to remember that the Israeli electoral system is different from America's. He has 42 days to form a coalition gov't. If, Gd forbid, he fails to do that, then his opposition will be given the opportunity to do so.
He is lining up with some of the most extremist snd racist parties to do so. I think it is god forbid if he forms thst coalition.

Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
Last edited:
We have to remember that the Israeli electoral system is different from America's. He has 42 days to form a coalition gov't. If, Gd forbid, he fails to do that, then his opposition will be given the opportunity to do so.
He is lining up with some of the most extremist snd racist parties to do so. I think it is god forbid if he forms thst coalition.

Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?
With the Likud party having won an impressive 35 Knesset seats in Tuesday’s elections, it seems likely that Benjamin Netanyahu will be asked to form the next Israeli government, giving him a fifth term as prime minister. To Shmuel Rosner, the reasons for his continued success are straightforward:

[Netanyahu] seems to have succeeded again this time for the same reason he has dominated Israeli politics for most of the past 25 years: because when it comes to Israel’s national security, he is a leader with strategy and vision. And that is what many voters want.

In the mid-1990s, during his first term as prime minister, Netanyahu rejected the assumptions underlying the peace process with the Palestinians. At the time this was considered daringly right wing. Today, it is considered common sense in Israel, including by Netanyahu’s political rivals. Likewise, Netanyahu was one of the first politicians to recognize Iran as the main threat to Israel’s survival, and fought fiercely in international forums to get the world’s attention to this problem. Today, this view is also widely appreciated across the Israeli political spectrum.

The list goes on: in 2005, he warned that withdrawing Israeli troops from Gaza would end in disaster—and it did. He successfully resisted eight years of the Obama administration’s pressure to offer concessions to the Palestinians. He quickly forged an alliance with President Trump that has already proved to be of great benefit to Israel. . .

Benjamin Netanyahu Wins Elections because—to Most Israelis—He’s Right about What Matters
Three main permutations are possible:

1. A narrow right-wing government led by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud together with other parties from the right and center.

2. A broader coalition government, also led by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, this time together with the center-left Blue and White party, or elements of the latter party.

3. A final, unlikely, possibility arises if a recount helps the New Right party to cross the electoral threshold. In this circumstance, the Likud could invite the New Right to bolster its right-wing coalition. The end result would be a coalition very similar to Israel’s last government.

Not one of these coalitions, even the most stridently right-wing, could fairly be described as any more extreme than Israel’s previous governments.

And all this is before considering that it’s not absolutely 100% certain which party will lead the coalition. Although Likud clearly is best positioned, there remains an outside chance that Blue and White could take the reins. It’s also worth noting that the possibility of a coalition of the two main parties would then leave some of the more right-wing or orthodox religious parties on the outside, thereby actually creating a more moderate government than the last one.

In the eyes of the Huffington Post editors, however, all of this seemed to be of secondary importance compared to the opportunity of running a hsyterical, fear-mongering, shameful headline.

(full article online)

HuffPo's Hysterical Headline: 'Israel Votes Extreme' | HonestReporting
But the people have spoken. And you need to respect what the people have said, and not paint us and our Prime Minister as racists, especially from your ivory towers in America.

We are the furthest thing from racists.

You see, the Israeli electorate has shifted more to the right over the years. And you can thanks palestinian intransigence and terrorism – which has backfired on them spectacularly – for this. And not mythical institutionalized Israeli or Jewish racism.

Most of us want peace. But not at the cost of us being dead.

Dear World, You Need To Accept That Israel Is More Right-Leaning And Why This is The Case
We have to remember that the Israeli electoral system is different from America's. He has 42 days to form a coalition gov't. If, Gd forbid, he fails to do that, then his opposition will be given the opportunity to do so.
He is lining up with some of the most extremist snd racist parties to do so. I think it is god forbid if he forms thst coalition.

Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Last edited:
He is lining up with some of the most extremist snd racist parties to do so. I think it is god forbid if he forms thst coalition.

Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Oh brother. It is exactly what I was saying before but as usual you distort it . Not worth discussion. As usual, you will defend anything.
Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Oh brother. It is exactly what I was saying before but as usual you distort it . Not worth discussion. As usual, you will defend anything.

And let me claim everything done or called for by Kahane was done or called for by Rabin. But you refuse to provide examples or links.
Last edited:
And let me claim everything done or called for by Kahane was donrme or cakked for by Rabin. But you refuse to provide examples or links.

Up to now, Kach (and various offshoots) has been shunned. Because... moderate. Apparently, Netanyahu broke / breaks with that tradition. The reason is, quite obviously, that Kach won over Likud. How Bibi won was as instructive as the last time when he trashed the two state solution just before the election to go fishing for votes on the ultra-right. This time he promised to annex the West Bank, at least vast parts of it. Kahane would be as giddy as are the Right-wingers on this thread. The commonalities appear to be extensive.
Rabin denied the Torah, but like Achav he was a soldier who defended the country since his youth. He was a beloved leader for many and they thronged to attend his funeral.

Harav Meir was a talmid chacham (Torah scholar) and a great leader and role model for many people. He brought the plight of the Jews in the Soviet Union from page 54 of the newspaper to page 1, which eventually opened the gates of freedom to all Jews who wished to leave. There were close to two hundred thousand people at his funeral, representing radically different outlooks but all with total respect for this martyr.

Hashem tells Avraham that Sarah is correct in her assessment of the two sons of Avraham, and that Yishmael must be sent away.
Meir preached and pleaded that the people of Israel should see the future, and take steps to prevent the tragedies we are witnessing today; while

Rabin wanted to give them half of Eretz Yisrael, despite the words of our mother, Sarah: "For the son of this maidservant will not inherit with my son, with Yitzchak”. History has played out in the manner told by G-d to Avraham, to abide by the wishes of Sarah.

May the souls of both these men be united with all of the living souls in Olam Haba.

Great eulogies: PM Yitschak Rabin and  Rabbi Meir Kahane
Benny Gantz, Chair of Blue and White, spoke on Friday with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, congratulating him on his victory in Tuesday's elections.

Though initial results showed the Blue and White Likud parties tied with 35 seats each, later results gave Likud an extra seat.

In his phone conversation with Netanyahu, Gantz said, "With all votes now counted and the final results in, I would like to congratulate you on your achievement in the elections."

"We will continue serving the country's citizens. I wish you, your family, and all the people of Israel a happy holiday."

Thanking Gantz, Netanyahu said, "Thank you, I wish you a happy holiday. We will return Israel to a state of calm, each of us from his position. Shabbat Shalom."

Arutz 7
Several Arab states and other Middle East actors doubtlessly breathed a sigh of relief this week when the outcome of Israel’s national elections became clear.

A casual observer may have assumed Arab leaders would have preferred Blue and White leader Benny Gantz to prevail at the polls, as Gantz is perceived as more dovish and perhaps more likely to advance peace talks with the Palestinians.

But the truth is Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Gulf nations all have close ties with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. For them the Palestinian issue is low on the agenda, while any change of leadership in Israel would mean uncertainty and ambiguity, and potential instability for the regional status quo.

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And there’s another player that, however surprisingly, is rather satisfied with the election results: Hamas.

(full article online)

For Hamas, Netanyahu’s reelection offers prospects of long-term deal
Mentioning G-d when trying to demonize religious people is Left's favorite insult.
Rabin and Arafat were more extreme than anyone on the right today, and both received a Nobel prize.

That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Oh brother. It is exactly what I was saying before but as usual you distort it . Not worth discussion. As usual, you will defend anything.

Initially You vaguely referred that Netanyahu's govt had extreme and racist parties,
proceeding with a false analogy between all religious parties and one that doesn't exist,
then You went to one, that actually never made any propositions in the Knesset like Rabbi Kahane HY"D.

But when I suggest discussing actual policies of the current govt, You refuse.
Therefore I'm merely pointing to the false assumption behind the whole accusation.
Last edited:
That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Oh brother. It is exactly what I was saying before but as usual you distort it . Not worth discussion. As usual, you will defend anything.

And let me claim everything done or called for by Kahane was done or called for by Rabin. But you refuse to provide examples or links.
I didn't refuse anything - until now all You have done is cover Your bias with piles of ridiculous logical fallacies, accusations and loaded questions. Now that the question is presented in a bearable manner, it can be addressed:

Yes what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin was 100% correct.
The bitter irony is that most of the evils attached to the war of 1948, 1956, 1967 were done directly by the Nobel Peace prize winners along with Arafat. Later example is In 1992, Rabin as Def. Minister and PM called the Association for Civil Rights an "association for Hamas rights", and in a single night, without too many talks or fuss expelled 415 Hamas terrorists to Lebanon.

Like a true peace doves, his Labor party have always suggested transfer.
In discussions I had with most of left leaning Israelis, they are themselves who mention it was their mistake the didn't complete the 'population exchange', as it was done on several continents simultaneously at the time.
Even the most respectful and intelligent on team Israel have mentioned something of this nature, I won't mention names, but those who are sincere will admit, while my position was always against the majority here, that it would be a tragedy for Israel and totally unnecessary, especially given the facts on the ground, favoring a strong natural Jewish majority in a short time frame.

That's why I can disagree with Rabbi Kahane HY"D points on a totally rational and specific solid basis, without causing injustice to a man to who's name are written the names of more than a million Soviet Jews.
Based on comparison with "Peace" ideology, and as You will see further with the policies of the left and the popular "solutions" that were always the PC lexicon, I just cannot agree with the notion that what he said or done was in anyway more extreme than those who were given the Nobel prize.

As for his assimilation policy, don't expect anyone honest who comes from a house with a Jewish grandma on the couch, that this wasn't the central issue repeated over and over in most homes, and even among the most assimilated communities. If You expect that Jewish law allows sexual relations or marriage with non-Jews then You're rightfully disappointed. But then again none of what he or the law suggested was different from the practices and concerns of all the local minorities that have a cultural ban on intermarriage.
Certainly not as extreme as a bunch of Stalinists castrating Arab men and leaving them on some side road, for messing with Jewish girls. That's the legacy of the peace doves.

And on the other hand, not to compare of course, but what do You think does the Jewish Agency?
If I'm not mistaken the last time I checked, it was led by another leftist politician warning the Jews in diaspora about the dangers of intermarriage, all done openly, a whole agency for that, millions invested, all for the same cause, headed by the same people from the left and specifically old Labor.
Under whom was the country set so that Jews could marry only Jews? Rabbi Kahane HY"D?

The term "resident strangers" was already dealt in detail in our prior exchange, it is incorrect and taken from a different source other than the original definition. But again if the PC solution always dealt with removal of Jews from territories and banning them from more than 77% of the territory as a given, then in no way can I accept that what he said was extreme compared to what the peace camp ever sold.

All this might be not pleasant or nice, but honest, and so was always the PC lexicon, only without the honesty.
With all that said, in spite of all critique of democracy and provocative manner, people usually go over the part where Rabbi Kahane recognized the necessity of democracy as a framework for Israel because of the will of the majority. And even Alan Dershowitz, another figure famously a member of the Harvard and Co peace camp and social justice warrior, while disagreeing was the first to suggest represent him in front of the Israeli High Court, because he knew exactly who were the praised "moderates" on the Arab side, and whom the left allowed (and still does) to sit in the Knesset for all these years.

Therefore again, what PM Netanyahu said regarding Rabin was 100% correct.
As an Israeli, I've learned to prefer leaders who do not fit shiny medal prizes of detached bourgeoisie.
That is frankly pretty funny. First, you do not own God. Let’s be clear about that. Second, I find it pretty hilarious that Rabin, a man seeking peace, who was murdered by one of your non-extremists for doing considered more extreme than anyone on the right.

And you seem to think this is about demonizing religious people?

Here are some examples of those who’s heirs exist in current parties or are current parties Netanyahu is hoping to form a coalition do not consider extreme apparently...God help us..

Meier Kahaner
Meir Kahane - Wikipedia

Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides.[6] Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with limited rights,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While he was serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, do away with Israel's bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

In the 1984 legislative elections, Kahane's Kach party received 25,907 votes, enough to give the party one seat in the Knesset, which was taken by Kahane. He refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalmsto indicate that national laws were overruled by the Torah if they conflict. Kahane's legislative proposals focused on Jewish education, an open economy, transferring the Arab population out of the Land of Israel, revoking Israeli citizenship from non-Jews, and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations. It was based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.

Terrorists: Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists
Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.

“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”

AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”

Yet Rabin is the extremist.

Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Oh brother. It is exactly what I was saying before but as usual you distort it . Not worth discussion. As usual, you will defend anything.

Initially You vaguely referred that Netanyahu's govt had extreme and racist parties,
proceeding with a false analogy between all religious parties and one that doesn't exist,
then You went to one, that actually never made any propositions in the Knesset like Rabbi Kahane HY"D.

But when I suggest discussing actual policies of the current govt, You refuse.
Therefore I'm merely pointing to the false assumption behind the whole accusation.

I said he was planning on forming a coalition with parties known for extreme and racist views. Those parties have been mostly marginalized. That is not only my opinion but that of many other Israelis apparently. You are a rightest. I doubt it would bother you.

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