Hamas Must Be Destroyed Before Any Peace Talks Take Place.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
  • Do Ireland, Norway and Spain not see how appeasing terrorists anywhere only emboldens the militants in Europe? Last month, in Germany, more than 1,000 demonstrators took to the streets demanding that Germany become a Caliphate with sharia law.
  • Is [Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez] ready to grant the Catalans in Spain, who for years have been fighting for their independence, a State of Catalonia?
  • In Ireland, even at its most violent, there were never calls to take over Scotland, England and Wales to displace the British.
  • The capitulation of Ireland, Norway and Spain also reveals a deliberate misinterpretation of the root causes of Israel's long-running conflict with the Palestinians, in which the constant refusal of successive generations of Palestinian leaders to renounce terrorism as the primary means of achieving their political objectives has made the concept of a lasting peace between the two sides impossible.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, called by Andrew Roberts "The Churchill of the modern Middle East," remains bitterly opposed to Palestinian independence as a "prize for terrorism". "A reward for terror will not bring about peace," said Netanyahu, "and also will not stop us from winning over Hamas."
  • Hamas have repeatedly used their own people as human shields and shot at them to prevent them from fleeing to safety.

  • Hamas Must Be Destroyed Before Any Peace Talks Take Place
The reasons for the continuing actions of the IDF need to be restated constantly, or they lose their impact. They were spoken loudly at first, but not so much anymore.
  • Hamas started this conflict with an unprecedented terrorist attack,
  • Hamas continues to illegally and immorally hold hostages,
  • Hamas continues to pursue its war against Israel, not only in Gaza but elsewhere with rocket attacks, etc.,
  • It is now universally known that the billions of dollars of humanitarian aid to Hamas was diverted into war planning, weapons, tunnels, and expanding the Hamas terror capabilities,
  • An overwhelming majority of "innocent Palestinian civilians" supported the initial terrorist attack, and supports the Hamas/PLO stated goal of eradicating the Jewish State.
Now somebody explain to me why so many voices in the Rest of the World support Hamas. Explain to me why NOBODY is demanding that Hamas cease its hostilities, lay down its arms, release all hostages, and subject itself to international sanctions for its actions. That is the ONLY way this conflict will end.

Hate to say it, but if they weren't fighting "the Jews," it would be a whole different ballgame.
The reasons for the continuing actions of the IDF need to be restated constantly, or they lose their impact. They were spoken loudly at first, but not so much anymore.
  • Hamas started this conflict with an unprecedented terrorist attack,
No, the Zionist Squatters started it by stealing their land.

At first the Zionists had some sympathy, but their response, which as resulted in 40,000 deaths, in including 13,000 children, has muted out their whining about 1400 of their people being killed.
Hamas continues to illegally and immorally hold hostages,
The Zionists hold thousands of Palestinian Political prisoners.
Hamas continues to pursue its war against Israel, not only in Gaza but elsewhere with rocket attacks, etc.,
Yes, that's what you do in a war.
It is now universally known that the billions of dollars of humanitarian aid to Hamas was diverted into war planning, weapons, tunnels, and expanding the Hamas terror capabilities,

Yet the main reason why Hamas is so popular is because they got aid to the people while Arafat and Abbas fattened their own bank accounts.

An overwhelming majority of "innocent Palestinian civilians" supported the initial terrorist attack, and supports the Hamas/PLO stated goal of eradicating the Jewish State.

Yes. And?

Now somebody explain to me why so many voices in the Rest of the World support Hamas. Explain to me why NOBODY is demanding that Hamas cease its hostilities, lay down its arms, release all hostages, and subject itself to international sanctions for its actions. That is the ONLY way this conflict will end.

Hate to say it, but if they weren't fighting "the Jews," it would be a whole different ballgame.

Because at the end of the day, the Zionist Entity is an apartheid, colonial state based on suppressing indigenous people.

The rest of the world, unlike the US, doesn't have a Jewish dominated media feeding their people propaganda. They are seeing both sides of the issue.
There is no logic to the Jew hatred that is written into European DNA.

The State of Israel is the Final Solution ... if she falls, the Jews move back to Europe ... and we're back to the "other" Final Solution ...

The logic is sound ... borrow money from Jews, then just kill the Jews ... loans forgiven !!! ... I think James I of England discovered this, or perhaps he was the first to make it Public Policy ...
Is it possible to destroy Hamas? Does Israel have a list of its members?

We can't destroy the idea ... what replaces Hamas will have to deal with that ... my suggestion would be industry ... the typical Palestinian will still be angry after a hard 8 hours work at family wages ... but he'll be tired, and not as likely to give up what he's worked so hard for ... his wives will put out more if they feel safe ...

Why would Israel need a list? ... Hamas fighters are the ones shooting guns and rockets ... no other Palestinian has a gun, just Hamas fighters, the ones shooting at IDF personnel ... there, just behind that line of innocent women and children ... we don't need a list ...
They can go back to Europe where they came from.

Who do you think you are, to give permissions?

Jews have lived in the region since before and after the 2nd Temple. Don’t you know anything?
They can go back to Europe where they came from.
They came from all over the world

you must know that the Jews are not hoing to allow themselves to be thrown into the sea

So you are only prolonging the misery of the Palestinians

And btw fulfilling Bible prophesy of the End Times

Because God is not going to allow the Jews to be displaced from their homeland either
No, the Zionist Squatters started it by stealing their land.

At first the Zionists had some sympathy, but their response, which as resulted in 40,000 deaths, in including 13,000 children, has muted out their whining about 1400 of their people being killed.

The Zionists hold thousands of Palestinian Political prisoners.

Yes, that's what you do in a war.

Yet the main reason why Hamas is so popular is because they got aid to the people while Arafat and Abbas fattened their own bank accounts.

Yes. And?

Because at the end of the day, the Zionist Entity is an apartheid, colonial state based on suppressing indigenous people.

The rest of the world, unlike the US, doesn't have a Jewish dominated media feeding their people propaganda. They are seeing both sides of the issue.

No, the Zionist Squatters started it by stealing their land.

The Zionists didn't steal any Ottoman land.

but their response, which as resulted in 40,000 deaths,

Terrorist math.

Yes, that's what you do in a war.

And Israel continues to fight.

Yet the main reason why Hamas is so popular is because they got aid to the people while Arafat and Abbas fattened their own bank accounts.

You mean they used some of the aid money to pay children to dig their tunnels.
How fat is Sinwar's bank account?

Because at the end of the day, the Zionist Entity is an apartheid, colonial state based on suppressing indigenous people.

Because at the end of the day, Islam is an apartheid, colonial state based on suppressing indigenous people.
Why would Israel need a list? ... Hamas fighters are the ones shooting guns and rockets ... no other Palestinian has a gun, just Hamas fighters, the ones shooting at IDF personnel .
So the Israeli strategy is to send its soldiers into Gaza and see who shoots at them? Sounds like another Viet Nam.
Who do you think you are, to give permissions?

Jews have lived in the region since before and after the 2nd Temple. Don’t you know anything?
Using a book of fairy tales to bolster your claim doesn't impress me.

They hadn't lived there since the 2nd century, and the people of Europe who adopted their religion had no more claim than a Rastafarian has to Ethiopia.

but here's the burning question- why be so keen to live next to people who want to MURDER you?

Let's leave aside whether they have a valid reason or not. (Although if you did to me what you did to them, I'd want to kill you!) The fact is they want to kill you. Seems like living next door to that is pretty stupid.
No, the Zionist Squatters started it by stealing their land.

At first the Zionists had some sympathy, but their response, which as resulted in 40,000 deaths, in including 13,000 children, has muted out their whining about 1400 of their people being killed.

The Zionists hold thousands of Palestinian Political prisoners.

Yes, that's what you do in a war.

Yet the main reason why Hamas is so popular is because they got aid to the people while Arafat and Abbas fattened their own bank accounts.

Yes. And?

Because at the end of the day, the Zionist Entity is an apartheid, colonial state based on suppressing indigenous people.

The rest of the world, unlike the US, doesn't have a Jewish dominated media feeding their people propaganda. They are seeing both sides of the issue.

^^^This guy supports child marriage, spousal rape, honor killings, gay executions, and female genital mutilation as practiced by Hamas.

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