Nation Writer Labels the Constitution ‘Trash’

You only make it clear that have no good retort to the question of what's wrong with tearing down and pissing on a culture that venerates slavers. You only have cartoon replies. The slavers had to be defeated and then the segregationists after them for black Americans to live in at least the facsimile of equality.

Your arguments, while they might satisfy your little cuck feelings are not represented anywhere in the mainstream. No one considered decent or moral would suggest black people should be thankful to slavers. It a view held by mutants and deplorables that most people, even conservatives in the mainstream, who want to remain there, would denounce a deeply deplorable belief like that. In otherwords you've chosen to take what is ultimately the loser position and I applaud and support you in that.
Whites freed the slaves in the US and whites ended Jim Crow.
YOu are referring to whites as THE SLAVERS...
I'm referring to slavers as slavers. If you could of proven that I was specifying white slavers you would of done it by now.
You are so full of shit Curried---
Says the clown who can't provide evidence of his claims...
YOU were the one referring to White AMERICANS as THE SLAVERS. Other races were far more into slaver than americans ever were---and even her it was the stupid communist dems who were the slavers and the KKK for the most part.
Where did I refer to white Americans a the slavers? Was it in the context of America? Is that why you're so afraid to provide proof of your claims? Further, you've given no reason why I should accept as fact that other races were far more into slavery, that's a silly argument that rests on your subjective feelings. But it's not your most agregious one. That would be the assertion that slavers were communists. They were capitalists who were intent on keep human being as property that they could exploit for profit. If you don't understand this you are a moron on a deeply fundamental level.
"Get triggered white wing cucks. We're waging war on your deplorable culture. I've been trying to tell racist clowns for years that the days of venerating piece of shit slavers is coming to an end."
What's wrong with anything I said? Still waiting for an answer.
I'm referring to slavers as slavers. If you could of proven that I was specifying white slavers you would of done it by now.

Says the clown who can't provide evidence of his claims...

Where did I refer to white Americans a the slavers? Was it in the context of America? Is that why you're so afraid to provide proof of your claims? Further, you've given no reason why I should accept as fact that other races were far more into slavery, that's a silly argument that rests on your subjective feelings. But it's not your most agregious one. That would be the assertion that slavers were communists. They were capitalists who were intent on keep human being as property that they could exploit for profit. If you don't understand this you are a moron on a deeply fundamental level.

What's wrong with anything I said? Still waiting for an answer.
Check historical facts retard they are available to anyone that can goggle.
Whites freed the slaves in the US and whites ended Jim Crow.
That's not the big absolution you think it is. White people perpetuated slavery and segregation, wanting moral credit for ending it is like wanting a pat on your back because you've stopped beating your wife.
I'm referring to slavers as slavers. If you could of proven that I was specifying white slavers you would of done it by now.

Says the clown who can't provide evidence of his claims...

Where did I refer to white Americans a the slavers? Was it in the context of America? Is that why you're so afraid to provide proof of your claims? Further, you've given no reason why I should accept as fact that other races were far more into slavery, that's a silly argument that rests on your subjective feelings. But it's not your most agregious one. That would be the assertion that slavers were communists. They were capitalists who were intent on keep human being as property that they could exploit for profit. If you don't understand this you are a moron on a deeply fundamental level.
What's wrong with anything I said? Still waiting for an answer.
Here I did your work for you slavery and Atlantic slave trade facts and figures.
It rests on a fact

because of slavery America is 13% black

without slavery that figure drops to less than 1%
Which means what you dipshit? Do you really not see how your argument is a fallacy? How stupid are you? Our debate isn't about how many black people would or wouldn't he in America without slavery, it's whether or not black people should be thankful for slavery. Maybe try and provide arguments that support your argument instead of some irrelevant topic.
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you said " Further, you've given no reason why I should accept as fact that other races were far more into slavery, that's a silly argument that rests on your subjective feelings" which is proven that you are simply wrong.
And replace it with, what? Oh, we know, the real target is as always by these American Marxists the 2nd Amendment.

Why is there a giant mushroom on his head?


Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, labeled the Constitution “trash” in an appearance on ABC’s The View on Friday.
Appearing on the program to promote his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Mystal was asked by co-host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas if the Constitution “is a living document,” or a “sacred document.” Mystal responded by declaring that “it’s certainly not sacred, all right, let’s start there. The Constitution is kind of trash.”
“It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody that looked like me what they thought about the Constitution,” continued Mystal, who proceeded to do an impression of a 18th century slave weighing in on the document.
In another interview promoting Allow Me to Retort, Mystal was asked if he thought the Constitution should be “scrapped altogether.”
“Sure, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” replied Mystal, who expressed support for a new, “more inclusive,” structure of government.

Is he russian? I find it strange that he would go on tv wearing one of these russian fur hats.
British North America & U.S.

4.4 percent of slaves from Africa came to North America. Proving that we had few of them delivered which you disputed.
Where did I dispute that? This is just another false claim that you can't prove like the claim about me saying only whites were slavers. You don't have the intellectual capabilities to address my actual argument and so you invent these strawmen.

The reason why Americans imported so few slaves from Africa (percentage wise) was to protect its own burgeoning slave market. They didn't want foreigners and importers undercutting American slavers.
you said " Further, you've given no reason why I should accept as fact that other races were far more into slavery, that's a silly argument that rests on your subjective feelings" which is proven that you are simply wrong.
Whether or not a people were far more into slavery isnt solely dependent on how many slaves they imported, especially when they bred and sold millions here.
That's not the big absolution you think it is. White people perpetuated slavery and segregation, wanting moral credit for ending it is like wanting a pat on your back because you've stopped beating your wife.
It is time to show everyone what you got. We have spent endless resources on this with no more than middling success denying and impoverishing others to do it. All the endless sayings. After that the originality falls of ff a cliff. The government has to enforce equity to get representation in the higher levels of employment. You talk about the old days of things. You are the same. Just packaged differently and so far, not as good in building something even with the hate you carry.

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