Nation Writer Labels the Constitution ‘Trash’

And the answer is that unless you would prefer being an African than an American you should be thankful for slavery
And it's funny to me that you don't recognize the fallacy in that argument. It's not a hard one to see.
Still waiting for that black man's new constitution. Surely he will submit any day now lol.
And replace it with, what? Oh, we know, the real target is as always by these American Marxists the 2nd Amendment.

Why is there a giant mushroom on his head?


Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, labeled the Constitution “trash” in an appearance on ABC’s The View on Friday.
Appearing on the program to promote his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Mystal was asked by co-host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas if the Constitution “is a living document,” or a “sacred document.” Mystal responded by declaring that “it’s certainly not sacred, all right, let’s start there. The Constitution is kind of trash.”
“It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody that looked like me what they thought about the Constitution,” continued Mystal, who proceeded to do an impression of a 18th century slave weighing in on the document.
In another interview promoting Allow Me to Retort, Mystal was asked if he thought the Constitution should be “scrapped altogether.”
“Sure, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” replied Mystal, who expressed support for a new, “more inclusive,” structure of government.

The problem with the U.S. Constitution is that it's barely a 'living' documents and is almost a 'sacred' document.

This could be fixed by lowering the requirements for new amendments.
You get what you give, cuck.
I wish. I don't mind the insults, I love them as much as anyone, what I would appreciate though is an intelligent argument out of one you racist morons. I don't care if it's laced with profanities and insults, just so long as it was intellectually interesting but not a one of you can even do that much. All your arguments are stupid and easily exposed as such.
The problem with the U.S. Constitution is that it's barely a 'living' documents and is almost a 'sacred' document.

This could be fixed by lowering the requirements for new amendments.
That is what makes it great.
That is what makes it great.
Only to a moron who was ignorant of history or morally deprived.

The threshold was made as high as it is to protect slavery and any process who's implicit purpose was the protection of slavery is fairly criticized.
There is no fallacy

without slavery very few blacks would be living in America today
Which isn't a reason why they should thank slavers. Jesus Christ boy, how stupid are you?

A reasonable argument of course being defined as one that doesn't rest on fallacy.
The problem with the U.S. Constitution is that it's barely a 'living' documents and is almost a 'sacred' document.

This could be fixed by lowering the requirements for new amendments.
Dems get around that by appointing lib judges who just make up crap as they along

Get triggered white wing cucks. We're waging war on your deplorable culture. I've been trying to tell racist clowns for years that the days of venerating piece of shit slavers is coming to an end. You're going to be seeing this viewpoint more and more in the mainstream until it becomes the dominate mainstream narrative. And what are you clowns going to say to combat it when every word of it is true?
I don't know any slaves, do you know any slaves?
Maybe not if you have been successfully brainwashed to believe that America is a bad place

Otherwise slavery was a stroke of good luck for you
You think enslavement, violence, rape and watching your family sold off to face the same is a stroke of good luck? Would you sign up for that?
I'm just curious, it sounds like we still have slaves with your rhetoric.
Which part? Can you quote it because when we do it will almost definitely show either you can't read or you inferred it because what I said hurt your feelings.

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