Nation Day of Mourning if hillary steals the election


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Someone should start such a group dedicated to never letting such a catastrophe ever occur again...a good motto-'Never Again' - to be emblazoned on a flag....the flag should be a all black banner to be hung from windows.


Anyone interested in starting such a group. Or anymore suggestions on the topic?
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Sorry, but I disagree. A Day of National Mourning should be held in case Trumps get elected. If Hitlery gets the keys to the Whine House you should hold a 4-Year Term of National Mourning.
I think what we will be grieving, is the realization of how much work it's going to take for the people, ourselves. to rise up and reclaim responsibility for checking and directing our own govt.

We were never supposed to rely on govt leaders to mandate decisions for us, especially NOT in the areas of health care and other social and private/personal decisions of free choice that remain within our individual liberty, authority and sovereignty on state and local levels.

This election is a huge wake up call to people inside and outside both major parties that the people need to tell govt what to do, and be in charge, not vice versa. And certainly not to become slaves to either party to take over and control govt, media, courts and tax policies.

We are not slaves to whatever policies come out of DC.
That was never how our Constitutional govt was designed.
We are supposed to enforce the Constitution and use that to check govt
and protect the rights of the people that way -- by respecting Constitutional principles,
NOT depending on political party, money, or any other controlling interest to enforce rights.
We are supposed to invoke those directly as natural rights written into Constitutional laws as the default standard.

Through this Constitution we were supposed to have a representative system of democratic due process, so that we worked to make sure govt reflected Consent of the Governed, not dictated social and financial mandates that taxpayers have to pay for "regardless" if we consent or are represented by such policies.

This is backwards, and coming to realization how much work it will take to reorganize and reform govt is truly sad and shocking.

Most people who cannot take the truth, will either fight with fear and denial, project blame and responsibility elsewhere to avoid accepting it, or otherwise deflect and distract for not wanting to face the truth.

It's too much work for people to take on without help, so most people will just deny it and blame the system as is, expecting someone else to fix it.
I think what we will be grieving, is the realization of how much work it's going to take for the people, ourselves. to rise up and reclaim responsibility for checking and directing our own govt.

We were never supposed to rely on govt leaders to mandate decisions for us, especially NOT in the areas of health care and other social and private/personal decisions of free choice that remain within our individual liberty, authority and sovereignty on state and local levels.

This election is a huge wake up call to people inside and outside both major parties that the people need to tell govt what to do, and be in charge, not vice versa.

We are not slaves to whatever policies come out of DC.
That was never how our Constitutional govt was designed.

We were supposed to have a representative system of democratic due process, so that we worked to make sure govt reflected Consent of the Governed, not dictated social and financial mandates that taxpayers have to pay for "regardless" if we consent or are represented by such policies.

This is backwards, and coming to realization how much work it will take to reorganize and reform govt is truly sad and shocking.

Most people who cannot take the truth, will either fight with fear and denial, project blame and responsibility elsewhere to avoid accepting it, or otherwise deflect and distract for not wanting to face the truth.

It's too much work for people to take on without help, so most people will just deny it and blame the system as is, expecting someone else to fix it.

How can one fix a corrupted media?
Whats that I hear? The media is awarding hillary another medal tomorrow?

Sundance508 : Are you talking to me?

emilynghiem : Where the hell have you been the last 60 years? America can use a level-headed person like you to get the fucking nation back on course. If someone doesn't save it very soon, it will become un-savable.
I think what we will be grieving, is the realization of how much work it's going to take for the people, ourselves. to rise up and reclaim responsibility for checking and directing our own govt.

We were never supposed to rely on govt leaders to mandate decisions for us, especially NOT in the areas of health care and other social and private/personal decisions of free choice that remain within our individual liberty, authority and sovereignty on state and local levels.

This election is a huge wake up call to people inside and outside both major parties that the people need to tell govt what to do, and be in charge, not vice versa.

We are not slaves to whatever policies come out of DC.
That was never how our Constitutional govt was designed.

We were supposed to have a representative system of democratic due process, so that we worked to make sure govt reflected Consent of the Governed, not dictated social and financial mandates that taxpayers have to pay for "regardless" if we consent or are represented by such policies.

This is backwards, and coming to realization how much work it will take to reorganize and reform govt is truly sad and shocking.

Most people who cannot take the truth, will either fight with fear and denial, project blame and responsibility elsewhere to avoid accepting it, or otherwise deflect and distract for not wanting to face the truth.

It's too much work for people to take on without help, so most people will just deny it and blame the system as is, expecting someone else to fix it.

How can one fix a corrupted media?

Dear sundance:
1. First organize access around your own media sources. There's public radio, internet, forums; you can write up your own petitions, publish corrections on blogs; and ***support independent media*** that isn't afraid to challenge the powers that be and media biases left and right. look up indie media groups near you, look up the freedom of the press foundation that lists independent media sources. DIY.

2. Number one issue: Don't let yourself get divided left and right where you fall victim to the game.

Cross over into the very groups where the misinformation is being used to keep them divided. If you don't play that game, but connect directly and share and correct information, then nobody can be misled.

The number one way people get away with these politics is "divide and conquer"

As long as people are segregated by party and social/political/religious affiliations, and we don't check with each other directly, that's where biases and misinformation/misperceptions proliferate. Knowing that people will believe the "things in the media they want to hear" and not check with each other for corrections to find out what's really going on.

3. If you want to totally divest and not pay or buy into anything corrupt or against your beliefs, set up your own nonprofits, church or school, business LLC or DBA, radio or community programs, and organize resources to be invested or donated into the message and agenda you believe in enforcing. And deduct as much as possible from taxes. so all your money, your actions words and influence goes into what you believe in supporting.

Your actions speak louder than words.
If you can set up websites and forums that also promote what you are doing in words, then you have the power of both words and actions together.

Don't rely on other people to define standards or reality for you.
Invest in the type of govt and programs that represent you.

Let other people choose what works for them, but know that doesn't represent you and you don't have to pay or support anything you don't believe in. That's against your religious freedom to be forced to follow something against your beliefs.
Sundance508 : Are you talking to me?

emilynghiem : Where the hell have you been the last 60 years? America can use a level-headed person like you to get the fucking nation back on course. If someone doesn't save it very soon, it will become un-savable.

Thank you GLASNOST there are level headed people all around us.
maybe I am spoiled living in Texas and Houston where lots of people take the DIY approach.

I can list the resources people can use to DIY.

The only thing missing is we are not organized.
We are divided by party when we should be using party affiliations to organize representation by likeminded groups.

It's always a battle of coming from behind.
Always been the Davids vs Goliaths so this is nothing new.

What I envision is for Trump supporters, Cruz and Sanders supporters, all the Libertarians, Greens and independents to organize their local groups and start sharing ideas and resources. Working on Constitutional education and structure/grievance process to check govt so whoever gets into office, we agree to police them in an organized UNITED way. Any grievance should be respected included and answered. if we answer our own grievances, then we retake responsibility for govt from those who refuse this responsibility.

it's back to the old days of hanging together or hanging separately.

P.S. where the funding will come from: if all parties make lists of the grievances, the debts and damages owed by govt/corporate corruption and abuse of taxpayers money for private profit or loss/waste that can be traced back to wrongdoers responsible, we the people can demand not to be charged for those costs, but demand to be reimbursed the credit for these debts. Then hire lawyers and legal teams to assess these damages, and collect back from the parties we hold responsible. if they don't accept responsibility, then whichever investors buy out the debts from them can claim ownership in the programs or property held as collateral for these debts. So we pressure the govt to hold wrongdoers responsible or else we take back control if they fail.

while the wrongdoers pay back these debts, plus interest and legal fees as part of the cost of their wrongs, we set up a federal reserve system that issues credits or notes against the value of the debts, and use that to finance the reform and correctional work to solve the problem.

So we "turn the tables" on govt. instead of debts, we claim damages owed as credits in the bank.
and start hiring the people with more effective sustainable solutions to do the work to reform govt and clean up these abuses.

So only people with solutions are going to be in charge.
If you are part of the problems costing us more money, we don't have to recognize your decisions but declare them unauthorized/unconstitutional and refuse to pay the costs of those policies we didn't approve.

If all the people organize by party, and only approve policies we all agree on,
we will limit govt to only what represents the public, and redirect the rest to private interests
that are responsible for anything outside what the public truly authorized.
And cut back our costs and policies to where we agree.
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Are you a mooslim?
yeah trump is not losing because him and his supporters are insane disgusting racist neo nazi peices of shit who say stuff like this all the time... its because it was "stolen" fucking crybabies

The system is rigged, dumb ass...have you even bothered to read the released e-mails by Wikileaks? The GOP and the Dems are on the same fucking team. You are one of the reasons that this country is swirling the don't read, you have no understanding of this fiat currency/debt slavery system and the impending are among the "moron millions". Your lack of understanding of what we are facing and heading towards is going to bite you on the ass in many ways. Please take a selfie of you sitting on the curb waiting for your beloved "gubermint" to come to your rescue. They do not care about you or your were nothing but a resource with declining value. Your belief that "gubermint" serves you is going to be shattered. There is a part of me that is going to laugh at stupid fucks like you when the shit hits the fan....spare me a thought.

Are you a mooslim?
yeah trump is not losing because him and his supporters are insane disgusting racist neo nazi peices of shit who say stuff like this all the time... its because it was "stolen" fucking crybabies

It's a combination of both, PurpleOwl, and then some:

1. Yes, Trump shot himself in the foot by tearing down Cruz, dividing and alienating the very support based needed to check govt by Constitutional authority. that's like waving a gun while you just dumped all your ammunition on the floor. Empty threats. (add all the obnoxious Trump supporters to that, who just want a celebrity and don't give a flip about the Constitution, and you have a reality disaster.) However, despite the celebrity circus, when it comes to Constitutional decisions, law and order, Trump will still comply with Christian and Constitutional authority, which is not something that Clinton has shown allegiance to. At least with Trump he can be checked and kept from doing anything out of line; while Clinton has unlimited reign due to corporate, political, legal and media connections all willing to benefit by not going against her. Trump does not have that kind of pull to force anything. Anything he does would have to be by consent of both parties or one or both would stop him. So he is still the better person to ensure the people will not get run over by political agenda outside govt jurisdiction. Trump can't get away with any of that like Clinton already has set up.

2. the corporate media and political interests that are all tied with Clinton are making sure only negative things get trumpeted about Trump, and only positive images and statements get promoted with Clinton. It is common knowledge the strategy is to promote poll numbers that favor or exaggerate Clinton's lead in order to influence voters in that direction, and to tear down Trump as much as possible.

3. Reports are coming out that the "miscalibrated" electronic voting systems have been caught misrecording Republican votes as Democratic votes. Whether this is accidental or what, that's it, there is not going to be credibility and people are never going to agree if the elections were fair. According to other sources, George Soros has ties to the contracts on these voting systems, so that's another conflict of interest that people are going to argue about.

The only way to avoid these arguments is to remove those political interests, ties and conflicts all together from the process.

But since they are so embedded, that isn't going to happen.

There is no neutrality, so everyone is going to argue about this.

The one thing I will blame Trump for defeating his own purpose is alienating Cruz and the Constitutional support base among conservatives and Republicans. That division was his own doing and downfall.

There isn't enough time to recover and unite people after that.
By the time the groups recover, it will take a lot more work to address all the areas that govt has colored outside Constitutional lines. Trump needs the Cruz and Tea Party and Christian base to lead that, but he alienated half his own party.

Once he tore down Cruz, obviously the Democratic opposition benefits from that. Sad lesson to learn, and will be a lot to fix.
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Thank you GLASNOST. there are level headed people all around us ......... I can list the resources people can use to DIY. The only thing missing is we are not organized. We are divided by party when we should be using party affiliations to organize representation by likeminded groups ................................................................................. >>>
Much of the details are over my head, but I "get it". In any case, this (your last line, the bottom line) is the goal that everyone should understand and be willing to do what is necessary to achieve.

If all the people organize by party, and only approve policies we all agree on,
we will limit govt to only what represents the public,
and redirect the rest to private interests that are responsible for anything outside what the public truly authorized.And cut back our costs and policies to where we agree.
In other words, simply put, Democracy will be brought to bear on government. Are there any among the readers who would disagree with the implementation of Democratic principles?
The system is rigged, ...... have you ... read the released e-mails by Wikileaks? The GOP and the Dems are on the same fucking team. You are one of the reasons that this country is swirling the are among the "moron millions". Your lack of understanding of what we are facing and heading towards is going to bite you on the ass in many ways. .... They do not care about you or your were nothing but a resource with declining value. ...

Are you a mooslim?
yeah trump is not losing because him and his supporters are insane disgusting racist neo nazi peices of shit who say stuff like this all the time... its because it was "stolen" fucking crybabies

The system is rigged, dumb ass...have you even bothered to read the released e-mails by Wikileaks? The GOP and the Dems are on the same fucking team. You are one of the reasons that this country is swirling the don't read, you have no understanding of this fiat currency/debt slavery system and the impending are among the "moron millions". Your lack of understanding of what we are facing and heading towards is going to bite you on the ass in many ways. Please take a selfie of you sitting on the curb waiting for your beloved "gubermint" to come to your rescue. They do not care about you or your were nothing but a resource with declining value. Your belief that "gubermint" serves you is going to be shattered. There is a part of me that is going to laugh at stupid fucks like you when the shit hits the fan....spare me a thought.


How long have you been saying the SHTF was going to happen any day now. How long do you think you will continue saying it?
That should be a day of celebration. Celebration of how intelligence overruled the ignorant hillbillies and house negroes.
Are you a mooslim?
yeah trump is not losing because him and his supporters are insane disgusting racist neo nazi peices of shit who say stuff like this all the time... its because it was "stolen" fucking crybabies

The system is rigged, dumb ass...have you even bothered to read the released e-mails by Wikileaks? The GOP and the Dems are on the same fucking team. You are one of the reasons that this country is swirling the don't read, you have no understanding of this fiat currency/debt slavery system and the impending are among the "moron millions". Your lack of understanding of what we are facing and heading towards is going to bite you on the ass in many ways. Please take a selfie of you sitting on the curb waiting for your beloved "gubermint" to come to your rescue. They do not care about you or your were nothing but a resource with declining value. Your belief that "gubermint" serves you is going to be shattered. There is a part of me that is going to laugh at stupid fucks like you when the shit hits the fan....spare me a thought.


How long have you been saying the SHTF was going to happen any day now. How long do you think you will continue saying it?

Hey, dumb fuck...I have never made a prediction concerning a specific date or that it will be tomorrow, next month, etc, etc...but the economy is going to tank in a big time way because that is what always happens to debt based fiat currencies. USA.INC has been on borrowed time since 2008 and it's going to be an epic fail. I believe that there will be a false flag or a war that will be used to give it cover. You can bet that your beloved "gubermint" has their asses covered 8 ways to Sunday with their C.O.G program. They are not worried about their serfs but they have deep underground, palatial manors to scurry to when the SHTF......and I doubt you have one of those golden tickets.

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