Trump Backtracks On Campaign Pledge To Bring Down Grocery Prices.

Nah, it was a pandemic....Leaving it to the states is exactly what the 10th is all about. But, that doesn't mean that you get to turn it around and blame Trump for what Governors did....
Trump hamstrung Warp Speed with interference.

35,000 a Trump month died to the 13,000 a Biden month from Covid.
Sure. It was always going to be “okay”. I wasn’t the one predicting doom and gloom about high prices and families being unable to survive.

I predict Trump will underperform and under deliver again, just like he always does. We will muddle along. Like we always do.
The percentage of people who mistrust government keeps growing. Look what trust in Joe did. If your agendas are to uplift people from outside the United States, then it makes sense that those inside will not fare as well.
The percentage of people who mistrust government keeps growing. Look what trust in Joe did. If your agendas are to uplift people from outside the United States, then it makes sense that those inside will not fare as well.
The amount of misinformation and propaganda keeps growing too.

Most of you people live in a fantasy world of political convenience.
You guys are so slow you haven’t even figured out that Trump lied to you out of political convenience.
Nope. He promised to kick the leftists out of the white house. He kept that promise.
If the cost of fuel goes down, the cost of delivering groceries to markets will decrease. That should trigger a drop in food prices.
I know this is not a good example, but today we noticed that a pair of rugs we use to keep the dogs from tracking mud into our house while shopping. We bought several sets months back for about $17.00 each. Today, we noticed they were $14.00. What explains the sudden price drop?

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