Name Something More Important Than Diversity

Oh, sure everything is fine and on an even keel at the feeder till the blacks move in. They will clean it out in a day.....It's like they are entitled to all the seed. ;)

The worst birds at my feeders are the Starlings (real shitbirds). I like the Grackles. Crows also visit my feeders but are easily scared away. They are also so big that they have a hard time getting at the food. All that said it is the gangs of sparrows that really clean the feeders out. I'm resigned to feeding all of them.

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I think of all of that. The Netherlands is very diverse in its religious make up. While the US is 3/4 Christian, The Netherlands is less than 1/4 with a whole host of other religions and "none" filling up the rest.

In the Netherlands just under 1/4 of the population are immigrants and their children, a higher percent than here in the US.

While Dutch is the official language of the country, there are at least 7 other languages that are official languages of different sections of the country.

The Netherlands is considered one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world, couple that with a more than 1/4 of respondents in the Netherlands saying that they are attracted to the same or both sexes.

Trust me, you would fucking hate it there.
I’ve been there many times, I’ve been all over NW Europe, I fell in love with Sweden and Finland. I could move to Hanko today and be happy.
I’ve never seen any faggot bullshit. I’m guessing that’s all CNN will show you, MSM must hate ANY all white nation. I never saw any crime, never saw any graffiti, never saw any trash lining roadways. All I ever saw were friendly, smiling white faces everywhere.
I know you, I know how you globalist wokeologists have self manipulated….you’ve programmed yourself to prefer to see filth all around you, you feel at home when Modello bottles, shitty diapers, Takis bags line your streets, you refer to graffiti as “urban art”, you need to be surrounded by lawlessness, criminality and tension among the people.…You feel so “cultured” when you feel part of the degeneracy.
Trust me, you’d hate NW Europe.
I’ve been there many times, I’ve been all over NW Europe, I fell in love with Sweden and Finland. I could move to Hanko today and be happy.
I’ve never seen any faggot bullshit. I’m guessing that’s all CNN will show you, MSM must hate ANY all white nation. I never saw any crime, never saw any graffiti, never saw any trash lining roadways. All I ever saw were friendly, smiling white faces everywhere.
I know you, I know how you globalist wokeologists have self manipulated….you’ve programmed yourself to prefer to see filth all around you, you feel at home when Modello bottles, shitty diapers, Takis bags line your streets, you refer to graffiti as “urban art”, you need to be surrounded by lawlessness, criminality and tension among the people.…You feel so “cultured” when you feel part of the degeneracy.
Trust me, you’d hate NW Europe.

Cool story Bro.
I’ve been there many times, I’ve been all over NW Europe, I fell in love with Sweden and Finland. I could move to Hanko today and be happy.
I’ve never seen any faggot bullshit. I’m guessing that’s all CNN will show you, MSM must hate ANY all white nation. I never saw any crime, never saw any graffiti, never saw any trash lining roadways. All I ever saw were friendly, smiling white faces everywhere.
I know you, I know how you globalist wokeologists have self manipulated….you’ve programmed yourself to prefer to see filth all around you, you feel at home when Modello bottles, shitty diapers, Takis bags line your streets, you refer to graffiti as “urban art”, you need to be surrounded by lawlessness, criminality and tension among the people.…You feel so “cultured” when you feel part of the degeneracy.
Trust me, you’d hate NW Europe.

I do so appreciate you once again highlighting that for you nothing matters but skin color. You see white people and just assume they are all like you, when in fact most would not piss on you if you were on fire.
I do so appreciate you once again highlighting that for you nothing matters but skin color. You see white people and just assume they are all like you, when in fact most would not piss on you if you were on fire.
Buuuuut you're the one going on and on and on about diversity.
I do so appreciate you once again highlighting that for you nothing matters but skin color. You see white people and just assume they are all like you, when in fact most would not piss on you if you were on fire.
Look, for years I was an ignorant fool like you, I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that with melanin comes inherent genetic flaws, it just felt so wicked to believe such a thing…THEN you woke white guilt Leftists really went hard on all the hate whitey bullshit…You made me take a good hard look at people for their skin color and that’s when I realized I shouldn’t be afraid of reality anymore…I noticed ALL dark communities, cities states and nations are filthy dangerous shitholes and I found the balls to see the common denominator. When your balls drop you will to.
Buuuuut you're the one going on and on and on about diversity.
That’s what Harpy Eagle and all lefty wokeologists do. They are allowed to tell you about how great a less white society is but if you dare to trust the data and say that a less dark society is better you are immediately a xenophobic racist!
I think of all of that. The Netherlands is very diverse in its religious make up. While the US is 3/4 Christian, The Netherlands is less than 1/4 with a whole host of other religions and "none" filling up the rest.

In the Netherlands just under 1/4 of the population are immigrants and their children, a higher percent than here in the US.

While Dutch is the official language of the country, there are at least 7 other languages that are official languages of different sections of the country.

The Netherlands is considered one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world, couple that with a more than 1/4 of respondents in the Netherlands saying that they are attracted to the same or both sexes.

Trust me, you would fucking hate it there.
My Grandmother on my mother's side was from Denmark. I'm sure I would like it there.

I'm also sure that since they started letting Muslims into their country, gang-rape has skyrocketed.
Big’s just gang-rape. If Harpy Eagle gets his Halal he’s okay with a little rape here and there.
Anyone who's lived in mostly Islamic dominant countries knows that you practically have to buy a wife. They don't believe in dating. Men are not allowed to be in the same room in a restaurant with women who are not their wives or their family members. It was like that in Kuwait, and they're more liberal minded than Saudi Arabia. So a lot of them come to America or Europe to rape women. They consider Western women to be whores anyway.

Now that the Taliban controls most of Afghanistan they have gone back to Saturday afternoon beheadings.

Diversity gets their heads sawed off....or another favorite, hands tied behind their backs and thrown off of a tall building. Diversity also gets hanged on a regular basis in Afghanistan, thanks to Joe Biden.
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I think of all of that. The Netherlands is very diverse in its religious make up. While the US is 3/4 Christian, The Netherlands is less than 1/4 with a whole host of other religions and "none" filling up the rest.

In the Netherlands just under 1/4 of the population are immigrants and their children, a higher percent than here in the US.

While Dutch is the official language of the country, there are at least 7 other languages that are official languages of different sections of the country.

The Netherlands is considered one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world, couple that with a more than 1/4 of respondents in the Netherlands saying that they are attracted to the same or both sexes.

Trust me, you would fucking hate it there.

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