Name of Probable Leaky Feinstein Staffer Emerges


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
*Turns to look at staffers*
Did anyone leak this letter?...No?...No?..No?...No?...No?
No, Mr. Chairman, nobody on my staff leaked Christine Ford's letter...Honest injun!

A staff member for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is thought to have been responsible for leaking Christie Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a Washington insider.

In a tweet, The Federalist's Sean Davis wrote that "according to multiple sources familiar with Judiciary's Kavanaugh investigation, Feinstein staffer Heather Sawyer leaked Ford’s letter to the media in violation of Senate Rule 29(5)."

Name Emerges Of Feinstein Staffer Thought To Have Leaked Kavanaugh Allegations, Insider Says
I wish they'd find out who it was and fire them. But this article is pretty short on information or evidence. Scuttlebutt 100%
Don't know how you could prove it. Beyond hearsay type evidence, unless Sawyer was foolish enough to leak the information through an email or something that could be traced back to her. Or an email or something from Feinstein directing her to do so, it's hard to believe that Sawyer would do anything like that without getting her boss's okay. Which would make Feinstein look very bad indeed, IF this allegation is true.

For me, it's the same standard as with Kavanaugh and Ford, what have you got that shows Sawyer leaked anything? Or if so that Feinstein knew about it? I'd have my suspicions but that shouldn't be enough to get somebody canned.
Someone in Feinstein’s office once went to a Ford dealership is enough to start an investigation.
*Turns to look at staffers*
Did anyone leak this letter?...No?...No?..No?...No?...No?
No, Mr. Chairman, nobody on my staff leaked Christine Ford's letter...Honest injun!

A staff member for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is thought to have been responsible for leaking Christie Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a Washington insider.

In a tweet, The Federalist's Sean Davis wrote that "according to multiple sources familiar with Judiciary's Kavanaugh investigation, Feinstein staffer Heather Sawyer leaked Ford’s letter to the media in violation of Senate Rule 29(5)."

Name Emerges Of Feinstein Staffer Thought To Have Leaked Kavanaugh Allegations, Insider Says
/——/ Feinstein will throw Sawyer under the bus to save her own neck.
There's more evidence to support a leak from Dianne Frankenstein's staff, than there was for all three of Kavanaugh's accusers rolled into one.

LOL, as in > 0. Not a high bar to beat. We don't yet know what evidence exists, that's all I'm saying. The Senate Judiciary investigators are all from the GOP side, so you could wonder a little bit about the veracity of the claim. Not doubting it mind you, but not jumping the shark either.
*Turns to look at staffers*
Did anyone leak this letter?...No?...No?..No?...No?...No?
No, Mr. Chairman, nobody on my staff leaked Christine Ford's letter...Honest injun!

A staff member for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is thought to have been responsible for leaking Christie Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a Washington insider.

In a tweet, The Federalist's Sean Davis wrote that "according to multiple sources familiar with Judiciary's Kavanaugh investigation, Feinstein staffer Heather Sawyer leaked Ford’s letter to the media in violation of Senate Rule 29(5)."

Name Emerges Of Feinstein Staffer Thought To Have Leaked Kavanaugh Allegations, Insider Says

That's one leaky buck-toothed fuzzy-headed POS if I ever saw one. Check out the peace symbol medallion...


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